
No Flower Boys, Please.
“You forgave him?”
“How could I not? He’s my Hyung.” Zico took a drink of his smoothie. “You should know what I mean, Noona. You forgave him too.”
Mi Ah sighed. She had indeed forgiven Yong Guk for all the hurtful things he said to both her and Zico. She knew he had crossed the line but her heart had told her to give him a second chance. Not necessarily as a lover again but just as a friend. “I know, sweetie.” She drank from her coffee.
“I just hope he never pulls that crap ever again.” Zico sighed.
“Me too.”
“You’re engaged?!” Seung Hyun asked in disbelief.
“Whaaaaaat?!”  Zico yelled.
“Congratulations.” Yong Guk smiled. You could tell it was forced but he meant the congratulations.
“Yeah, I know. Seems too soon but we think we’re ready.” Mi Ah explained. “Right babo?” she giggled.
“Yah, I told you to stop calling me that!” Jaebeom ruffled her hair.
“You started planning a wedding?” Seung Hyun asked.
 “Yeah, we decided we don’t want a big one. Just something quick and simple.” Mi Ah told them.
“In Jeju.” Jaebeom added.
“Whoaaa.” Zico hummed.
They were all sitting around a table at the restaurant where they all had first gotten drunk. It had been a year since Mi Ah had moved in with them. She still lived with them but things had changed. She and Yong Guk never got together again but still were good friends; as she was with all of them. She loved them dearly and she considered them her family. The boys thought the same of her.
Jaebeom had confessed he had fallen in love with her a few weeks after the Yong Guk incident and Mi Ah had decided to give him a chance. Ever since then they had found that they were very compatible with one another and Mi Ah had fallen for Jaebeom. They were lovers but acted like best friends.
“When is the wedding?” Yong Guk asked.
“Next week.” Jaebeom informed them.
“What?Really?” Seung Hyun, Zico and Yong Guk all said in unison.
“Are you serious?” Seung Hyun asked.                                                                     
Mi Ah and Jaebeom laughed. “Don’t worry guys. We have everything planned and worked out already. All you guys have to do is pack!”
So short, I know >< But i had to update to show you guys the direction the story is taking :P
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I promise to update soon!! Been busy with work and behind on school work >


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Chapter 1: Its so good!!!
Chapter 12: Okay i finally read everything your fic awesome having 4 of the iest rappers in Kpop in one fic Im dieing of the pic and gifs you put in the chappies and yeshu draw them I wannna have them in chibis everywhere (/^o^)/♡ and omfg I have post concert depression so bad every time I hear any of te songs from the concert I spazz so hard and get all pouty update soon please love this fic~~
Jay & Mi ah are so cute(: I hope Yongukk can find someone because BOY PLEASE . Mi ah is with Mr. Jay Park~! ❤ #TeamJay Bahahahahahahahha~ :D
Chapter 12: Poor Yonggie !!! I feel bad for him but I hope he find someone who love him back :(
Chapter 12: ahh they're such a cute couple~ feel bad for yongukkie :(
Chapter 11: they're finally married!
sunset812 #7
Chapter 11: I would love to see that.
Chapter 10: Hahahaha! THE GIF! OMG! That's from his skit from SNL KOREA~ Mann..that was a funny skit.. ANYWAYYY~ Jay is so cute, gahhh I love him <3 Update my home skillin biscuit yo~ Hahahaahha! :D
sunset812 #9
Chapter 10: Soooo....He's waving hello at his ?