Unexpected First Date

Unexpected First Date

'' YAAY WE'RE GONNA GO CAMPING~'' you said while you were jumping up and down excitedly as you waited for the line to get inside the bus in your school.

''I can see you're very excited about it'' said Kai,your bestfriend, with a grin

'' Well yeah, I've been waiting since last week! How can i not get excited?!'

'' How can i not notice that when you were only talking about it last week'' Kai said jokingly

'' haha .... Very funny'' u said sarcastically
''Yaaay we're next! I call the window seat' u said while you were about to enter the bus

' Sure .. Sure.. After you my lady'

U giggled and both of u got inside and sat at the last seat. The two of you just settled at the back. Then Kai said he forgot to bring the marshmallows which was at his house.
You: ' Typical You'
Kai: 'I'll be right back'
You : 'Ok'

Then with the snap of his fingers and a *poof* he disappeared just like that. Since you and Kai were bestfriends since forever, he trusted you well enough to tell you about his power,teleportation . No one knows about it but you.

He came in about 3 minutes. No one realized he was gone because
1) U were sitting at the last seat and
2) they were busy getting excited about the camp with their friends.

Kai: Im back and this time i bought the marshmallows.
You : you sure you didnt forget anything else?
Kai: Yup i double checked :) 
You : Ok now we have all the things we need to eat s'mores at camp !! :D
(heading towards the camp site)

Teacher : We have a pretty long way to go. So better walk fast unless you wanna get eaten by a bear...

All of the students gasped.

Teacher : Im just kidding! Dont get lost and keep your eyes on me!

While walking peacefully with Kai and talking , you were suddenly stopped by something .
Something got caught on your leg! You were scared to look down cuz you thot it might be a snake. But when you peeked through your fingers covering your face, you saw that it was just the roots of tree. Kai didnt notice that you were stuck . He realized when he asked a question and when you didnt reply it to him. He turned around to see you stuck. You tried pulling it by yourself but it wouldnt budge . Kai joined in to help you pull your leg out .

You : Harder! Harder!
Kai: Im trying Im trying!!

After 15 long minutes ......

Kai: its almost out..

He pulled your leg out of it and both of you fell down , him on top of you. 

You cud tell that both of you felt awkward when your face was really close with his.

Kai: Uhmm.... Let's get going *trying to ignore the awkwardness*
You: ok

You saw your teacher and classmates slowly dissappear into the woods.
You tried to get up but you couldnt.

You : I think I sprained my ankle.
Kai: Here give me your hand. I'll carry you.
You: Its alright , I'll walk. You might get tired if you carry me.
Kai: I have no problem. But you owe me one after this.
You : Ok.
Kai : Hold on tight. They cudnt have gone far.

Kai carried and started running but you cudnt find them anywhere. You suggested Kai to teleport. He did but there was still no luck.

You put down softly on the ground and Kai sat down next to you. He looked very tired . You asked him if he could teleport you back to ur house. He said that he would try.

You held onto him as he was about to snap his fingers. But for some strange reason he said he couldnt teleport.
You felt kinda sad cause you cud'nt go back home.
'' well atleast i get to spend the night with him and i really wanted to camp'' you thought.

You kinda liked the thought that you cud spend a night like this with him cause you had a crush on him but you did'nt tell him that because you thought that it might affect your friendship.

You: Why dont we try and call someone?
Kai : That's a good idea.
You : * takes phone feon back pocket of your jeans* Uh-Oh
Kai : Whats with the ' Uh-Oh'?
You : Well lets just say that my phone is reating... In peace!

You showed him your phone which was crushed.

You : It might have broke when we fell down.

There was an awkward silence for sometime. You broke the silence by asking Kai to try in his.

Kai : Uh-Oh
You : Not again... U broke urs too?!
Kai: nope.
You : Then?
Kai : Its missing 
You : Darn it! I guess we might have to camp here tonight.
Kai : I guess so.

You both found some firewood and started roasting marshmallows to make S'mores. After eating , it was very late and you thought that it wud better if you slept.

You : Time to sleep.
Kai: After a little star gazing.
You : Ok . I love star gazing! 

Even though you were really tired you sat beside him and gazed at the stars.
You: I have never seen anything more beautiful like this in my life!
Kai : I have and its right beside me(looks at you with a smile)

You : I must be really tired because I just thought I heard you say that I was the most beautiful thing you saw.

His smile faded and you had no idea that he had a crush on you too. He kept your friendship first and didnt want to ruin it.

Kai : Yeah, you must be...
You : I thought so hehehe... But what if an animal comes and attacks us while were asleep?
Kai : I'll stay up all night and watch out .
You : Ok *yawns*
Kai : you remeber that you promised you would owe me?
You : Mmm hmm....
Kai : What are you gonna repay me with? 
You : ...........

He turned when you didnt reply to see a peaceful you sleeping on his shoulder. He carried you to your sleeping bag and and gently gave you a small peck on your forehead.

You didnt know anything because you were sleeping like a baby. But you woke up when you heard mosquitoes hovering next to your ears. You could'nt sleep because of the mosquitoes making the irritating BZZZZZ sound. You rubbed your eyes and saw Kai sleeping.

You : *jokingly*My hero who said he'll be up all night looking out for me.

You kept thinking how Kai helped you pull out your leg and carried you which made you blush . But your face became red hot when you realized he really meant it when he said that you were the most beautiful thing he saw . Even though you thought he was just messing with you, that moment kept replaying in ur mind and you kept smiling from ear to ear........

Untill you heard something move from somewhere nearby and it was slowly getting closer . You thought it would be a bear. You snapped out of your daydream ( or night dream) and tried to wake Kai up.

You : Kai wake up!
Kai :*mumbling* 5 more mins Umma
You : Im not your Umma and after 5 more minutes we might be inside a bear's stomach!!!

You started to shake him so that he would wake up. He finally woke up and realized the situation

You : and you were the one should wake me up when something like this happens.
Kai: Sorry , I kinda dozed off.

You heard something moving behind the bushes. You were soooo scared that you hugged Kai so tight that you could'nt breathe. Finally , the 'beast' came out of the bushes and you felt very embarrased.

Kai : You were scared because of that?!
You : How was I supposed to know that it was gonna be a bunny?
Kai : Hahaha you were soo scared!! 
You : Was not! *protesting*
Kai : Oh yeah? Then why did you hug me so tightly?
You : *blushed hard* I Dont Know....
Kai : You looked so cute when you were scared
You : I was not scared!!

It took a few seconds to register in your mind what he had said and he said ur expression with made him smile.

Kai : Btw, you do remember that you have repay me back right?
You : For what?
Kai: For carrying you around
You : Oh ... Yeah that! I do .
Kai : So what are you gonna repay me with?
You : What do you want? A Kiss? *jokingly*
Kai : That would be nice but i have something else in mind.* a sly grin on his face*
You : what are you thinking about? *giving him a suspicious look*
Kai : You are ready to do whatever i say right?
You : Uhm... Yeah.

He plucked a flower from a nearby bush.

Kai : You can start repaying by accepting this flower and....
You : *takes the flower* ok and?
Kai: And be ma girlfriend.

Your eyes widened as much as D.O's when you heard it! You blushed hard and didnt move. You never would have thought that he liked you back.

Kai : I'll take that as a 'yes'.

And then he places his soft lips on yours and you could feel him smile underneath it .

Kai : I love you.
You : *somehow managed to say* I love you too.
Kai : Come on. Lets go home

He has his arm around your waist.

You : But how?
Kai : Teleportation of course.
You : But did'nt you say it does'nt work?
Kai : I lied .
You : You lied? Why?
Kai : So that I cud be with you alone and make you my girlfriend.

He gave one of his killer smiles and you gave a shy smile back. He gave a peck on your cheeks .

Kai : Hold on tight! We're going home!

You held onto Kai very tightly and within a second you were back home . 



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That background image tho~~ I'm dyinggggg ><
Someone call the doctor!!!!
Oh, nice story you got here :)
Chapter 1: its pretty cute ;)
kowarinai #3
Chapter 1: That was cute! ♡♡♡
Jaguar_2001 #4
Chapter 1: nice story