Real Talk in the Playground on Swings

Dancing with Another Man

double update!!!! go back a chapter~!!!


Hyomi was laying on the guest bed. She hasn't been this conflicted with herself. The last time she was like this was when she had to choose between two 160 mm, black pairs of Louboutin's, Exagona or Lady Daf.

That was the only time. But that was different. That was a materialistic decision, this was somewhat more personal, since it dealt with her own family member. This wasn't something she could just decide randomly.

This dealt with her cousin Nara. Her own blood. She couldn't mess up. She could always buy another pair of Louboutin's. Hyomi couldn't buy another Nara. No matter how y she acted now, Nara was still her cousin, the one she mostly grew up with, besides Jongdae. 

She knew this shouldn't have turned up so serious. For heaven's sake she barely arrived and here she was, picking childish fights with Nara already. She shouldn't have acted that way to Nara. It was obvious Nara knew Kai way more better and longer than she did. Hyomi had no chance. It was a war that she had already lost since the start. There was no start matter of fact. There was just Hyomi getting in the way.

"Gah!" Hyomi pouted and she rested her arms over her face. "What a ing pain." 

She laid there in silence when a knock was heard from her door. Her aunt, Mrs. Yoo, peeked her head inside,"Hyomi?" 

Hyomi looked at her aunt,"Yes, Auntie." 

"Your dad called to tell me he found some places for you to look at. Should we go now or later? He wanted me to go with you just in case so you won't get lost." Mrs. Yoo sweetly smiled at her. 

Hyomi returned a smile to her aunt,"I'm kind of feeling a bit down, can we do it later?"

Mrs. Yoo frowned and sat beside her niece. She felt Hyomi's head and cooed,"Oh, maybe it's the jet lag. Alright then. I'll tell that to him. You just rest alright. I'll bring you some fruit and okay? I just bought some bananas. Maybe I'll make you your favorite."

"Bread with peanutbutter, banana, and honey?!" Hyomi excitedly squealed. "Thanks Auntie! You're the best!" she hugged Mrs. Yoo tightly. 

Mrs. Yoo gave her a motherly kiss on her head and rubbed her back,"I'll bring some warm milk instead then, it'll help you sleep better. I'll be right back then." 

Hyomi watched as her aunt left and a sad smile rested on her face. Mrs. Yoo was a better mother than Hyomi's own biological one. That's why she liked spending most of the times she could with Nara's family. Especially Mrs. Yoo. She was always envious of Nara's loving mother over her cold, distant mother. 

Maybe that's why she was always mean to Nara. She had everything. A loving family and home. For Hyomi it was just her little sister, Hyorin. She did love her parents, but she kind of felt like she had to. They were her parents. Her dad spent most of his money on whatever Hyomi wanted because of guilt. Her mother was just a cold-hearted witch, that's where she must've got her personality from. 

Hyomi scoffed when she thought about her parents. Oh, her broken family. At least she had her little sister, Hyorin. Hyomi's eyes teared up as she laid back down. I swear, I'll bring you over here once I find a place, Hyorin. I won't leave you alone over there in that ty house. 


Nara arrived later in the afternoon. It was almost dark, but her and the boys were studying. Saerin even joined them. Nara tightly hugged her best friend. Yelling and wondering where the hell she's been. Nara could tell something was off, but played it cool seeing Saerin didn't want to talk about it. D.O was the one mostly talking to her when they were studying. The two looked close and comfortable, which made Kai and Nara happy. 

Once she entered the house she greeted,"I'm home!" 

"Welcome back dear!" Mrs. Yoo walked over while wiping her hands on her apron. "I'm still cooking dinner. Your father is running late tonight. Hyomi is in her room. She's not feeling well."

Nara nodded, she didn't care what Hyomi was feeling, and was about to walk upstairs when her mother stopped her. Nara glanced at her mom, who had a worried expression,"I think she's homesick. Can you go check up on her?"

"No!" Nara rolled her eyes at the thought of it. 

Mrs. Yoo pinched her cheeks,"Yah, Yoo Nara. You will check up on her, alright!? I also need you two to buy some things on this list for dinner. Now change and go!" she slapped her daughter's and went back into the kitchen. 

"Ouch!" Nara pouted and heaved a sigh before making her way to her room. After changing into a comfortable sweater and leggings, she headed to Hyomi's room. Nara cleared and knocked on her door. 

"What?" Hyomi tiredly moaned. 

Nara stepped inside and closed the door behind her. The room was pitch black and it smelled like sweet coconut. "Hyomi? I can't see anything in here! Why is it so dark?" Nara the lights.

Hyomi groaned,"Oh God, I don't need your nagging right now." she sat up and tiredly rubbed her face. Nara stared at Hyomi's bare face. She never understood why the girl would wear makeup. She was way more prettier without it. She had natural beauty. 

"Hey." Nara stepped closer and sat on her bed.

Hyomi droopily looked at her cousin,"What?"

Nara had a little pout,"Are you...alright? Mom said you were kind of feeling ill..." she watched Hyomi make a face as she looked away from Nara. "I'm okay." Hyomi softly sneered. She hugged her legs and rested her head on her knees. 

"If that's so, get dressed, we've got to go shopping." Nara lightly slapped Hyomi's leg and stood up. 

Hyomi's eyes glittered,"Shopping?!"


Hyomi had a dull face as she grunted while pushing the cart,"What is this? Some kind of joke? You said we were going shopping!" 

Nara laughed as she put tomatoes inside a plastic bag and placed it inside the cart,"Yeah, grocery shopping. Mom needs some things." she grabbed some garlic and onions as well. 

Hyomi scrunched her nose at the smell of garlic and onions and turned her head away. "Good lord, this is a horrible thing to experience." 

"How are you going to be a mother?" Nara snickered and playfull shoved garlic under nose. Hyomi squealed and slapped her hand away,"Nara~! Stop!" she said with a smile. 

"Alright, alright!" Nara giggled and put the items back. She pulled the cart from the front and looked for all the other ingredients.

They were walking down the snack aisle and Hyomi's eyes twinkled. She started running around looking at all the colorful snacks. "Wow~! This is heaven!"

"Have you not gone grocery shopping before?" Nara asked amused as she trailed after her cousin.

Hyomi shook her head while eyeing some interesting looking snacks,"Nope, our cook usually does that. But if we need stuff, Hyorin and our maid usually go. Hyorin was more domestic than I was. She loves cooking, you know? She can make anything you want!" Hyomi had a tense smile,"I told her to become a cook, but she always said deaf people can't work well with jobs like cooking. You need to be able to hear food orders and such." Hyomi laughed and looked at Nara,"I told her she could be my own personal cook, so she won't have to worry about anything like that...I said my kitchen will always be open for her." 

Nara softly smiled at Hyomi. It was rare times like this when she could see the real Hyomi. The one who cared about her little sister and always looked out for her, even if it meant that she'd have to be a . Nara was starting to remember the times when Hyomi would kick Jongdae whenever he messed with Hyorin and sometimes Nara. She remembered from they were kids at some family reunion, Jongdae was being the little prick he was and teasing Nara. That same afternoon, she spotted Hyomi jumping on Jongdae's back and pulling his hair, telling him to stop bullying Nara, only she could bully her. 

Hyomi caught Nara smiling at her and Hyomi rolled her eyes,"What? Don't get all mushy on me. We need to buy some snacks."

"Snacks?" Nara furrowed her brows and looked at her list. There were no snacks listed. 

"For me, idiot!" Hyomi shook her head and frowned at all the snacks. She glanced at Nara,"Tell me, which one out of all of these are the best?"


The two cousins, after bickering about which snack was the best, ended up in the park. They totally forgot Mrs. Yoo's ingredients and were sitting on the swings, their Melona bars. Hyomi was in love with them she bought four, which she ate rather quickly. 

Nara stared at her cousin in amazement. It was winter and here Hyomi was, eating four bars of Melona. "Slow down will you? Your tongue's gonna get frost bite." 

Hyomi ignored her and continued eating until she was done with her last Melona. She stared at Nara,"You're barely half way on your first one? What a loser." she playfully smirked and started to swing. 

Nara sighed. Hyomi was still Hyomi. When Nara finished, she started to swing as well. The two girls competed on who could swing higher and the laughter filled the park. They shouted harmless insults at each other and forgot about the tension that was between them. And then, something amazing happened. 

"SNOWW~" Hyomi screamed with glee. It was the first time she saw snow. 

Nara stopped swinging and pushed her head back so she could stare up at the darkened sky. She smiled brightly and squealed. The air felt crisp and cold, but it was refreshing. Studying all the time was starting to take a toll on her stress level. Nara felt like releasing all that stress while swinging and  screaming nothing but happiness. Hyomi did the same and let everything out. 

The two girls looked at each other and laughed. The rest of the day was spent well with the two of them together. They've never had so much fun like this since they were kids. Nara reached out her hand to Hyomi and she did the same. They both locked hands and started swinging together. They squealed and giggled and nothing could ruin the moment they were sharing as cousins. 

It's been awhile since Yoo Nara and Yoo Hyomi got along.


The two girls stopped swinging wildly and just softly moved back and forth. They watched the snow fall in content. Hyomi had to admit, she really had fun with Nara. Even if they had drama, that didn't stop them from having fun. They were family after all. Hyomi didn't realize she was smiling and stopped herself. She side glanced Nara, who was smiling while looking at the snow fall.

The ground and everything around the two girls was becoming pure white. 

"Hey...Nara?" Hyomi asked hesitantly. 

Nara looked at her with a big smile,"Yeah?" 

"I know it's none of my business...but, what happened? Between you and Kai?" Hyomi saw Nara's smile falter as she casted her eyes at the ground. 

Nara sighed. She thought she might as well know. Nara started to talk softly,"Kai and I started going out freshman year of high school. He was my everything, Hyomi. I literally did everything for him. There were some rough times in our relationship. But, I'd always forgive him, always." Nara's eyes hardened,"But there was this one time, I couldn't. At the time, I was going to surprise him at his house. I found him half and my best friend, or well ex-best friend, on top of him."

"Bwoh?" Hyomi started to glare,"He did what?!"

Nara chuckled at Hyomi's angry face and calmed her down before continuing,"I was angry and hurt when I saw that. I remember the pain of my heart breaking into a million pieces. It hurt so much. I told him we were over and ran out. But, you know what? I wanted him to stop me. I wanted him to ask me and beg me to forgive him, like all the times in the past. This time, he didn't. He let me go."

Hyomi scoffed,"And you want him back?! What was I thinking when I thought he was cute? We were seriously going to fight over an like him?"

"It was hard, but I moved on with the help of two people. It was my friend, who was an exchange student from China. Lu Han and my new best friend Saerin." Nara sadly smiled at the thought of his face,"Gosh, Luhan was so cute and handsome at the same time. He was my prince charming. He saved me. So did Saerin. I didn't think it'd be possible, but I fell in love again, with Luhan." Nara whispered delicately. 

Hyomi saw her pained smile,"W-what happened? Oh God, don't tell me he died like in the dramas or something!?"

Nara couldn't help but laugh,"No! He didn't die! Luhan had to leave me to go back home in China. His days here as an exchange student were at it's end. And that's how my heart broke once again."

"What the hell! This is so depressing." Hyomi angrily pouted. What was wrong with these boys? How could they hurt my cousin so easily?! And that one , Jihyun! Hyomi watched Nara laugh with ease,"How are you laughing so easily?"

"Because, everything was a ing misunderstanding! Can you believe it? All this time where I was hurt and blaming Kai, I should've just been blaming Jihyun. She was the cause of this. She used Kai's best friend, Kyungsoo, to get at Kai, to get revenge on me." Nara explained with a grunt. 

"Wait, so you're telling me, this psycho named Soh Jihyun, got with Kai's best friend, to get with Kai, and it's all because to get revenge on you? What kind of people are you hanging out with? And why the hell didn't Kai explain this to you?!" Hyomi screeched with anger and frustration. 

Nara stared off and shrugged,"He wanted to make me happy. So he let me go. He let me go to be happy with someone else." she whispered. 

Hyomi just couldn't understand what was going through Kai's head. She thought he was a damn idiot to do that. And now, she understood. Hyomi understood why Nara put up a fight with her. It was to protect her heart and love for Kai. Hyomi sighed and stared off into the sky. 

"Well, that's a ing crazy story." Hyomi snorted. 

Nara smiled,"I know."

"I'm sorry, Nara." Hyomi whispered softly. 

Nara's ears perked up and she gaped at her cousin,"Did you just say sorry to me?!"

Hyomi blushed and she lifted her head high and proud,"And that's the only time you'll ever hear me say it." 

Nara smiled even brighter and started to swing once again,"YOO HYOMI ACTUALLY SAID SORRY TO ME, YOO NARA~!! THE WORLD IS ENDING, WOOHOO!" 

Hyomi snapped her head and glared at her cousin,"Will you stop!? You're so embarrassing!" she groaned and looked away. Secretly, Hyomi was smiling as she stared at Nara swing high in the dark sky. I don't want to be the next person to break your heart, cuz. If anything, I'll protect it secretly like before. I'll always watch over you. Only I can bully you, no one else. I'll protect both you and Hyorin. I promise. 

"YAH! YOU IDIOT SHUT UP!" Hyomi screamed as she started swinging too. 


Boy, did they get it from Mrs. Yoo, who was angrily waiting at the door for the two young girls with snow all over them.  Their noses, ears, and cheeks were bright red. Mr. Yoo was laughing from the couch with his newspaper. The only thing that stopped Mrs. Yoo from yelling at them was the big, bright smiles on the girls faces.

Hyomi has her own, deep secrets she hides. Everyone does.

So, she's only a cause her own rich crappy life.

Deep down, she loves Hyorin and Nara a lot. (also mrs. yoo...and mr.yoo too)

Hope you liked the update.

I originally wasn't planning on doing it this way, i wanted hyomi to just make a quick appearance...

But i felt kind of guilty for making a y character without a real reason to her iness i guess *scratches head*

forgive me, /cries~~~

Anways, happy Friday~!




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[DAM]: dat poster thoo....


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Sweet ending ;)
Fluffy :)
lovingasianfanfic #3
Chapter 29: Amazing story! I really enjoyed this =)
Chapter 29: YAY!! Done!!! This story has too much fluff in it and DAMN!!! How I wish I had a boyfriend now so i could just cuddle and kiss him anytime i want... Unfortunately the time is not here yet for Mr Right... T^T... Thank you for this amazing story author-nim.. This story really made my day.. <3
Chapter 29: what an amazing story author-nim! I really like the way you write about the group of seven, esp. the jokes between them. They sound soooo fun and hilarious!
Chapter 29: When ur rereading and the feels still get to you!!!
I love this so much still! !
shinebythree #7
such an amazing story!!
nisanobel #8
Chapter 29: This story is wonderful. Glad that they end up together after all things happened.
It's so cute to make sehun as a big baby of the group and baekhyun was like event organizer for all
Chapter 29: OMG, this story is amazing, author-nim! There was so much drama but I'm glad the couple stayed together in the end ^-^ my feels were everywhere! There were such cute moments and scenes that made me angry! My Jonging feels came back after reading your story, HAHA. I really enjoyed this story, author-nim!!! Great great great job and continue to write such amazing stories! Fighting~
Chapter 29: This is one rollercoaster-like story...

And the ending gives me's so cheesy >_< oh kai...