I dunno yet~

I'll think of one later...

”Katy! Are you already up? I can't figure out what to wear today.” I grumbled with a sigh. “Should I just go for the simple leggings and a hoodie? Or go cutesy with a skirt or something...I don't even know if I start practice today or if I’m doing group stuff with the girls...what if there are cute guys??? Oh my god what if I see Gikwang...” I rambled with a slight fangirlish squeal.

"Yah~ calm down, you'll scare them away before you've even gotten there," she joked, laughing slightly. She entered my room, still rather disheveled and not yet dressed herself. "If you're going to be dancing, then just wear what you're comfortable in~"

"I forgot what they said we were gunna do today..." I mumbled with a sheepish grin. "Ah i'll just go for leggings and my panda hoodie...you can never go wrong with them!" "What are you going to be up to today?"

"Yeah, those will be perfect," she replied, smiling. "Today there's dance practice for 2NE1's new music video. I don't know if I'll be seeing the guys today though.." She sounded slightly disappointed, but got over it quickly once she started thinking about how awesome it would be to have a real rehearsal.

"Ahh I can't believe you're part of YG. Look at you go girl! Say hi to 2NE1 for me~" I mused as I made my way to the bathroom to get ready. "Hey what do you want for breakfast?" I called from behind the door as I got ready.
"I know, I don't think the shock has quite left me yet," She laughed again. "I think I'd better get dressed though.." She walked back into her room to find an outfit, calling back, "I think I'll just have some toast and a banana if we have any."

"I gotchu. Getting into CUBE hasn't really set in either. The fact that I'm part of the same company as Gikwang makes me all those butterflies in my belly go craaaaaazy." I said with a giggle as I walked out of the bathroom, ready to go. I walked to the kitchen to make us some toast and set a couple of bananas on the side for us to eat on the go. "Gurllll we gon’ look so good for our namjas." I joked with a hilariously unattractive ‘duck face’.

"Oh, I bet~" Katy giggled with me as she came out of her room to meet me in the kitchen. She looked to be in deep thought but shook her head slightly and started grinning like an idiot. "I stole your leggings idea~ Mianhae~" She said, sporting a pair of black leggings and a purple tank top.

"No worries girl! That just means we both look damn good!" I joked with a wink. "Here's your toast~ Want any peanut butter or anything? Bananas are over there for when we head out!" I set a plate of toast across from me, for her, and set my own in front of me as I smothered it in peanut butter. "This definitely has to be bad for you....but peanut butter is soooo good~"

Katy couldn't help but laugh as she walked to the table. "Oohh, yes, peanut butter for protein~ Of course....unless it's the natural kind, it probably has less protein." She laughed again and took a hungry bite of the toast. "Delicious~"

"Puaha Katy, we don't even have to worry since whatever we eat, we'll just lose at dance practice!" I said with a laugh as I finished off my breakfast and set the dishes in the sink for later. "Too lazy to wash them now, I'll do it when we get back, haha~" I grabbed my mini backpack that contained whatever necessities I needed and skipped towards the door. I sat on our mini stoop as I started to put on my converse. "I'm so pumped for today Katy. And if I see Gikwang, I think I might faint. But they're so busy, I doubt I’d even get a glimpse..." I pouted.

"But of course~" She ate her toast quickly, but carefully, so as not to get a stomach ache. Setting her dishes in the sink with mine, she hurried to the living room to grab her dance bag and then to the door where our sneakers lay. After slipping them on, we both did a last mental check to make sure that we had everything. "Ready!"
I grabbed our house keys and tossed Katy her set. With a dorky pose, I said "And we're off!" We walked out together but went our separate ways to our separate companies. "Girl text me if anything interesting happens!" I called out to her with a cheesy wink as I waved goodbye. "See you later Katy! Knock 'em dead!"

She caught her keys and felt like her ninja reflexes were in good shape for the day. As we parted ways, she called over her shoulder, "You too, KitKat~!" smiling, and walked briskly down the sidewalk to the bus stop.

I too ran to the opposite bus stop before I ended up being left behind. After about a half hour commute, I finally made it to the CUBE building. "Phew...here I go." I said with a deep exhale as I made my way inside. "Annyeonghaseyo!" I greeted with a bow. I had already met the other members of the group I'd be in, but I couldn't recall which room. "Well...this is a problem.." I grumbled as I punched in the code and made my way upstairs towards the practice rooms. "This hallway is distinctly familiar...that has to be the room!" I thought as I just opened the door without even looking. "Hayyyyy y laydayssss. Ready for-oh...you're not my groupmates..." My face had completely flushed. I walked into Beast's practice room.


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