
No Flower Boys, Please.

“Can you do me a favor?” Jaebeom asked Yongguk as he sat next to him at the edge of the pool, waving their feet in the water. Both were looking at Mi Ah, who was playfully swimming around the pool with her friends who had just arrived at the resort a few hours before. She had been so excited that they finally joined the rest of them; you could see the joy in her smile.

“Sure. What is it?” Yongguk asked.

“Well,” Jaebeom started, still looking at Mi Ah. “If anything ever happens to me in the future, can you promise me that you will take care of Mi Ah?”

Yongguk looked at him. “What? Jaebeom, don’t say things like that. Nothing is going to happen to you.” He nervously giggled.

“I’m serious. I’m just saying. Just tell me you promise me that.”

“Why me?” Yongguk asked.

“Because—I know how you feel, Yongguk.” Jaebeom looked down at his feet in the water. He moved his feet around slowly and created little rip tides. “I know you still love her. I know you regret what you did. I know you wish you still had her. I know you will still protect her despite her being with me.”

Yongguk didn’t say anything.

“I’m sorry, Yongguk. You know I love you like a brother and I wish you didn’t hurt over Mi Ah being with me; especially now that we’re going to get… married.”

His Hyung was right. He was right about all he just said. Yongguk wished he wasn’t. He wished that he could truly be happy for Mi Ah and Jaebeom getting married. The truth was he was absolutely miserable. He wanted nothing more than to have Mi Ah back in his arms. For him to be the one who made her smile and laugh; but he wasn’t. He had messed up his chance.

Yongguk looked at Jaebeom and forced a smile on his face. “I promise.”


It was almost sun set; perfect weather and no wind. Everyone except Mi Ah and Seung Hyun was present. A judge accompanied them as well on the beach. The time had finally come for Jaebeom and Mi Ah to marry. They didn’t care there weren’t a lot of people there. They had the people they cared for the most in the world present and that’s all that mattered.

It was clear that Jaebeom was nervous. He kept rubbing his hands together and pacing back and forth.

Everyone looked so refreshing wearing all white. The mood was perfect.

After anxiously waiting almost 30 minutes, they spotted Mi Ah being escorted over by a smiling Seung Hyun. Since Mi Ah didn’t have a father to walk her down the aisle, Seung Hyun had decided to ask her if she would mind if he did it. She was moved by his suggestion and even shed a tear or two; of course he can.

As soon as Jaebeom laid eyes on his bride, his breath was taken away. He knew she was beautiful; but the aura she had at this moment was special. She looked perfect. Her simple white dress hugged her body perfectly. Every curl on her head was perfect and her eyes stood out to him marvelously.

Once Yongguk saw her, he felt exactly the same; except he also felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest. He felt a lump develop in his throat. It was too much for him. It could’ve been him who was to marry lovely Mi Ah. But it wasn’t. It never will be. This is it.

Zico had a huge smile on his face and was admiring his Noona. He almost wanted to cry along with Mi Ah’s friends but instead he just cheered her on quietly like the kid he was.

Seung Hyun brought Mi Ah to Seung Hyun and unlinked her arms for his. He smiled at Jaebeom. “Take care of her, you bum.” He said then went to stand next to Yongguk.

Mi Ah looked at Jaebeom. She couldn’t believe she was about to marry him; The man who was the cause of many sleepless nights when he would not stop talking to her about stupid things. The one who constantly tried to cuddle with her when they were not even going out. The one who took care of her all night whenever she was sick. The one who would run across town to get  her favorite food at midnight. The one who do anything for her.

The judge started the short ceremony. All of them couldn’t stop  smiling, especially Jaebeom and Mi Ah. The only one not smiling was Yongguk who seem to be in a daze. He was trying hard to not listen to anything.


“… Does anyone oppose this marriage?” the judge said. Yongguk immediately snapped out of it.

He gathered courage and decided to speak out. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t let the woman whom he loves with all his heart get away—he couldn’t. Especially to his Hyung. As much as he loved him, he couldn’t let him have her.

“I-I do.” He stepped forward. Everyone looked at him. “I oppose." He walked over to Mi Ah and grabbed her hand. “I can’t let you do this Mi Ah. I still love you. I can’t…”

“Yongguk…” she whispered. “I still love you too…”

“Come with me. Let’s go.” He grabbed her wrist and took her away from everyone. She didn’t fight it.  Everyone gasped and was questioning this action.

They took off. As they ran from everyone she yelled, “I’m sorry, Jaebeom!”



In reality, that is the scenario Yongguk wished was happening at this moment. He wished he could take her away as easy as that. Instead he stood there watching one of his best friends get married to the woman he loves; not being able to do a damn thing about it.

I now pronounced you man and wife. You may kiss the bride!”




Hey, guys~! I was thinking that when I get a drawing tablet, I could draw out all the characters (in chibi form) in this fic for each chapter so you can have more of a visual. Yeah or nah? :P




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I promise to update soon!! Been busy with work and behind on school work >


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Chapter 1: Its so good!!!
Chapter 12: Okay i finally read everything your fic awesome having 4 of the iest rappers in Kpop in one fic Im dieing of the pic and gifs you put in the chappies and yeshu draw them I wannna have them in chibis everywhere (/^o^)/♡ and omfg I have post concert depression so bad every time I hear any of te songs from the concert I spazz so hard and get all pouty update soon please love this fic~~
Jay & Mi ah are so cute(: I hope Yongukk can find someone because BOY PLEASE . Mi ah is with Mr. Jay Park~! ❤ #TeamJay Bahahahahahahahha~ :D
Chapter 12: Poor Yonggie !!! I feel bad for him but I hope he find someone who love him back :(
Chapter 12: ahh they're such a cute couple~ feel bad for yongukkie :(
Chapter 11: they're finally married!
sunset812 #7
Chapter 11: I would love to see that.
Chapter 10: Hahahaha! THE GIF! OMG! That's from his skit from SNL KOREA~ Mann..that was a funny skit.. ANYWAYYY~ Jay is so cute, gahhh I love him <3 Update my home skillin biscuit yo~ Hahahaahha! :D
sunset812 #9
Chapter 10: Soooo....He's waving hello at his ?