Oh, I Hate You! - U-Kiss (Dora- Dora)

I think, I'm Out Of Dream

Min Yu and Dong Ho walk down the stairs together. All along the school hall or corridors, all the girls are looking at them. First  they look at Dong Ho and they were like saying, "OMFG! HOW CUTE THIS GUY!". Then, after they see Dong Ho, they see Min Yu and they were like saying, "Who's that girl? His GF? Ew.. Not that interesting, I'm better than her.."

And Min Yu sick of those 'invisible' words. She really tired to has a deal with elite and rich people cause she believe that all rich people don't know what misery means. A whole life, they will always be happy. The boys will continuing his family's business with a little effort and the girls will get married with another rich guy and she'll ger richer and richer and er. Min Yu always belive that. Always..

Once her mom knows those thought, she advised her, "Not all rich people are evil, Min yu, some of them are generous."

"BUT NOT IN THIS EVIL SCHOOL!" Min Yu suddenly shout. Dong Ho is looking at her with the weird look in his face.

Dong Ho: You know what? I ashame to have a friend like you..

Min Yu: So am I.

Dong Ho: What you have in your mind?

Min Yu: Nothing.

Min Yu doesn't want to tell him because Dong Ho is the richest guy at school.  That's why all girls are begging to be his GF. Who doesn't want a guy that cute, care, funny, sometimes manly sometimes childish and... Rich?



The first lesson start, it is English - time for Min Yu to shows off :p

Teacher: Okay Kids, I really sorry to tell this but today we have a test..

Eli: WTF! A sudden test??? NO WAY!!

Hoon: It's okay, Eli, You can copy me ;)

Eli: Nah, you're not that smart, Hoon. You only good at math. That's it. -_- *yawn*

       Seohyun, can I copy you?

Teacher: You better copy me :) *evil smile*

Eli: Ahh.. Well...


The test is begin. Half of the time has past and Min Yu feel pretty proud of her works (yes, she's done),

and she kinda feel something - a sound - a whispering sound calling her name.

Tae Rim: Min Yu!

Min Yu: Huh?

Tae Rim : What's the answer of number 6 B?

Min YU: You have brain, think.

Tae Rim: Argh!! Don't so mean, just tell me, A, B ,C OR D?

Min Yu: I helped you for a million time!

Tae Rim: I don't need speech right now!

The teacher is glare at them for a moment, then, continue reading his thick book.

Tae Rim: YA! What's the answer!?

Min Yu: It's A..

Tae Rim: Are you sure?

Min Yu: euhmm.. no, B!

Tae Rim: Okay, B.

Min Yu: Well, I don't really sure, I guess it's C..

Tae Rim :*looks mad* Man,  what's the real answer?

Min Yu: Idk, may be it's D.


Min Yu: aybeeseedee. :) *smile like a boss*

Tae Rim: Huh, You only won once, after this, I'm going to ruin you and your  family.

PS: If anyone or anything say something about Min Yu's family, she'll be a hulk. No matter what kind of situation, she'll be a hulk.

Min Yu stands up from her chair, harshly put the chair back to the table, walk like big boss toward Tae Rim and smack her hands on Tae Rim table.

Min Yu: Hey, Goh Tae Rim.. I really sure that you know that I really dislike if anyone talk or even intimidate my family..

She closer her face to Tae Rim. It looks like a dectective and a suspect.

Tae Rim looks frigtened and it's weird with her yellow - egg yolk eye shadow.

Min Yu: Unfortunately, I heard you said that you want to ruin me and my family.. Am I right?

               How about if you do stuff annoyed me, I'll open your card?

Tae Rim is shaking and sweating. Sweating even more when she heard Min Yu's gonna open up all her cards.

Min Yu: Now that you now what it's like to be threaten.. You won't do it anyway?

Everyone in class are in a perfect silent. Watching the prettiest girl at school threatened by the poorest girl at school. For Dong Ho, it is a five - star commercial.

Teacher: Are you done? Min Yu?

Min Yu: I'm pretty sure, I'm done. Oh! By the way, your eye shadow and you white fur jacket, make you look like a hen.

She said loudly untill the other class can hear and laugh. Now she is the boss.


The bell for lunch time is ringing, the sleepy school's corridor suddenly busy like a bee's hive.

Min Yu walk alone bump here and bump there like every lunchtime because of the hungry students.

Min Yu pov:

Heish.. These kids, it's only a ramen and a super simple Kimchi and stuff, Why so rush?

Suddenly, a girl with a long black straight hair bumps her.

girl: ah.. I'm sorry unni..   *bows 90 degree*

Min Yu: Ah, it's okay don't need to bows that low..

She reach her shoulder and tries to look at her face.

Min Yu: Ah! You're Lee Hye Ju?? The super quiet gilr I ever know!?

Hye Ju: Huh? Am I that quiet?

Min Yu: Sort of..

They both suddenly have a great chat and look so happy. It is the first time Min Yu has chat this fun and... Real. She used to chat with Tae Rim, but once she knew all the things she told is just a bull, she was shocked.

All U-Kiss member suddenly there interrupt their long chat.

Hye Ju get shocked, then blush, then looks panic and start to run away.

Min Yu: Hey! Where are you going? Why are you look so panic?

Hye Ju: There is U-Kiss here.. *blusher and blusher and blusher*

Min Yu: Ah-_- It's okay. Look

Min Yu kicks SeoHyun leg.

Seo Hyun: AW! What the matter with you Min Yu? Heish.. Cincca!

And Hye Ju laugh... To tears.

Everyone look confuse but smilling.

Although they are so excited, there, in the corner of canteen by the window, someone is watching angrily.

"I'll revenge, I will. It's a promise." said the hen.

Okay! So I've completed the 4th chapter! This chapter may be short (like others I've made -_-"), BUT! This is where the real story starts! So, curious what happen next? *SHINee - Sherlock playing* keep reading then! :D hahahah


SHINee - Sherlock still playing._.

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