Requiescence: 2nd Movement




After having their dinner, they washed the dishes.  Chanyeol was rather silent, Stacey noticed.  Even during their dinner, he was silent. 


She decides to flick some water on him to distract him.  "Ah! what was that for?" Chanyeol glared at Stacey while washing the cups.  "You seem so silent.  What's the matter?" She reasoned. 


Chanyeol looked away and stared at the cup and continued to wash.  Now, washing the plates that Stacey were supposed to wash. "Nothing."


"Come on, tell me. Something is obviously wrong."


He turned off the faucet and walked towards the couch, Stacey trailing him. As they sat down, Stacey began to ask him again.  She would not stop until he spills the beans. 


"I have to go back." He finally spoke.


"Oh sure, it's fine.  I can continue washing the dishes by myself so what's there to worry about—"


"to Korea."


"to...K-Korea? but why?" Stacey's voice began to tremble. She got scared.  Is he going to leave her? Are they going to part once again?


"I don't have the heart to tell you the details now." Chanyeol answered, his eyes on the floor. 


Stacey stared at Chanyeol, "Channie, look at me." He didnt move an inch.


She began to tear up and felt impatient.  "Look at me!" she screamed, now crying.  "Look at me, please."


He still didnt. 


She came closer to him, and pulled him so that his head would be resting on her chest.   She embraced him while sobbing.  Still Chanyeol didn't move or return the hug.  His hands were in between his legs, and he was leaning on Stacey.


Stacey felt tears landing on her thighs.  She wiped her own and still, tears fell on her.  She then realized that the tears belonged to Chanyeol.  He probably  did not want her to see him crying. 


She felt so sorry and hapless.  All she could do was hug him tighter and caress him.  "You don't want me to see you crying, Isn't it? You must be really in pain, channie. I'm sorry I don't know the reason.  But whatever it is,  I will understand if you will go back to Korea."


She positioned his head to lie on her lap.  She caressed his head like a mother to her child.  A few more minutes later,  Chanyeol had fallen asleep. 


Her script book was beside her.  But she did not bother to read it.  She needed to remember how he felt, how he smells.  She needed to make use of whatever is left for them to be as close as this. 


"I will miss you, Channie.  Come back soon." She planted a soft kiss on his forehead before falling into sleep on the couch.


  - ---


"She's really not sending you off?" Kris asked as he took Chanyeol's luggage from the back seat. 


"She said so.  I think she's afraid she won't be able to let me go." Chanyeol stood by the car, waiting for Kris to take his stuff out.


"I bet.  Here," Kris handed Chanyeol's black luggage and his Violin. "and this too."


"What's this?" Chanyeol asked, reading a small strip of paper.


"An adress.  You can stay there. My stepbrother owns the place.  I believe you won't be staying in one house with your father, right?"


Chanyeol nodded, eyebrows furrowed.


"Why don't you just settle it with him? He helped you to get here and be able to be with your girl, can't you just forgive him?" Kris asked, now checking if the car's doors were locked.


"We agreed that it was a replacement for me to call him father.  Not a total forgiveness of what he did."


"Fine, fine.  But make sure you will stay at that place I gave you.  I dont want you to rent a random place.  It might not be safe."


"Aye, sir.  I will call you and I will even have Minseok to speak with you over the phone to prove that I'm staying in his place.  Happy?"  Chanyeol said sarcastically.


"That's a good idea.  I'll call Minseok instead and ask him if you really came."


"Tch, you're a fool." Chanyeol shook his head in disbelief.


"A handsome one too." Kris added while giving Chanyeol a few pat on the shoulder.


After checking in his luggage, Chanyeol  went over to Kris one last time before he goes in. 


"You sure you don't need me to go with you?"  Kris asked, his right hand caressing his nape.


"I'm fine."


"How about your studies?"


"I've filed a special leave.  I've told them the reason and I think they could give me a three month leave."


"Any catch?" Kris asked.


"Well, I have to be able to submit 3 songs that I have composed over that period of absence. Sounds fine to me." the younger smiled.


"Cool. Now do take care and take care of your mom very well.  No slacking!" Kris initiated a hug to which Chanyeol was rather hesitant. 


"Come on bro, It's just  a hug." Chanyeol gave in and hugged Kris. He waved goodbye right after and began to make his way in. 


"Channie!" A voice had him to a hault and turned around. 




She stood next to Kris, panting. 


Chanyeol came closer to her.  She was still breathing heavily after running.


"I forgot to give this to you."


Chanyeol took a small  blue box from Stacey's hand.  He opened it and inside was a violin key chain. 


"I made that for you.  I hope you always think of me when you see that." she was now breathing normally. Chanyeol smiled and began to fix her hair.  It was a bit messy after all the running she did.  


"Thank you," he embraced her and whispered, "I love you."


Stacey just stood there planted on the ground as she watch her boyfriend disappear in her sight.  She wanted to stop him and beg him to stay with her for a while.  She felt so wrong of letting him go back to korea.  It was as if something told her it was the last "I love you" she could ever hear from him. 


But then she shrugged it off.  It must be just because she don't want him to leave.  She doesnt like the idea of missing him and not being able to see him. But what is her place in his life to stop him?  He needed to go back, his mother needs him. 


She stood there, hoping one day he will come back and prove her instincts wrong.




there you go! chapter 2~ thanks for reading !!  

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kamikze1512 #1
Chapter 5: I'm excited for the update!!!
LeeJuLian #2
Chapter 5: Oh, I love Telemann...
Your fic is great, I can't wait to read more of it!
? Did I hear ? OwO
5a8ina #3
Chapter 5: I got to chapter 5. hehe
this is unique!!
I like♥
and poor my channie ;n;
update, please~~
5a8ina #4
Chapter 1: I read the first chapter.
and it's amazing
poor Mom ;n;
*I'm going to read next* :D
joiseunoona #5
Chapter 4: I have to admit I got pretty scared and I had to turn on some music when I read the part about the email with details of lucid dreaming. -_- I did some research about it a few months back because I was curious and the info got me pretty bad ;_; /sobs in the most ugly manner
Nevertheless, really looking forward to your future updates !!! ^~^
menikkey #6
Chapter 3: Wow. Baek seems so mysterious.. <3
menikkey #7
Chapter 3: Wow. Baek seems so mysterious.. <3
5a8ina #8
I can not wait to read thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis