New Girl in Town

Dancing with Another Man

After the little study session with the group, Nara came home to an unexpected happening. She spotted someone she vaguely remembered as one of her cousins from America, Hyomi.

Hyomi smiled,"Nara!" she stood up from the couch and ran to her. She gave her a big hug,"I missed you so much! How have you been? I have so much to tell you!"

Nara was speechless and didn't know where to begin. Her cousin, who she started to remember, was a total ! Nara eyed Hyomi, who was as innocent looking as an angel, but she knew the real Hyomi. She was the spawn of the devil himself. She was just that evil. 

"What are you doing here?" Nara asked. 

"I'm going to be living with you for a few months till I get my own place. I told daddy I wanted a nice looking apartment with a great view." Hyomi twirled her hair while eyeing Nara up and down. 

Nara also remembered she was super spoiled. She was always treated like a princess. That made her even more y. She always got her way, always. 

Mrs. Yoo smiled at Nara,"She's going to be in the room across from yours. Oh, you guys were so adorable when you both were younger."

"That's right,"Mr. Yoo grinned,"Nara was such a crybaby though."

"I know right!" Hyomi smirked.

Nara rolled her eyes. That's because you were a evil little twerp that stole all my stuff. "Anyway, I'm super happy you're here, but I got to study. Later." Nara sarcastically said, waved at Hyomi, and then walked up the stairs.

"Don't leave me! Didn't I tell you I have things to tell you?!" Hyomi whined and trailed after Nara, who silently groaned in misery. She didn't want to deal with her. Nara wondered why Hyomi's sister, Hyorin didn't come instead. She was deaf, but she was way better than her evil sister. Nara loved Hyorin. She absolutely hated Hyomi. 

Nara threw her things on her bed and Hyomi shoved them on the floor and laid on her bed. "So, guess what happened when I was trying to find your freaking house?" 

"What?" Nara muttered without a care. She was taking out her notes that Kai, and D.O, specially made for her. Nara smiled when she saw Kai's encouraging doodles on the side. 

"A cute, tall, tanned boy talked to me. I'm sure he liked me! Ugh, he was to die for!" Hyomi fanned herself and squealed. Nara paused and turned to face Hyomi,"What?"

"Yeah, I don't know if I'll see him again, but if I do, I'm going to ask him out! He was such a hottie!" Hyomi her lips and smirked,"So, speaking of hotties, what about you? Do you like anyone?"

Nara eyed the picture of Kai and her on her nightstand,"Yeah, something like that." Hyomi followed her eyes, but Nara grabbed the picture and held it close to her,"Hyomi, I'm sure you'll need your beauty sleep, why don't you rest or something. I'm busy."  

Hyomi smiled,"You know me so well." and she left Nara's room. 

Nara let out a sigh and glanced at the picture,"She couldn't possibly be talking about Kai...right?" 


The next day Nara walked downstairs for breakfast. She tried to quickly eat her food and dodge Hyomi who was thankfully still sleeping. Nara glanced at her mom,"Why is she here though?"

"She wanted a new enviorment, or something like that, why? Aren't you happy you're cousin is back?" Mrs. Yoo asked while she placed her husband's food in front of him. 

Mr. Yoo grinned from behind his newspaper,"Yeah, she's your favorite cousin."

Nara frowned,"No she's not. Between her and Hyorin, my favorite was Hyorin. And you know my favorite cousin is Jongdae oppa." she sighed,"I don't understand why he decided to leave abroad. I think it was China." 

Mrs. Yoo pouted,"But you and Hyomi always stuck together."

"That's cause she made me her slave!" Nara exclaimed and shook her head,"I hate her." 

"Oh, don't be that way. She's family." Mr. Yoo chuckled.

Nara scoffed,"Sadly." 

"Yah, be nice to her." Mr. Yoo smacked Nara's head with his newspaper,"She's happy to see you and missed you a lot." 

"What total bs." Nara whispered while she poked her eggs. She stood up, losing her appetite, and put her dishes away. She kissed both her parents goodbye and walked out the house. When she was outside, Nara spotted a body leaning against her gate,"Kai?"

Kai had his body propped along the brick wall and he stood up straight when he saw her,"Good morning!" he smiled brightly,"I came to pick you up today." 

"What for?" Nara asked. She quickly added in,"Not that I mind or's just random." But I'm happy.

He shrugged,"I can walk ahead of you if you don't want me to be with you."

Nara hit his arm,"I said I didn't mind!"

"Aha! Thought so!" he gave her that smirk that made her heart skip a beat. He ruffled her hair and started walking. Nara smiled and quickly followed him.

"So, did you study the notes that I made-"

"You mean you and D.O right?" Nara snickered. 

Kai rolled his eyes and sighed,"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, did you like my doodles though? Kyungsoo didn't put doodles like did." he wiggled his eyebrows at her, making her laugh.

"I saw them. They were adorable." Nara giggled. Kai smiled when he saw her smile,"I'm glad you liked them." he said. 

"Thanks." she said.

"Anytime." he pinched her cheeks, then walked away with his hands in his pockets. Nara grabbed her red cheek and smiled as she watched his straight, sturdy back. Kai glanced back at her and smirked again,"Come on slowpoke! We're gonna be late!" 

"Oh be quiet kkamjong!" Nara stuck her tongue at him and ran to catch up to him.

Kai's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't heard that nickname in a while. He smiled for a second before turning it into a fake pout,"Why you gotta be so rude?"


"Well, well, well. Good morning to you both." Baekhyun winked at Nara and Kai as they walked through the school entrance together. A bunch of people saw that too and started to whisper. 

"What's that so supposed to mean?" Kai asked the older male, who couldn't stop smiling.

Chanyeol hung his arms around Nara and Kai,"Is there something we should know?"

"No." Nara elbowed Chanyeol lightly,"Let me go Yeol, I gotta put my stuff away." she ducked under his arm and walked towards her locker. Kai did the same and jogged after her. 

D.O, Sehun, and Suho came towards the smiling duo. "What's wrong with you two?" D.O asked. 

"Them." Baekhyun smiled. 

The three boys looked to see a laughing Nara and Kai, who was leaning against the locker besides hers. The two of them were talking closely to each other, making the five boys grin from ear to ear. The two of them were slowly picking up the pieces and putting them back together. 

After Nara was done with her locker, her and Kai both walked to class together. The other five just walked a few feet behind them, not wanting to interrupt their little space. So they just smirked at each other while they watched the two ex-love birds talk. 

"How cute." Sehun clasped his hands together and cooed.

Suho grinned,"Aren't they?"

"Are they together yet? Officially that is?" Baekhyun whined with a pout,"Then it'll be really back to normal." 

"Right? They're together, but not together." Chanyeol sighed. 

D.O smiled to himself,"Just wait guys. Let them handle it themselves. But, I have a feeling the moment we've all been waiting for is real soon." 

The five boys smiled even more and followed the "almost-but-not-realy" couple.


When school ended, Nara and the boys planned another study session at the same cafe. The whole day, Nara and Kai seemed to be getting closer once again and that made the five boys happy. "If they're happy, then we're happy." D.O said to the guys, reusing Kai's owns words. The other four agreed with him. 

Like before, they decided to eat first instead of diving right away into their books. "Food feed's the brain." Baekhyun said as an excuse to get away from his textbooks.

Suho gave him a disapproving look,"Byun Baekhyun-"

"Oh Suho, lighten up. We've been at school all day!" Nara cut her cake with her fork and smiled at him,"Ease up will you. Too much studying is bad for your health. It causes stress! And you know what causes cancer? Stress!" she waved her fork at him after it,"Stress is bad!"

"Yeah! What she said!" Sehun nodded in agreement,"Can't stress us too much hyung!" 

Suho rolled his eyes at the maknae and tiredly slumped back against his chair,"I guess." 

Nara and Sehun laughed and high fived each other. She glanced at her green tea frappe that was almost done. I want another one. she was about to get up when Kai stood up before her,"I'll get you another one."


Kai cut her off,"Don't worry. I wanted another drink too. Might as well get you one." Kai winked and started walking towards the cashier. Nara gasped and ran after him,"Kai! Wait! At least let me pay something."

Kai ordered for the both of them and paid too, which Nara was displeased about. They were waiting at the side of the counter where orders would be picked up. She pouted and looked up at him,"Why'd you pay? I have money! I'll pay you back."

Kai just smiled at her,"Then pay for me next time we go out." 

"Next time?" Nara tilted her head. 

Kai nodded while waiting patiently for their drinks with his hands in his pockets,"Yeah...on our date."

Nara scoffed,"O-Our date? We're going on a date?"

"That's right." Kai said, finally meeting her eyes. He was nervous as hell when he said that. He actually couldn't believe he said it himself! It just came out. Kai started to feel scared he pulled the wrong move on Nara. "Do you not want to?"

"I-uh, well, I just didn't expect you to say that...but alright. I'll treat you next time on" Nara slowly tried to form her words together and make sense. She shyly pushed back a piece of her hair behind her pinkish ears. 

Kai's eyes twinkled with happiness and quickly said,"It's a promise!" 

Nara giggled at Kai's cuteness,"It's a promise."

Their orders were done and Kai tried to grab his and Nara's cup to bring back to the table, but Nara quickly stole hers,"I don't think so mister! I'll take my own cup on my own! You've already done enough Kai!" she stuck her tongue out at him and walked to the table. 

Kai shook his head with an eye roll and followed after Nara with a smitten smile. 


"How can studying be so...complicated?" Sehun whined as he rubbed his face.

Suho flicked the side of his head,"Maybe cause you don't pay attention in class!" 

Sehun pouted and rubbed the place he got flicked,"You're mean! Hmph!" he turned his head away from Suho and rested it against Nara's arm. She glanced up from her book to Sehun and smiled. She rubbed his soft hair and went back to reading. Sehun looked at Suho,"Why can't you be more nuturing like Nara? No wonder you can't get a girlfriend."

"Bwoh?!" Suho gaped at him.

Baekhyun snorted,"Ah, hyung, maknae told you!" Suho narrowed his eyes at Baekhyun who just shrugged,"He said it, not I!" 

"Okay, okay. We all know Suho hyung can't get a girlfriend and will be forever alone with his inheritance. Now let's get back to studying something we don't already know." D.O icily muttered. 

Suho felt like a bunch of knives were thrown at him,"You guys are so heartless!" 

Nara smiled comfortingly at him,"Don't worry, Suho-ah, you'll find someone. Girls like a nice, firm guy like you!"

"Stop lying Nara." Kai snickered. "I remember you saying,'When will Suho ever get a girlfriend? All the guys already had at least one! Is he gay?'"

Suho's mouth dropped as he stared at a speechless Nara. She glared at Kai and threw her eraser at him,"Yah! Kim Jongin!" she looked to Suho and stuttered,"I-I didn't say that! Okay I kind of did, but not entirely like that!"

"Nara!" Suho cried.

"It was a long time ago!" Nara bit her lip. 

Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun, Kai, and even D.O were on the verge of tears. Chanyeol's laugh filled the whole cafe, the manager politely asked if he could lower his voice a bit. 

The rest of the study session, Suho ignored everyone with a small pout on his face. His soul flew out of his body and up into the afternoon sky.


It was late afternoon when the gang started to make their way home. The guys decided to walk Nara home first. The seven of them talked and laughed most of the way.

"So, when should the next party be?" Baekhyun mumbled out loud.

D.O snorted,"Don't you mean where?"

Baekhyun laughed and hugged D.O,"You so get me!"

Chanyeol and Suho slowly stepped away from him but Baekhyun caught the two of them,"Hold it right there. Chanyeol, it's your turn!"

Chanyeol cursed,"! Why me?!"

"Because you have the second largest house compared to Suho's! Now, it's going to be after finals!" Baekhyun started rambling on and on about the details; Chanyeol started crying ever more.  

Nara giggled,"Baekhyun throws the best parties."

Suho frowned,"Not when it's at your house." 

Nara ,"Oh you're talking to me now?"

Suho was about to say something but turned away with a pout,"Hmph!" 

Nara laughed and she looked beside her. Kai was happily marching next to her. She felt happy as well. Things were slowly starting to feel right again. 

Suddenly a voice called out to her,"NARA!"

Nara glanced up and spotted her worst possible living nightmare, Hyomi, strut over to her. The boys looked from her to Nara, wondering who this unknown beauty was. 

"Yah, you know a girl like that?" Baekhyun whistled as he nudged Nara. Suho's eyes were hypnotized by Hyomi's presence. He wanted to know her name and just everything about her. God she's beautiful. Suho thought.

"That's my cousin." Nara muttered with disgust.

Suho's shine in his eyes dimmed when he heard her tone of voice. Is she not nice? he thought to himself. He quietly waited for them to talk to each other. 

"Nara! Tell me who your friends are?" Hyomi innocently smiled with her hands behind her back. Nara rolled her eyes at her cousin's choice of attire, which consisted of a tank top and short shorts. 

Hyomi didn't even wait for Nara to introduce them when her eyes widened,"You!" she pointed to Kai and started to giggle,"You're the boy that helped me the other day!"

Kai pointed to himself when he did remember her face,"That's right. So your cousin is Nara? What a coincidence. I'm glad you made it safely." Kai politely smiled at her. 

Nara felt a off feeling in her heart. It was a bad feeling. It made her worry and anxious. It even scared her a bit. She prayed hard Hyomi talked about someone else instead of Kai the day before. Just when things were starting to be better for the two of us...Nara thought. 

Hyomi happily clasped her hand together,"I have to repay you somehow, let me take you out to dinner!" 

The boys gaped at each other and Kai choked,"D-dinner? Uh, that's not needed!" 

Hyomi stepped closer to him and touched his arm,"Why not?" she whimpered. He'll be mine soon. she mentally smirked. 

Suho felt sad to see her like Kai better. 

"I-uh, I already have dinner plans!" Kai quickly stepped away from her and stood beside Nara and grabbed her hand,"Um, you see, I had a date with Nara." 

"D-Date?!" Hyomi scoffed and eyed Nara angrily,"With Nara?" 

Nara felt offended all of sudden,"Yes, Hyomi, we have a date." 

"B-But why?!" Hyomi looked between Kai and Nara. 

"Wow, Hyomi, I thought you were smarter." Nara hugged Kai's arm,"We're dating, obviously." 

Kai and the boys heads snapped towards Nara. She felt their stares and felt like she was going to explode. She wanted to hit herself a thousand times. Why did I have to say that?! But Hyomi makes me so angry and she want's Kai. I know it! But I won't let her take him away from me, not when I was just starting to get him back!

On the other hand, Kai was estatic. He felt the warmth of Nara's body on his arm and felt amazing. He couldn't stop the grin from forming on his face. He was away on cloud nine when Hyomi pulled him away from Nara. His eyes instantly narrowed at her,"What the-"

"Hey, come on and promise me a date too!" Hyomi pouted at him,"I'm a lot prettier and just better! Don't you want to date me too?"

Nara couldn't believe her ears. Was Hyomi this desperate? Nara glared at her cousin and pulled Kai back away from her,"Don't sound like such a desperate . We can't always get what we want, Hyomi. Daddy's not going to be here to help you." Nara turned to Kai and the boys,"Sorry guys, but can you please go home for tonight." she pleaded to them with her eyes. 

Kai nodded while staring at her,"Sure. I'll pick you up tomorrow." he whispered in her ear. Nara nodded with a small smile. 

"Bye Nara." Sehun hugged her and glared evily at Hyomi,"Hmph!" 

Chanyeol gave Nara a bear hug and walked away without acknowledging Hyomi.

D.O gave Nara a kiss on the cheek, making Kai glower at him, and D.O smiled at Nara,"Sleep tight." D.O's huge eyes turned into slits as he eyed Hyomi. He would do everything in his power to prevent that girl from doing anything stupid to Nara or Kai.

Baekhyun gave Nara a big smooch too  on th cheek,"Don't worry, sweety, she's not invited to the party." he whispered. Nara giggled and pushed him towards the rest of the guys.

Suho kept his eyes on Hyomi for a second. He didn't know if he should stop his feelings from growing even bigger. He decided he should be smart and wait to see how things plan out. He ruffled Nara's hair and wished goodnight to her.

Finally it was Kai's turn. He grinned at her with a knowing smile and Nara rolled her eyes at him. Kai chuckled and leaned down and slowly kissed her forehead. "The other two idiots stole your cheeks from me." he whispered. Nara giggled and pinched his cheeks,"Pabo, kkamjong. I'll see you first thing tomorrow."

Kai nodded with a silly smile and walked away with the other guys. Now it was just Hyomi and Nara, eyeing each other. 


new girl in town...TO HATE!

sorry for the shizzy mistakes. it's raining and im rushing while typing this cause class!!!!!!













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[DAM]: dat poster thoo....


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Sweet ending ;)
Fluffy :)
lovingasianfanfic #3
Chapter 29: Amazing story! I really enjoyed this =)
Chapter 29: YAY!! Done!!! This story has too much fluff in it and DAMN!!! How I wish I had a boyfriend now so i could just cuddle and kiss him anytime i want... Unfortunately the time is not here yet for Mr Right... T^T... Thank you for this amazing story author-nim.. This story really made my day.. <3
Chapter 29: what an amazing story author-nim! I really like the way you write about the group of seven, esp. the jokes between them. They sound soooo fun and hilarious!
Chapter 29: When ur rereading and the feels still get to you!!!
I love this so much still! !
shinebythree #7
such an amazing story!!
nisanobel #8
Chapter 29: This story is wonderful. Glad that they end up together after all things happened.
It's so cute to make sehun as a big baby of the group and baekhyun was like event organizer for all
Chapter 29: OMG, this story is amazing, author-nim! There was so much drama but I'm glad the couple stayed together in the end ^-^ my feels were everywhere! There were such cute moments and scenes that made me angry! My Jonging feels came back after reading your story, HAHA. I really enjoyed this story, author-nim!!! Great great great job and continue to write such amazing stories! Fighting~
Chapter 29: This is one rollercoaster-like story...

And the ending gives me's so cheesy >_< oh kai...