Thank You For Breathing by Tablo[feat. Yankee and Bong TaeGyu] -Tablo

iPod Shuffle


I looked through the scrapbook of all my photos with Tablo. I smiled at all the memories we had. Us at the park. Him being with me when I tried my first funnel cake at the carnival. Taking a picture on the ferris wheel. From high up, the sign shining behind us. Us at the hotel when we visited Paris. When we went out and visisted the riverside shops and the lights and the smells and the sights of late night Paris. Falling asleep outside on the balcony instead of falling asleep on the bed inside. Curled up next to each other. I miss him so much. I felt the tears starting to fall as I remembered all the memories at once. I broke down, this is the 4th time I've broken down since he died 2 years ago. I put myself back together, he wouldn't want me to cry, he would want me to be happy of the years we had together. I closed the scrapbook and put it back in the box and put it under the bed.

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