Reminders ^^

GTOP Writing Fest 2


First, I'd like to thank everyone that has already signed up to write a prompt. The Fest would really be nothing without you. Seriously XD

Second, I'd like to say that there's still 21 unclaimed prompts. If you've been thinking about the Fest but weren't quite sure, or if you've just found it and want to participate but are worried about time, then please consider joining in the fun. The more the merrier!

Since there are so many unclaimed prompts, I don't think I'll be able to fill all of them like I did last time. I hope that doesn't disappoint the prompters too badly (honestly, I think all the prompts have the potential to be great stories, but I don't have enough time to write them myself :c). However, I'll try to make sure that each prompter has at least one of their ideas filled ^^

And third, I just want to remind all the authors that stories are due on March 20. How are you guys doing? If you need more time, please just let me know :)

If you've claimed a prompt but don't see it crossed off the list, please let me know.

the following drabble contains swearing and boy kisses. so yeah. 


Seunghyun's lips curled in disgust as he watched her grind up against some low-life with grabby hands at the bar.

"God, why do I put up with her ?"

"Because she's hot, probably," remarked a guy with bright red hair while he leaned his hip on the table. He crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at Seunghyun sitting in the booth. "You'd be sorta hot too, if you weren't scowling like a dementor over here in the corner."

Seunghyun narrowed his eyes and tried to ignore the obnoxious punk. 

"Ah! H-help me!"  

Seunghyun's eyes instantly landed on the red haired nuisance who was gasping and dramatically falling to his knees, reaching out over the table with one hand toward Seunghyun. He leaned forward, barely, just to see what the brat's problem was and everything because he was pissed off, not heartless.

"What's wrong?"




Frustrated, Seunghyun slid out from his seat and rounded the table. He kneeled down on the floor next to the boy who was still reaching out for him. Seunghyun rolled his eyes and leaned closer. "What the hell is wrong with you?" 

"You're my soul out with your depressing attitude and grumpy face," the giggledstanding up and dusting his pants off like he hadn't just acted like a complete spaz in the middle of a crowded club. 

Even more pissed off, Seunghyun clenched his fists in an attempt to not punch the moron's face in. It took a few minutes of deep breathing exercises, but eventually, he calmed down enough to stand up and return to his seat. 

"Sooooooo, you're kind of lame." 

"Leave me alone," he growled. The idiot laughed and situated himself beside Seunghyun in the booth as if he'd been invited to do so.

"Come on, dude. That was an awesome Harry Potter reference, and I even acted it out and everything, but you're still over here pouting."

Seunghyun gripped his glass of neon green alcohol tightly in his hand. "Not that it's any of your business, but I'm not pouting. I'm brooding. It's different. And even if I was pouting it'd be perfectly acceptable because I'm sitting here watching my fiancee every guy she sees. Again."

He picked up his glass, letting the cool condensation slide against his palm as he took a large swallow. It burned going down.

"That's not true."

Fifty seconds of silence passed in which Seunghyun vehemently hoped that the red haired jerk would leave if he didn't respond. No such luck. The brat scooted closer until his leg was pressed against Seunghyun's under the table. He leaned in uncomfortably close, and Seunghyun noticed for a moment that the stranger had playful violet eyes (must be contacts), smooth skin, and plump lips that he kept pulling between perfect white teeth. 

The view made his pants begin to tighten, so he tried to shift away. Again, no such luck. 

"What's not true, Jiyong?" the stranger--Jiyong, apparently-- asked in what Seunghyun assumed was supposed to be an imitation of his own voice. "Well, I'm glad you asked. It's so nice when you play along." He flashed a smile, and it made Seunghyun's insides twist. "It's not every guy she sees. She's not ing me. Most noticeably, she's not ing you." 

Seunghyun grunted in irritation and went to stand up and leave. Who the hell did this guy think he was? Jiyong stopped him by running a hand up his thigh. It really should have made Seunghyun even more furious, but oddly, it only made him groan and lean back into the seat. His mouth fell open as the hand moved higher. 

Jiyong moved closer until his face was only a breath away from Seunghyun's. Undoubtedly, the guy was beautiful. His light purple eyes were lined with black. His cheeks had a light dusting of glitter over them. Or maybe it was just sweat from the hot club. Suddenly, Seunghyun wanted to know. He wanted to close the distance between them and taste this odd person. 

So he did. 

"Did you just me?!" Jiyong laughed, his eyes literally sparkling. 

Seunghyun stared. Did he just him? Really? Inwardly, he was beating himself with a baseball bat. His tongue still tingled from the red head's skin. His own dark eyes looked anywhere but at the man practically straddling his lap. 

Jiyong captured his head between both hands, forcing him to meet those violet eyes, and slowly lowered his face. He simply breathed for a moment, and the cool air blowing over his lips made Seunghyun see stars. Smirking, Jiyong darted his tongue and a thorough stripe over Seunghyun's top and bottom lip. It burned in a way that instantly had Seunghyun's hands gripping the red haired boy's shirt and crashing their mouths together. 

"Hey, dude--"

"Name's Seunghyun," he murmured into Jiyong's mouth. He felt the boy's lips curve into a smile.

"Okay, Seunghyun," Jiyong panted, out of breath. He pulled back slightly and met Seunghyun's eyes, one hand gripping his dark hair in a way that Seunghyun couldn't seem to get enough of. "I'm glad your fiancee's a ."

Seunghyun groaned at the reminder. "Why?"

"Because I lied earlier." He placed a quick kiss on Seunghyun's nose. "You're actually really damn hot when you're pouting. Or brooding. Whatever."

Seunghyun exhaled through his nose and tried to push Jiyong off of him. "I need to go."

"No, you don't. Stay with me." 

He looked back incredulously at this guy that was practically a stranger.

"Why? What're you even saying right now?"

"It's just..." he trailed off. For the first time, the cocky brat seemed nervous or less sure of himself. Even his cheeks were turning pink. "I've been watching you all night, and it's pretty obvious that you're not happy with her. Someone with a smile like yours should never be allowed to frown. In fact, she should be arrested for making you sad. It's definitely illegal somewhere, and if it's not, then it should be."

Seunghyun quirked and eyebrow as he watched the flamed haired boy squirm under his dark gaze. 

"I... I could make you smile." Jiyong looked nervous still, but there was a determination in his purple eyes that had Seunghyun's heart skipping a beat. 

At that, Seunghyun really did smile with his own ears burning in embarrassment. He smiled so hard that it made his cheeks hurt. He ducked his head bashfully and pulled a pen from his pocket to quickly write on the napkin under his half-full glass. 

Jiyong pouted, his bottom lip sticking out cutely as Seunghyun stood up. He rolled the napkin with his number on it into a ball and tossed it to the interesting boy. He winked. "I need to go make some changes in my life. Call me next week, and I'll be a happier man."

"Next time I kiss you, you better be a single man." The red haired boy laughed and nodded toward the bar. 

Seunghyun rolled his eyes at his fiancee (soon to be ex-fiancee) as she danced topless on the bar. "I will be."



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Clara13 #1
Can you make jiyong is seunghyun's son and like his own father secretly and one day he seungyun and get him pregnant, after that he leaving to america for study without knowing his father pregnant with his child meanwhile taeyang (also seunghyun's son and jiyong brother) have feeling for their father too, and please make seungyun give birth and maybe feed in this
Chapter 2: awwwww your drabble is so cute
little jiyongi and little seunghyuni
too adorable
Chapter 8: Does this story continue? What happened after dinner, dancing & brake repair? I'd love to see this continue!
Chapter 6: i swear i have tears in my eyes from laughter...this is briliant! briliant i tell u!! And the end is so perfect and beautiful that i'm at a loss of words
*lapetitemort lots of <3 for ya
Chapter 14: wow~~~ this is amaaaazing!!! i never thought that my prompt will turns good like this~~ big thanks for @trixarah.. and also @obsidiansapphire
love you both~!!^^ <3 <3 <3
Chapter 21: I didn't read all yet, but till now thats my favorite one. Read it it worth it <3

But all i read so far were really good written *__*
Thank you all for your hard work <3~
Chapter 15: Ohhh this hurts ;______;
its so sad and beautiful and just heart breaking.
Chapter 6: this is the end of me~~~~
i'm gonna die out of the cuteness and the fluffiness right here~~~
a very big thanks for writing such an amaaazing story to @lapetitemort^^
and also to @obsidiansapphire for arranging this gtop fest 2..
***xoxo to both of you dearies***
poppytop #9
Chapter 11: Wow... this story is very moving especially the end when it came down to Seunghyun's decision to leave; realistically it is very hard to leave groups like that, especially when it feels like there's no where else to belong. The ending was amazing, very real and hopeful and sad. All the conversations with Jiyong were touching. Jiyong certainly changed his life. <3
Chapter 11: omg B'| this makes me wanna cry. I'm glad Seunghyun got out of the healing camp but I'm heartbroken at how they part. I'm leaving up to my imagination that they'll meet again. author, you're brilliant; maybe you should make a sequel one shot ;p