What is going on?

Maybe I Should Love You

Loud laughter echoed throughout the hotel halls as Onew chased after Jessica.  "Yah!  You can't catch me" she teased before turning a sharp corner.  Onew started to laugh, but it subsided when he fell flat on his face.  His knee was scratched up a little and some blood was peeking out.

"Yah!  How come your not....OMO!  What happened to you" Jessica ran back to her fiancee.  He raised one eyebrow at her as if to ask  "seriously".  Knowing how clumsy Onew is, Jessica should have known he was bound to fall.  "Here.  How come you always fall?  I can not have my fiancee get hurt before the wedding"  she scolded and held out her hand.

He accepted it and stood, making sure he didn't get blood on his pants.  They walked a little more until the reached their room.  They entered and Onew sat on the couch.  Jessica ran a towel under some water and came back.  She got down on her knees and examined the scratch. 

Onew's pants were covering half of the cut and Jessica couldn't reach fully.  She smirked at him.  "Onew-ah, this is going to sound really erted, but I need for you need to take off your pants."  He nodded and slipped them off.  She immedialtey laughed "Rubber ducks, seriously?" 

"Yah!  There  is nothing wrong with my boxers.  Rubber ducks are awesome" he tried to defend himself.  She giggled to herself and dabbed the cut with the towel.  He twitched a little, but got used to the sting.  Once she finshed he jumped on the bed and laid down. 

He put his arms behind his head and waited for Jessica to come out of the bathroom.  She emerged through the door and frowned once she saw Onew.  He smiled, making his eyes smile also and patted the empty space next to him.

Jessica smiled also and ran onto the bed.  "Nap time!  Finally" she covered herself with the cozy white blanks.  Onew shifted and wrapped himself in the blankets too.  She wriggled herself closer to Onew and snuggled into his chest.  "Ah.  This is nice" she sighed and started to sleep. 

Within a few minutes, she started to snore softly and Onew reached down to kiss her forehead.  "Sica-ah.  I have to tell you something and I don't know how you're going to take it.  But, when you do, please forgive me.  I really do love you.  Please forgive me."  He sighed and laid his head down.



Yoona's face was bent down into the toilet bowl as she hurled repeatedly.  "What the hell is going on" she murmered before throwing up again.  The door slammed opened and Jonghyun saw his wife bent down.  He reached down the grab the hair out of her face. 

"I am sorry.  Those clams must have made you feel this way" Jonghyun whispered.  She just nodded before wiping her lips.   She passed him her hair tie and he put her hair into a messy ponytail.  When he finshed, she vomited once again, but this time blood came up.

Yoona gasped and looked up to Jonghyun.  He frowned and his heart instantly shattered.  What was causing his wife, to sleep for so long and throw up blood?  "Jjong...What's wrong with me" he started to cry.  He panicked and picked her up, bridal style.  "Hold on, sweetie.  Something isn't right."

He ran out of the hotel, making everyone worried.  Minho and Yuri followed them, making sure they got there safley.  The hospital was only down the street, and within minutes they entered.  Doctors immedialty rushed to Jonghyun and took her from his hands.  He himself had already started crying and sank down to his knees. 

Yoona was making him very worried even though her condition may be little.  A nurse walked up to him and made him tell her everyhting.  The nurse thought for awhile "Those sound like symptoms of pregnancy.  Except for the blood part.  When was the last time you did it?"  "Uhhhh...3 days ago" he answered without hesitation. 

"When was your first time with her" the nurse questioned more.  He thought for a little "A month ago?"  The nurse nodded and walked away.  He sat in the waiting room for a bit and was thinnking.  What if Yoona was pregnant?  In 30 minutes, the doctors came out for him.  He followed the doctor suit and went to clasp Yoona's hand. 

"Your wife had food posiening from something she ate.  We are not so sure where the blood was coming from.  We detected no broken blood vessels and anything that would cause her to vomit blood.  Yoona, did you happen to have a nose bleed last night" the doctor asked.

Yoona put her hand on her head and answered "Yeah, I did.  I hit my nose against the door."  The doctor nodded "Ok so you swallowed the blood and it came up in your vomit.  You just have food poisening.  Get some rest and drinks lots of water" the doctor advised and left the room.

Jonghyun sighed in relief and hugged her.  Yoona smiled and the hair on his head, but her mind wasn't settled.  She had food poisoning before when she ate some old eggs and it felt bad.  But, this feeling wasn't the same, something else was wrong and she could feel it in her.

The doctor didn't even explain why she had slept for so long.  Something was strange...



Hey y'all!  Finally updated!  OK so Yoona just had food poisoning?  Was it really that or something worse?  And what did Onew do that might make Jessica mad?  o_o!  hahaha thanks for your awesome patience!  y'all so cool for waiting for my updates and supporting this story :)  please comment so that i can get inspiration!  thanks lots!  have a nice day..or night

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heesica10 #1
Chapter 10: Update this story right now
N-o-w NOW thanks author OnSica forever
heesica10 #2
Chapter 10: Update this story right now
N-o-w NOW thanks author OnSica forever
Gigicyc #3
Chapter 39: Please update soon! I really like ur story!
I love this fic! Post soon! :)
awww, when you're going to updatethis author-nim..i love this story..please update it..
update please!
update soon please I have been waiting for this story
Love this story (:
foreva_SMTOWNbias #9
pls update!!!!!!!! >.<
cool :))))