Flowers for You


That day burns in my memory as if it had happened yesterday. A day so usual and common; there was nothing out of the ordinary. That day, I was with my Soulmate. His blond hair-so similar to mine- was paler and shorter, almost white. His sharp eyes filled of joy and excitement, a smile radiated to me and I, in return, smiled brightly. We knew a lot about each other and we shared similar interests, even today those similarities remain. The two of us were made for each other- we knew that…and yet, in the end we aren’t together.

That day, I had asked him out. The moment those words flew out of my mouth, I knew I had made a mistake. I thought that it’d be a perfect day, full of adoration and love, full of bliss and happiness, but it was not to be. That day, he had rejected me with sadness in his eyes, and with a shaky voice. That day, he gave me a yellow rose, and told me that he was in love with someone else. He told me that he did love me, but only platonically. He told me that we knew each other too well, that we were Soulmates, yes, but not lovers. Because being Soulmates doesn’t automatically mean that we are lovers.

That day, I cried a lot. He let me be alone. To cry, to regret, to think.

But that very same day, I met him. In the practice room alone, I danced my heartache away. Immersed in the music and melodies, the beats and rhythms, I didn’t hear the door creak open. I kept dancing and dancing; I sang my soul out when I took a break. Soon, night came and it was time for me to leave. The night air was cool, chill, silent and semi-dark-the moon brightening the streets.

A boy had come up to me, just standing in my way. He didn’t look at me, so I made my way around him. I hadn’t expected him to grab my wrist and stop me from going home. I turned around to yell at him, but before I could even get a sound out, he had shoved a bouquet of flowers in my face. Stunned by the action I stared at the flowers for a long time. He said that they were for me, and then took the hand that was in his and put it on the paper, let go, and then ran into the building I had just left. I remember watching him disappear with disbelief. I remember laughing quietly as I held the bouquet of lavender roses home. That little action had made my day a little less heavy on my heart.


A few days later, I met that boy again. He was dancing in his own practice room, and I just happened to pass by. My eyes watched him move swiftly and dramatically, his arms would lock into place with the beat of the song, his legs carried him across the room so stylishly. His dance captured and pulled me in. It had me enchanted, so I watched intently. He suddenly stopped and turned to look at me. His eyes had widened when he saw he was being watched, but then his lips turned upright into a smirk and he resumed dancing. Not once while he was dancing did he take his eyes off of me. I scoffed at his arrogance and left him to his practice.

The moment I had walked into my assigned room- needless to say I was indeed shocked. There on the dance floor was another bouquet of roses, although this time, instead of the light purple, they were pink. Next to those bouquet of roses was a note left by whoever had brought it for me. It was a cute note, undoubtedly from the boy who had enchanted me with his skillful dancing. I still have that note to this very day.


After the pink rose’s incident, we became good friends. We spent a hefty amount of time dancing and getting to know each other. Occasionally, I’d invite Sehun to dance with us, since all three of us enjoyed dancing. I had eventually gotten over the rejection he gave me, so it was a bonus to be able to still spend time with him. Somewhere along the way I lost those romantic feelings for my Soulmate and began to fall for my new found friend. Everything he did had me captivated. From his playful smirk, to his bashful smiles, from his love for dancing and his dislike of work had all of me mesmerized.

He gave me another bouquet- this time of red and yellow tulips. It was an unexpected gift; it seems every time he gave me a flower, it was always a random time of the day and there was no pattern or even a special day. That time he gave me the tulips was the day we were hanging out at an outdoor dance party. It was a nice cloudy day, with some wind every now and then. The sun would peak out from behind the clouds sometimes and would bask us with its warmth while we danced. He would sporadically disappear between dances, off to who knows where.

After the party had ended, we went home together. Since my house was always closer to wherever we went, the younger man would offer to take me home first. We chatted away about so many different things- oh I can’t even remember because we talked so much. Before we knew it, we reached my house. As I was about to enter my home, he grabbed my hand and smiled. He told me to wait for a moment and went back to his car to grab whatever he needed. I remember that grin plastered onto his beautifully tan face and the way he hopped – or skipped – to back to me. He made me pull out my hands and then he gracefully pulled out the beautifully arranged red and yellow tulips from behind his back. He gave me some cheesy line that went along the lines of ‘You totally owned that dance floor, Lulu.’ I couldn’t help but laugh loudly. He was so serious yet so goofy at the same time. His words never failed to make me smile. Gratefully, I accepted his gift with my feelings falling beyond my control and waved to him goodbye for the day. Now that I think back, he always gave me flowers after a dance.


Do you want to know how he gave me the next bouquet?

It was probably the dumbest way to present them to me. God only knows how corny and cheesy his tactics are. Well, I know how lame they are, but that’s beside the point. It was the most romantic day of the year. February 14, or better known as Valentine’s Day. I thought it would be just a normal day for us, getting chocolate from girls at our school then sharing the delicious treats together. Never did I think it was going to be so extravagant.

It became a tradition for us to share the chocolate we received on Valentine’s. That time we planned to chill at my place to savor those little delicacies from heaven. I was sitting at home, waiting for him to knock at the door, holding his big bag of chocolates. The moment the doorbell rang, I sprang off my couch and slid to do the door. In front of me wasn’t my best friend, but a delivery box that was gifted to me. I remember the disappointment I felt when I didn’t see him anywhere. I remember picking up that enormous box and carrying it into my living room. It wasn’t heavy for something so large. Curiosity got the best of me, and since it was mine, I decided to open it.

The first thing I saw when I opened it was a red rose. I smiled a bit. Next to that rose was another box. Intrigued, I opened that box and inside was two more red roses wrapped in a Hershey’s bar candy wrapper. It was ridiculous because next to it was another box. I guessed that within that box was going to be another red rose with another box and when I opened it, I was right. I smacked my forehead and took the group of red roses- this time there were three beautiful ones. Grabbed the next box, and opened it to see another triplet of roses and to no surprise, another box. At this point it was getting old really fast. Inside the following box there was an additional single rose and the one following that one held another single rose. But that last box held something else, a note addressed to me.  It said ‘Look up, Lulu.’

I remember the way he was sitting in front of me like he was embarrassed. He just looked at me with that bashful look he does so well. He held one more rose in his hand and spun it with his slender fingers. Slowly, he extended his hand towards the bouquet of flowers in my hand, and added the last one to its collection. He smiled at me shyly and asked me if I would date him. His words blew my heart out the window and into the beautiful heavens. I remember how I hit him and his shocked look. He thought he had been rejected, but then I hugged him so tightly and happily said, "yes". That day really changed my life. That day, I finally understood what Sehun had meant.


Smiling, I close the photo album in my hands. Ah, going back in time was always an eventful trip. I’m glad that I met him; I’m glad we’re still together. My phone buzzed and reminded me that I had a date to attend. Grinning, I grab keys and head out the door. Today is a day that I finally get to spend with my love.

‘The restaurant he chose is so typical of him.’ I laugh as I enter the said place. And there he is my absolutely gorgeous and stunning date. We laced our fingers together and he led me to our reserved table. The view was outstanding; an overlook of the city of Seoul in the night is always so beautiful. He had pre-ordered a dish that he thought we would enjoy together. As we ate, we went down memory lane, poking fun at our previous dates, laughing at old jokes we made, and retelling old stories.  As we finished dinner, he took hold of my hand again. I look curiously at him and he smiles that mischievous smile. He tells me close my eyes and so I do. Not too long after, he says that I can open them again. And once again, there was a large bouquet of roses, each a different color.

"Do you remember these roses?" I nod. "Did you know that each rose has its own meaning?" I looked to him wide eyed. He grinned to me.

He pulled the single lavender rose from the beautiful arrangement. "This was the color of the first rose I gave you. The single lavender rose I gave to you that day was when you were upset. It was also the day I first saw you dance and sing. This rose," he gave me the beautiful flower, "represents a love at first sight." 

My face flushed at his words. The dark skinned man smiles as he grabs a few roses from the dwindling bouquet. This time it was the pink rose that I was scattered across my practice room. "This pink rose I spread around your practice room. That was the day you saw me dance for the first time. I knew you were standing there so I was trying my best to impress you."

I laugh, "It worked really well you know?" 

He grinned and continued his explanation. "The pink roses  express appreciation and admiration for an important person. And what I admired about you was your fluid dancing and how lovely it was; a complete opposite of my style, sharp, quick and quirky. You are my opposite and I couldn't stop thinking of you." And he handed me the pink flowers. 

This time he pulls tulips that were hidden in that large arrangement. "These are my favorite group of flowers I gave you in front of your house. It took me a while to find a florist who would have both colors. The tulips are simple and beautiful, just like you Han. These red and yellow tulips represent my hidden love for you at that time. The red tulips were my declaration of love to you, and with the yellow ones represented how hopelessly in love I am."

I look to the flowers that are left in his hand. All that was left were red roses. "I know that red roses mean love."

"Yeah, but did you know that the amount of roses given have its own meaning?" I shake my head; he takes them according to how he had given them to me when he asked to be a couple. "The first rose you saw was only one, a single rose from me shouted that you were the one for me. The next pair meant that the love you held for me was mutual. When you put them together, it becomes three. Three red roses say, 'I love you'. Then add three more to become six for a message that says 'I want to be yours'. The next group was a triplet, added together to become nine. At nine roses, I wanted an eternal love with you. You were getting annoyed at this point, I remember very clearly. But you continued anyway. A single rose that means only you put together with the ones already given makes ten. At ten beautiful red roses, they mirrored your own beauty. And one more rose that you had to dig for makes eleven; a person who I treasure with my heart. Then this last rose I handed to you before my big question makes twelve. Twelve roses on its own asked you to be my steady; a question that I repeated on my own. And you happily accepted it."

At this point, I was flushed a dark red. How can he be so romantic and so cheesy at the same time? He just practically declared his love for me in the most outrageous way, and it had its own reason for being so difficult. I smile at the flowers in my hand but then realized that there was still one more rose in his. A white rose. 

"This is the last rose I want to give you. This rose is my question to you. It took forever before I could finally present this strikingly beautiful rose; it represents so much of the time we spend together, the time that I want to spend with you Han." He got up from his seat and took my free hand. My eyes widened as he kneels down on one knee, then he holds the white flower to me and asks, "Lu Han, will you marry me?" 

My eyes water in happiness, in excitement, in joy, in love. The question that I've been waiting to hear for five years finally escaped his soft lips. It was all perfect: this dinner, his explanation, his proposal. I took the flower with no hesitation, putting it with its sisters and whispered a soft "yes". The joy filled tears escaped my eyes and he grinned so widely. He quickly stood up and pulled me in his arms, happily laughing at my tears and brushing them away. "You're so unpredictable Kai."

He giggles and our eyes meet. His dark chocolate eyes bore into my own, and his lips closed in on mine. We shared a kiss, a kiss that promised a wonderful life comes next. 


Thank you...Sehun.




Ta-da~ I finished it on Valentine's Day~ hehe. <3 Inspired by the language of flowers and the need to make a short story of Lu Han's unnamed husband in my other story "When you meet your Soulmate". 

I thought it was a cute idea, but then when I went out to write it, it became really, really, reaaaaally cheesy. -cry- But I enjoyed it none-the-less! And I sure hope you did too! It also goes behind the notion that even if you meet your soul mate, there is still a chance that they have or will already fallen for someone else and that they only see you platonically. 

Also, there are a lot of different meanings to the rose colors and tulip colors I used. But the one that I would want to clarify is the white rose. Yes, a white rose means purity and innocence, but the rose itself is traditionally associated with marriages and new beginnings! 

Thank you for reading this, and I hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day!

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lilacsky #1
Chapter 1: This is kinda short, but the lesson jongin gives us about being romantic with flowers 101 is precious. Kailu proposal ain't gonna get ny better than this. You should write more more kailu.
darksanctuary #2
Chapter 1: Ok. I want flowers so badly now....
TT__TT OMG! I want you, Kim Jongin, really!!
but nah~ just happy together with Lu, ok? TT__TT
Chapter 1: it's so cute & lovely... i love your meaning behind the flower, it's so romantic... thanks for making this fic.. i love it :D
hokuspokus #4
So sweet!!! I loved it.
exohime #5
Chapter 1: omg this was so cute and cheesy and adorable and aaah ~ well done