Still haven't thought of one~

I'll think of one later...

"I'msosorryi'msosorryi'msosorry..."I mumbled repeatedly in Korean, still as red as a tomato. I heard girlish giggling behind me and turned to see my groupmates, who witnessed the entire the room across from Beast. 'I am such a fail...' I thought to myself. I glared at my groupmates behind me and apologized repeatedly once again as I slowly inched backwards out of the room, embarrassed out of my mind. ‘This only happens to me...’ I thought as I mentally facepalmed.

I scurried out of the room and into my group's practice room before I could embarrass myself even further. The other members were still giggling at my flushed complexion and tried to tell me that it wasn't that big of a deal. "Unni...I called them y ladies....I bet they think I'm some weirdo now!" I grumbled to her in Korean. "Awe dongsaengie, trust me. I know Beast oppas. I bet they thought it was cute~" said Soomin, one of the Unnis of the group. I was the member in the middle, not oldest; yet obviously not youngest. Our magnae was still laughing over my misfortune and I shot her a glare. "Hush you poo~" I teased. Eventually, the others told embarrassing stories themselves to help me feel better so I'd be over the mishap and get to practicing.
Once we started, we couldn't stop. We were completely immersed in our rehearsal. The music felt like it just flowed through our bodies. There were mistakes here and there, but it was nothing we couldn’t fix later. We were so immersed in our dancing that we didn’t even hear the door open.
Meanwhile, after I had left, the members of Beast were chatting amongst themselves, chuckling at recent events.
"That was...oddly funny..." said Dongwoon as he nudged the Yoseob's side.
"I dunno, she was pretty cute. I bet she'd have killer aegyo if I was the one to teach her." joked Yoseob as the others laughed. Gikwang stared intently at the spot I had just been in before he was snapped out of his thoughts.
"Gikwang, you alright?" asked Doojoon. "Oh yeah I'm fine. No worries. Just thinking. Haha."
"Woah...Kikwang...thinking?? The babo of our group?" teased Junhyung as the others joined in laughter once again. 

"Wait a minute...You know how we got new trainees recently? There’s been a lot of talk about her since she’s the first foreigner in our company. Like...legit foreigner. I think she’s half Filipino or something, but she looks kinda white. What was her name again...something relating to an animal...” mused Hyunseung.
“Well...looks like our 4D Hyung is at it again.” joked Yoseob as he skipped over to sling a shoulder over Hyunseung. “ animal?”
“Well obviously her name isn’t ‘Dog’. I don’t remember what he full name was! All I remember was some people calling her ‘Cat’ or something...”
Gikwang listened as his hyungs playfully bickered and his gaze turned to the door again. “Hey uh...I’ll be right back.” Gikwang slowly snuck out of the room and walked across to the girls’ practice room. The other members had noticed and had followed him out; all curious to see how these girls performed.
The other members and I were too engrossed in our practice to notice that we had gained a bit of an audience, a very....handsome audience. We had gotten to the point in our choreography where a couple of us had to perform some acrobatics. I had no experience in acrobatics whatsoever, so I had no idea why they had picked me to be one of the members to perform it. Of course, this was still one of our first practices, so perfection was not yet required. I was supposed to do a cartwheel into a back flip. I managed to do the cartwheel but was stuck in a handstand position for the backflip. I couldn't quite make it all the way over, so I ended up collapsing slightly. My fall had caused everyone to pause to see if I was alright.


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