chapter 10

My bestfriend is my husband


Its tiffany birthday today and taeng plans to make a surprise party for tiffany at their home tonight. So he already invites his close friend to their house. Since tiffany already out with siwon so it is much easier for taeng to make the preparation. He wants to make a really fun and memorable party for his bestfriend. He wants tiffany to know how much she means to taeng although they just a bestfriend. So early in the morning taeng already going out to buy the ingredient to cook and all the stuff that he needs to decorate their house.

Its lucky for him as his best buddy yoona and seohyun agree to help him preparing for the party. They really help taeng a lot because while taeng is busy preparing for the foods, the two couples help by decorating the living rooms as how taeng wants. Sometimes, seohyun also will go to the kitchen to help taeng with the dishes.

While taeng is busy at the kitchen, suddenly his house bell ring. Taeng shout to yoona asking him to open the door. And there come now sooyoung and his girlfriend sunny. They also willing to help taeng preparing for the surprise party. Taeng really thanks all his buddy because they really understand him. With all their helps, taeng’s works become more easier. While yoona, seohyun and sooyoung busy decorating the house, sunny helps taeng with the foods because she is known as a best chef among their member.

Taeng’s apartment a little bit noise that day with the playfullness of all his friend. All of them are all crazy as they never shut their mouth every second. The situation become more havoc when sica and yuri also comes to the house. They all play with each other while doing their job.

“ yah ! give me back the food sooyoung ah ! don’t steal it..”, taeng shout to sooyoung who stole his foods secretly.

“ i’m hungry ok. You don’t even offer me snacks since i come here earlier. How good friend are you taeng...”, sooyoung answer but he already running away from taeng.

“ yah ! who you think you are? A prince? Just make it like your home. If you hungy just take the food in the fridge. I don’t have time to feed you my cutie sooyoung ah...”, taeng said while still holding the scoop pretending to knock sooyoung head with that thing.

“ taeng ah ! put down the scoop please. I know you want to kill me but please used something more great than that. It just a humiliation to me you know...”, still wants to play around with taeng.

“ so what you want me to throw at you? The wok maybe huh? Haha..”, taeng throw his devil laugh.

“ thats sound more fine. Haha..”, sooyoung added.

“ yah kids ! can you two please stop playing around like that. Aishhh. You just make my concentration on making this food loss you know..”, sunny scream from the kitchen loudly.

Taeng and sooyoung looks at each other, then they laughed hardly. Yuri and yoona just can shook their head seeing the two kids play. They want to join but looking at their girlfriends glaring at them making their intention to do so stop automatically.

Its already 8 pm and tiffany said she will back around 8.30 to taeng. So all of them already prepared  and ready to make the surprise for tiffany. While waiting for the girl to come, they watch the sitcom on the tv together. As time goes by, there still no sign tiffany will back. Now its already 9.30 but they still waiting patiently. Taeng already did not feel good about this. So he try to call fany again.

“ hellooo...”, fany answer her phone.

“ fany ah. Where are you? You said you want to back early today.”, taeng said to tiffany.

“ i’m so sorry taeng but i think i can’t come home tonight. I’ll spend tonight at siwon place. He already throw a surprise party for me. I’ll just back tomorrow ok. You don’t have to wait for me tonight..”, tiffany said without knowing anything.

“ errrr...if that so its ok fany ah. Enjoy your day and happy birthday again from me. Take care of yourself out there. If there anything happen just call me.”, he try to control his feeling right now.

“ ok my best ever friend. I will take care of myself well for you. And you too. Bye.  I see you tomorrow..”, by then tiffany call off the phone.

How hurts taeng feel that night he also can tell that by words. He really feel embrassed to his friend. But they understand how taeng feel right now so they always give taeng words of support. After clearing everything, everyone already leave the house. But yuri manage to stay as he wants to have a talks with taeng.

“ hmmm...i really don’t understand that tiffany. How come she can broke the promise when she already tell you that she will be back tonight. Aishhh that girl is too much..”, yuri starts the conversation.

“ don’t blame her yul. Its all my fault. She don’t even know about this surprise party..”, taeng said weakly.

“ come you can be too calm like this? Why you so caring towards that girl. As far as i know she always hurt you. Don’t you realize that thing taeng? “, yul let his anger out this time because he cannot stand to see his friend like this anymore.

Taeng just sits silently at the couch. He doesn’t seems want to answer that question. But yuri can see clearly how dissapointed his friend is right now. Now he really confident taeng hides something from him and he already can find what is it right now.

“ honest to me if you think i’m your friend..”, he starts talking again.

“ do you love tiffany? Am i right taeng? “, curiously waiting for taeng answer.

After being silent for sometime, taeng then manage to talk again.

“ hmmm..if i do what you want to say? “, he said it weakly but still yuri can hear it clearly.

“ i already know this. So that why you always being so protective and caring for her no matter what she already do to you. Hmmm...why don’t you just confess to her? “, yuri looked straightly into taeng’s eyes.

“ are you crazy? You want me to lose tiffany? Everyone know how much tiffany loves siwon so she will never accept my love. Instead she will leave me if she found out about this thing. I can’t let that thing to happen yul. I really love tiffany so much and seems her happy with siwon already enough for me. I don’t want to ask anything from her, i’m just ok if i can see her smile and she always happy in her life. I can’t imagine how i can live without her by my side..”, this time taeng really honestly speaks the words out of his mouth. After that, tears starts to flow through his eyes. Its shows how much taeng really love tiffany.

Yuri spazzing hearing the words from taeng. He never expect that taeng really love tiffany like that. He can see how sincere taeng is at that time. Now he knows why its so hard for taeng to accept any girl in his life although there are many of them they are much more better than tiffany. Even IU cannot melt taeng heart like how that eye smile princess does.





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_A1233 #1
Author-nim, please enable your offline mode. Please. Thank youuu.
Chapter 23: Sequel please author-sshi
alexander25 #3
Chapter 23: update please tnx...
Chapter 23: don't know how many times I've read this story but always ended up crying because of Taeyeon confession.
Chapter 23: Finally Fany realized that Taeng's the one for her.
wilanne0110 #6
Chapter 23: The story's amazing! I really liked it :)
Chapter 23: Thanks alot for finishing this story :))
Finaly its happy ending for Taeny XD
Hahaha... this story is daebak,, im sure will read other story from you author...
Author jjang! :D
Badkiddo #8
Chapter 23: really nice story:')
thanks forsharing authorssi..
Chapter 23: congrats taeny ^^
EMT0304 #10
Chapter 23: Finally they are together. Thanks author