
Romantic Pinkfinite

"What do you think of your partner?"


Bomi laughed, "I entirely didn't expect it would be him. He's a great dancer."
"The moment I saw her casual fashion, I felt at ease." Hoya chuckled and added, "I wouldn't deal any aching feet from those high heels."


“10th Floor. 10th Floor.” says by the elevator. The door opened and two pair of eyes stared at each other before they ended up laughing. Bomi covered her widely opened mouth and bowed a greeting to Hoya, who bowed back and held out a hand for a shake. She accepted the handshake and looks at it, “Why are your hands cold?” Hoya grins awkwardly and responds while pointing out, “Because you’re hot.” Bomi pursed her lips and gives a light smack over his arm, “I know~” Hoya threw a fit of laughter and pulled his phone out. “We’ve got five hours before the flight. Where do you want to go?” Bomi taps her chin and clasps her hands together. “Let’s go see the street dancing.” “Deal.” They stayed in a line and waited for a few minutes before the elevator has reached the top. Hoya turned to Bomi and complained, “Why are you even at the 10th floor? You could’ve just waited at some café.” She looks back at him and defends her chosen place, “Couples meeting up in cafés seemed to always have an awkward atmosphere.” Hoya nodded and felt a tap on the shoulder. They look at the staff then to the envelope on his hands. "Mission! Mission!" Bomi excitedly hops like a kid while Hoya reaches for it and gives it to her. She held it out towards the camera for the viewers to see, "Our first mission." and pulled out a photo of two hands holding each other. "What's this?" Hoya steals the picture from her hand and stares at it, "It's our first meeting and we–? Isn't that what a ert do?” he covers his mouth with his fist.  Bomi laughs and looks back at the staff, asking, “For how long?” “Until the flight.” Their eyes widened and look at each other. “Ah!” Hoya claps once and pointed at her, “How about we do it with the street dancers?” Bomi smiled and nodded, “Right!”

They walked for a few blocks across the street and turned to a certain narrow path with a lot of people gathering around at the end. “Woah~ is this it?” Bomi stared in awe and looks at Hoya. He was grinning like a fool while bobbing his head with the music playing through the large speakers, “Isn’t it like an outdoor club?” He looks back at her and poked her cap, “Let’s join the game.” “Wa wait.” Hoya pushed themselves from the crowd and entered the dance floor. The whole attention was focused to them and Bomi felt like somewhat embarrassed by the situation, “What are you?” Hoya signaled for a song and there comes hip-hop. He started by swaying his body and jumping all around, warming up with the others then comes the skills of popping and locking. The crowd was cheering for him; while Bomi keeps on watching but slowly getting into the groove until her own body was slightly moving with the beat by doing the same popping and locking. They had their own dance battle and at that moment when Bomi uses her y waves, the crowd goes wild. Nearing the end, they held each other's hand and ran away. Mission Success. 



Naeun widely opened her hands and made popped sound, "It feels like he just came out from a manhwa. He's a real-life prince." 
"I'm surprised that we got a lot of same interests. We'll get along really well." Myungsoo nodded and smiled.


Naeun descended from the second floor of the mall by the escalator. As she landed her feet on the tiled ground, she made her steps towards the guy who’s hiding his face behind a camera. Myungsoo secretly smiled while peeking from the viewfinder. Naeun leaned forward to the lens and Myungsoo took a shot. She backed away in surprise and whined, “Yah~” He pulled the camera away from his face and checked the picture, then looks at her after, “I’m a fan.” The corner of her lips curved up as she fixes her hair on her shoulders. “Me too.” Myungsoo positioned the camera on his hands and took more shots. “What are you doing?” Naeun steps aside and held her hand out, blocking the lens. “We need to treasure the moment.” He proudly states about it. “What moment?” She tilts her head and blinks curiously. “Like meeting your ideal person?” He shrugged. “What’s your ideal person would be like?” He showed his index finger while looking straight into her eyes, “First, that person must be a lady.” Naeun snorted but he didn’t react to it and continued, pulling his thumb out, “Second, we can be the same height or she’s shorter.” She nodded, acknowledging his ideal then he suddenly opened his palm, “And lastly…” “Oh?” She blinks for a multiple times, baffled by list ending already. “Somewhat like you.” He straightened himself and fixed the strap of his camera on his shoulder, “The girl in my dreams, looks a bit like you.” Naeun stared in shock and bit her bottom lip while giggling like a shy girl, "Ahhh. Thank you." She bowed. Myungsoo chuckled lightly, brushing the back of his neck, "Am I getting rejected? Right now?" Naeun laughs and promptly waved her hands out, "No, it's not that. Should we go somewhere else?" He nodded, “Good idea.” They entered a restaurant and were greeted by the staffs until they chose the seats at the back. The water approached the table and gave them the menu then waited for the orders at the side. Naeun looked through all of the pages while Myungsoo already decided what to eat right away. “Kimchi stew.” Said by both of them, at the same time. “With iced tea.” They were surprised by how synchronized their thoughts can be. Naeun couldn’t help it and laughed.

They finished their meal without even opening their mouths to talk. As soon as they placed their spoons or chopsticks down, Myungsoo opened a topic of basic things you need to know about your partner, “What’s your favorite color?” She cups her chin with her palm and hummed, “Black.” He stops drinking and puts the glass down, “Really?” “Is it weird for a girl to like black instead of pink?” Naeun pouted and Myungsoo shakes his head, “No, I love black too. You know?” The waiter came back to the table with the bill together a pink envelope on top. “Is that a mission?” Naeun opened it and saw the same picture with the two hands holding each other. “What?” She showed the picture to him and he laughs. “We need to do this?” Naeun nodded and both of them stood up, heading outside. “I think it’ll be good if we’re just strolling around while holding hands.” She suggested while fixing her hair again. “Let’s do it naturally.” Myungsoo breathe out and reaches for her hand, holding it carefully while swaying it as they moved forward. Mission Success. 



Eunji scratches her head, "He's a person who always like to be all high and mighty but he has a good heart."
"She's smiling all of the time. It somewhat activates my protective side." Sunggyu laughed loudly and covered his mouth.


“Yah! Who turned the lights off?!” Sunggyu shouted while Eunji held her laughter in. “PD-nim! PD-nim!” He waved his arm all around until it landed to something soft and private. Eunji widened her eyes and ducked, securely covering her chest. “Sunggyu sunbaenim!” He whips his head and covers his mouth. “Why are you here?” Eunji lowered her head and slowly shake it. “Are you.. possibly.. my partner?” He exclaims and tilts his head, thinking carefully. She looks at him, furrowing her eyebrows, “Are you disappointed?” “Ah. No no no no.” Sunggyu laughs nervously and offers a hand to pull her up. “I’m sorry.” Eunji confusedly looks at him, “What?” He shakes his head and smiled, “Want to grab some coffee?” She smiled back, “Sure.” As they stepped outside of the building, the bright light of the sun shines upon them. “It’s going to be a lovely day, isn’t it?” Eunji watches the clouds hover under the radiant sun on the sky above. She turns to him, only to find out that he was already wearing his shades. “Sunbaenim.” Sunggyu looks at her, “Yeah?” She covers and laughs, her body shuddering, “What is this?” He pointed at his eyewear then crossed his arms against his chest, “You have to protect your eyes, of course.” He immediately walks ahead, followed by his partner who was shaking her head in disbelief.

They ordered their drinks for a take-out in order to continue the great weather outdoor. They passed by a lot of shops or stores and checked some of it out. A lot of fans recognized the couple and decided to follow them, but do no harm, just taking pictures. Eunji even strikes some poses and does the fan-service together with Sunggyu, who was all smiling and waving. While running away from all of the paparazzi, they tried to lose them by unexpectedly entering a unique music store. “I’ve never been here.” Eunji walks through the shelves of the old collections and Sunggyu checks the vacant studio rooms. “Me too. Hey, look! It’s awesome here.” She followed where he is but halted upon seeing the pink envelope. “Mission? Sunbaenim!” He turned around and walked towards her side, “What’s that?” Eunji carefully pulled out the photo of two hands holding each other. “Seriously?” Sunggyu took the photo and squints his eyes, “Seriously? Now?” Eunji laughs just by looking at his expression, “You must’ve really hated it.” He awkwardly smiled and sneered, “Not really. Let’s go.” They carefully walked inside of the studio and picked out the microphones. “What should we sing?” Eunji looks through the list of songs while tapping the microphone against her cheeks. Sunggyu scans the machine and grabs the remote control, pushing some random buttons then suddenly a song was requested. “Oh! All For You! My song!” Eunji immediately stood up and vocalizes. “I’ll do Ingook’s part?” Sunggyu pointed at himself, in which she nodded. The melody started, followed by the first verse sang by Eunji. Sunggyu flawlessly covered Ingook’s part, and when they reached the chorus together, they unknowingly held each other’s hands. Mission Success.



Chorong scrunches her nose and cringes, "That person is really cheesy. Is he a playboy before?"
"Her voice is really cute and I can't seem to stop smiling while looking at her." Woohyun smiled and covered his eyes.


Woohyun grinned widely and cleared his throat before giving out the roses. “Chorong-ssi.” Chorong smiled shyly, not meeting his eyes directly while accepting the flowers, “Ah thank you, Woohyun sunbaenim. So, you're my partner?” She looks up to him and he chuckled at the sound of her voice,  “It seems like it. Do you want to ride something?” He pulled out two access tickets from his pockets and Chorong eyes’ glowered with excitement. “I want the roller coaster.” Woohyun scanned the place for the ride and frown, “Isn’t it a bit dangerous, instead of romantic?” She pouted like a kid and looked around, “How about the bump cars?” He shakes his head, “Nope, bad for the body. You might get hurt.” She sighs and looked above her, “Ferris wheel.” At the answer, his grin came back and waved the tickets from his hands, “Perfect.” Before entering the capsule, the staff gave the envelope and decided to only open it as they reached the peak. Chorong shakes the envelope and placed it against his ears, “What do you think it is?” Woohyun laughs and steals the envelope, examining it with the light, “Do you think this will talk?” “No. But maybe?” She smiled and looked outside, taking in the beautiful view, “Oh right.” She looks back at him, “Do you know the other guys?” He raised an eyebrow, “Ey. I’m right here, why are you looking for the others?” She hugged herself and shakes, “Eyyyy. What are you saying?” “It’s time.” He held the envelope in between them and pulled the photo of two hands holding each other. “What?” Chorong blinked at the picture and clasps her hands together, “Isn’t this easy?” Woohyun looks at her then to her hands, laughing, “Really? It’s supposed to be ‘we.’” She slightly blushed as he brushes his hand on hers and held on it. They never let go until they finished the ride. Mission Success.

“By the way,” Woohyun stopped from his tracks, “Let's drop the formalities. You can call me Woowoo.” Chorong looks at him, finishing her ice cream, “Oh? You can call me Rongrong then.” Then the fans around groaned from the greasiness. They both laughed and returned to their dormitories to have a last check on their luggage to bring at Jeju Island.


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misseu #1
Chapter 4: Do you will update this author nim? Its cool
charlenekyu #2
Chapter 4: Hahaha it's so funny. I really like the current couples. It's all my favourite couple.
Woohyun's curiousity, i wonder if he is the one who choose 'change'. i actually never watch romantic idol, but i guess it's good.
Hoya is right, the truth will reveal soon. some girls maybe choose change, like bomi and chorong maybe ? hahaha
Please update soon :)
luving_apink #4
Chapter 4: Update soon, it's interesting!! ^^
kksuperman #5
Gyuji, oh Gyuji!!!
I support you, author-nim!!!!!!
DW0512 #6
Chapter 4: For a long time I wish for Romantic Idol S3 with Infinite and APink as the casts..
with this fic I feel like it came true.. and the way you write felt so real..
ahahaha and may I request? please don't make a couple like N and Eunyoung.. I would cry hard if there's a couple like them.. but it's up to you tho XD
Chapter 4: wow,,this is so good! must be daebak if there's really variety show like this,,you are jjang author-nim XD

can I req the pairing by the way?? I like the first pairing; woorong, homi, gyuji, and myungeun lol
sorry if sounded so nagging XD

fighting author-nim~
Chapter 4: Ahh...I think Gyu chose 'change'....
geaseokyu #9
Chapter 3: Ahhh gyuji >. <
Please update soon
hottestkhuntorian93 #10
Chapter 3: I just found out this story, and it's totally great!!! Update soon author-nim :)
And make woorong part a little bit longer. Thank you :)