I can see.. But I'm blind.

Never Too Far

Wow. Already in highschool. How fast do the years actually go by? If you ask me, too fast. It was like yesterday I was just starting middle school. Life is too short to be wasting it on twelve years of school. But yet again, I need to learn to actually live life. Sigh. Well atleast I know I won't be lonely. One of my old friends, you would even mistaken him for my brother... Kind of... From all the time we spend together. Well anyway, to his name... Kim Jongin. We've been friends since the age of dinosaurs. Well not exactly. Thats not humanly possible of course. HUMANLY. To cut to the chase, it's my, our, Jongin and I's first day at highschool. A very complicated one at that. Our school specializes in different language and country areas, out of Japan, China and of course Korea. The school is divided into three freakishly large buildings. NOT including the dorms. Oh and the specialist building. The three buildings divide the three different nationalities. So, in building one, the people from Japan, or are highly professioned in Japanese, study and do their classes in one of the buildings, which has all their subjects, the important ones. You could say its like a mini school in a school. And its the same for the Korean and Chinese buildings. As for the specialist buildings. Thats where people from all buildings go to do after hours clubs and activities, also the music rooms (there's three of them), and the art rooms are there. The dorms; there are two dorms. A girls dorm and a boys, which are divided again into three sections, but in one building. So basically, this is a school for the rich and or snobby. Unless you get a scholarship... Heh...


"Yah! Sehun-ah!" A bright and cheerful tone yelled out to me from across the courtyard. Of course I knew who it was, since this person was the only person I knew here. I turned to see anyway. No harm in that right? 
"Ah, Jongin hyung." I smiled at the approaching man, lifting my right hand to wave slightly to greet him. 
He cought up to me, puffing slightly, bending down over a bit to catch his breath before rising again. 
"Pretty big school huh? I went into the wrong area twice! I got weird looks from the Chinese and Japanese people." 
I gave him a small chuckle, just to be kind. "Why did they do that?" I tilted my head just slightly, enough for one to notice, also asking to be kind. Jongin's my firiend, I know. But... To be honest, I really couldn't care less at his statements at the moment. All I really wanted to do was finish the opening ceremony, go to my dorm, and rest. Since it was our first day, we were allowed to take off the day to look around our division, and the specialist block along with the tracks.
"Ah, well I kept yelling out 'Sehun-ah! Where are you!?' And of course non of them understood Korean.." Jongin let out a heavy sigh, drooping his head down to the floor. 
I nodded slowly, not sure of what to actually say. "Eh.. Sorry." I patted his shoulder, smiling softly. 
A man started to speak, in Korean of course (The other nationality's had their ceremony later in the day), welcoming us to the school, laddi da. Anyway.. I gave out a heavy sigh, looking down at the ground. Jongin looked over to me. 
"You okay Sehun?" He whispered softly, putting his arm around my shoulder.
I looked at his hand, dangling over my shoulder. The I raised my head, to peer up at him. "I'm fine hyung. I'm just tired is all." I reassure him. He nodded to me, taking his arm away from me. 

About a half hour later, the ceremony had FINALLY finished. I began to walk away, telling Jongin that I was going to check out a few areas of the school. I was making my way to the specialists building, wanting to check out the music rooms. The specialists building was a rather large building. Very.. Pretty. Once I arrived at the building, I pushed one of the two large doors open, tugging it shut behind me once I walked inside. I looked around, scanning the room. I saw a sign saying 'Music rooms 1,2,3' with an arrow poitning the way to the music rooms. I began to walk down the small hall where the rooms were lined next to eachother. I could hear music coming from one. Not much of a surprise. But I decided to follow the sound. It lead me to the Chinese music room. "Heh.." I pushed open the door, just to see... To see a perfect... Handsome young boy before me, practicing vocals. I stood there, standing in awe. Amazed. 
His brown eyes locked onto mine, causing him to freeze in shock. His eyes widened, and his cheeks turned dark red. It was obvious, he was embrrassed. And how at that moment I felt like a . This gorgeous being, beautiful voice, and here I come, staring like a crazed man, scaring and embarrassing the poor guy. I felt awkward at this moment. "Uhm... Er... Ni... Ni hao?... Wo de mingzi shi Sehun...." Thank GOD I knew a little Chinese. 
 Hen gaoxing.. Jian dao ni..." His words were soft, but he spoke so beautifully. But... The hell did he say? 
"Look I'm sorry. Do you speak English?" I shook my head, feeling awkward.
The boy chuckled and nodded. "I do.. Uh you're from the Korean division, right?" Wow. I was stuck on what to say, choking on my words. But I managed to nod.
"I am, why'd you ask?" I tilted my head to the side, raising an eyebrow. 
"U-uhm.. Lu.. Xi Luhan imnida..." He spoke shyly, running a hand through his chestnut hair.
My eyes lit up. "You know Korean?" I grinned goofily, causing the other to giggle.
"I do, I'm quite fluent in it actually. But not enough to be in the Korean division." He looked down, rather sadly. I walked closer to him, lifting up his chin, letting go of him as soon as our eyes came into contact. 
"How about I show you around the division?" My tone was actually quite cheerful, for a change. The boy. I should say, Luhan, nodded quickly, a grin finding its way on his lips. 
"I'd like that! Kamsa~" He pursed his lips, bowing. 
"Great, shall we go then?" I turned around, ready to leave for the door, looking back at him. He nodded to me, and signalled for us to leave, taking lead.


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