Angel by Exo-K -Baekhyun

iPod Shuffle


We went out and had a romantic dinner at the local ramen shop. I brought her roses and fed her noodles. After we ate, we went to see a movie at the cinema. She raised up the armbar and layed her head on my shoulder the whole time. Its times like these I love life, and I love... love. I love being in love, I love giving my love to someone who does the same to me. I love her, she's my whole world. I returned my focus back to the movie.

                She sat up and turned to me.

                "We should visit Paris?"


                "You know, Paris. Witht the fashion and the lights. Have a romantic boat trip on the river, watch the stars all nigh-" I chuckled.

                "What?" She asked.

                "You realize that will probably never happen."

                "And why not?"

                "Because, it's too expensive, I'm working two jobs just to maintain my life right now. I can't afford a trip to Paris for the both of us."

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