
Exo drabbles


EXO_drabble (kaisoo shipping)
Kyungsoo had always been on the same level as Kai. Maybe a little lower, but that was caused by how tired and lazy Kyungsoo was from the housework within the dorm and the urge to relax. They had both made it this far, yet Kyungsoo sees it as Kai being the only on successful. 
Kyungsoo had no intention of being very, very, big but just famous enough...
Kyungsoo was no dancer though, Kai was. Kyungsoo wants to sing. But soon after they finish off one of the most famous talent academy, it's off to a career. Together, both Kai and Kyungsoo dreamed of being an idol...singing or dancing, both is fine. Heck maybe together in the same idol group! 
It doesn't matter all that much to Kyungsoo, just enough that he feels success in life. Enough to tell people that he hasn't done nothing in life, and had made it. 
This is not the case though. Kyungsoo had the traits to make it, yet how is it that he doesn't feel that way?
It's the season where everyone gets there mail to see if they have the talents, the acceptance. Both Kyungsoo and Kai auditioned for S.M. Entertainment and the mail seems have gotten  out already, told by many, many people they have either gotten in or dumped at. 
Although they have all gotten their mail, so why is kyungsoo staring at an open, empty mailbox? Everyone is bound to get the mail, but maybe Kyungsoo lives a little far? 
Yes, lets just say something like that. It's good anyways, Kyungsoo wasn't really ready for the answer...or wondering if he did get in or not. 
"Did you get in, Kai?" Kyungsoo says one day.
Kai looked up from his salad with glimmering eyes as he chews a piece of his so called "meal." 
"Yeah, I got in." 
"Why didn't you tell me? Well..congratulations anyways!" Kyungsoo clapped.
Kai lets off a laugh and brings Kyungsoo claps to a stop, chewing another bite. "Thanks, did you?"
"I didn't...check my mail yet." 
"You'll get it." 
Kyungsoo smiled rather too softly and replied with a look on his face that screams of ending the conversation already, "Yeah."
Of course Kai would get in, he's unbelievably talented with the way his body moves. No one else can pull off dancing like Jongin would, it would be ridiculous if he didn't get into that perfect company. 
This makes Kyungsoo question his own talent, wondering if he was good enough although everyone as their unique traits. Of course Kyungsoo was more the good enough, but he just couldn't see it through his own eyes, being self-conscious and with the lack of confidence he has. It was hard for Kyungsoo to think if he ever had the shot of accepted into that god damn company. He tried though, he tried. 
"Kyungsoo, number #201... Were are unfortunetly over opacity and there is no space available for you."
Kyungsoo stopped there.
Basically Kyungsoo didn't get in, tears flowing down his cheeks. 
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caseyx3 #1
that was sad though D: