Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek [Sandeul Oneshot]

Anyoung lovelies!!! It's my first B1A4 Oneshot so please be gentle? *puppy eyes* tbh, I DO NOT know this group too well so I sincerely apologize if their personalities are off. I wrote this based on my perceptions and impressions of them so hopefully they are somewhat accurate =P Hope you guys enjoy it!   

            “So you’re sure they won’t be back till midnight right?” you asked your boyfriend Sandeul as you gazed out the window of his dorm apprehensively.

            “Aigoo _______-ah…” Sandeul wrapped his arms securely around your waist from behind. “I promise” he whispered tickling your ears with his warm breath. “And you know what that means?” You lift your head up to meet his chocolate brown eyes while holding onto his soft arms that were holding you close.

            “Mwuh?”you asked energetically anticipating his response. 

            “It means we get the entire evening to ourselves” he answers playfully nuzzling your nose with his.

            “Hmm…then we should make the most of it right?” you stated softly puckering your rosy lips. Sandeul smiled sweetly before lowering his lips to yours. You turned around to face him keeping your lips glued to his, feeling his tender love flood your entire body. Sandeul’s soft hands made landfall on your cheeks as he tilted his head deepening the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his slender neck sinking your face further into his. It seems no matter how many times your lips have met his; you just can’t get enough of their sugary sweet taste. Just as you were about to tangle your fingers within his soft ebony locks, you hear tumultuous knocks attacking the door. You both immediately parted from each other and directed your attention towards the door.

          “HYUNG! Open the door! I need to pee!!!” a voice called rather impatiently from behind the wooden door.

           “AH JINJA THAT’S GONGCHAN! What are they all doing here?!?!?” Sandeul exclaimed in utter shock.

           “YA! I thought you said they wouldn’t be home till midnight!!!” you yelled in total terror.

            “That’s what I thought!!!”

            “Well clearly you thought wrong!!!” you retorted with frustration. Sandeul immediately crashed his hand on top of your mouth while holding you close by the waist.

         “SHHH! If you keep yelling at me then we’re definitely going to get caught!”

           “Ya! Sandeul-ah! Is everything okay in there? Open up already!” leader Jinyoung ordered pounding the door even harder.

           “Uhhh…Just a minute guys!!!” Sandeul quickly led you away from the door and held onto your shoulders. “Listen, you need to hide somewhere right now! I’ll try and keep them all distracted so you can slip out the door!”

               “Mwuh?! Micheoso?! What kind of a plan is that?!” you exclaimed unable to believe the words spilling out of his mouth.

               “Just trust me” he responded staring into your eyes giving your shoulders a light squeeze. With just one look into his calming eyes, your heart felt at a peaceful rest. You silently nodded your head in agreement, before running off to find a place to hide. Sandeul then approached the door and rests his hand on the doorknob. He takes a deep breath in an effort to return to normalcy hoping s won’t question him about the suspicious hold up. He finally swings the door open smiling brightly to greet his fellow members. However, before he even managed to open his mouth, Gongchan throws his jacket at Sandeul and sprints towards the bathroom with the speed of light.

             “Wow…he really had to go” Sandeul replied still astonished by the crazy speed at which Gongchan flashed past.

              “Well I did tell him to go at the restaurant before we left” CNU stated shaking his head as he entered the dorm.

            “He was practically dying by the time we got here” Baro chuckled following CNU towards the leather coach.

              “Yeah he was! Who were you talking to for so long?” Jinyoung interrogated with curious eyes.

            “Huh? Talking? I wasn’t talking…” Sandeul answered swiftly.

             “Yeah you were!” Baro exclaimed as he lied on the couch.

            “We could’ve sworn we heard another voice in here that wasn’t you” CNU stated. Sandeul laughed in response hoping to conceal his nerves that were rapidly tying into knots.

              “Ha! You guys are funny! Seriously, what did you guys eat at that restaurant?! It’s obviously making you hear things!” Suddenly, a booming scream fills the entire dorm causing everyone to flip their heads towards the bathroom.

             “HYUNG!!!!!!!!” Gongchan shrieks causing everyone to jump. The bathroom door abruptly swings open unleashing a horrified maknae. He quickly runs to Jinyoung and leaps onto him almost knocking him over like a bowling pin.

             “WHAT HAPPENED!?” Jinyoung questioned anxiously trying to support the weight of the petrified maknae who was clinging onto his neck.   

             “Th-th-there’s…there’s…” Gongchan stutters unable to find the right words.

              “THERE’S WHAT?!” CNU and Baro yell simultaneously crowding around him.

             “THERE’S A GIRL SITTING IN OUR BATHTUB!!!” Gongchan shrieks squeezing Jinyoung’s neck like a ketchup bottle.

            “Oh crap…” Sandeul mumbles face palming himself.

             “MWUH?!?!” the members shout completely thrown off guard. Jinyoung—being especially startled—ends up dropping the distressed maknae, leaving him to crash against the polished floor.

             “Wait! …is she cute?” Baro asks with a sly smirk painting his elated face. Sandeul rolls his eyes in irritation while keeping a safe distance from s knowing that he was going to be pounded by questions in a matter of minutes. CNU whacks Baro in the head for his rather extraneous comment.

            “YA! That is not the question we are supposed to be asking right now!”

             “Yeah! The real question is…WHY IS THERE A GIRL IN OUR BATHTUB?!” Jinyoung exclaimed completely disregarding Gongchan who was still sprawled on the floor rubbing at his bottom that sustained quite an impact. In an instant, all the members turned to Sandeul with grave expressions plastering their faces.

            “Sandeul…WHAT ON EARTH WAS GOING ON HERE WHILE WE WERE GONE?!?” Jinyoung yells with his arms flailing wildly in the air.

             “HOW FAR DID U TWO GO?!?” Baro exclaimed ganging up on Sandeul along with the other members.

             “AISH! WE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT” Sandeul yelled in frustration pulling at his fringe.

             “Wait a minute…you have a girlfriend and you hid her from us all this time?!?” CNU shouted in disbelief. Sandeul hung his head in defeat nodding his head solemnly.

              “________-ah, you can come out now...there’s no point in hiding anymore” Sandeul calls out towards the bathroom.

              Upon hearing his voice, you carefully stepped out of the bathtub and slowly walked out of the bathroom, only to be met with five pairs of eyes staring back at you. The room was dead silent, so quiet that you could hear the faint chirps of the crickets playing through the night. The atmosphere was embedded with awkwardness as the members continued to watch you make your way to Sandeul and cling onto his arm.

            “Omo…she is cute!” Baro admitted finally breaking the awkward silence that plagued the room.

            “Anyounghasaeyo choneun ________-midha” you introduced bowing a full ninety degrees hoping to conceal your blushing cheeks. The boys bowed back kindly in response still phased by the entire incident.

            “If you don’t mind me asking ________-ah, umm what exactly were you doing in our bathtub?” CNU asked with perplexity.

            “Well…Sandeul wanted to keep us a secret till he was ready to tell you guys. We weren’t expecting you till midnight so when you guys knocked he told me to go hide…and this dorm isn’t exactly flooded with impeccable hiding places so that’s how I ended up in there” you explained trying to conceal your laughter realizing how ridiculous your story sounded.

            “Ohhhhhhhh~~!!!” they all harmonized in full comprehension.

            “Well that makes much more sense! Wait…you didn’t see me… you know…while you were in there?” Gongchan questioned with his face turning a bright red.

            “Aniya!!!” you exclaimed shaking your hands in front of you. “I didn’t see a thing till you opened the curtains!”

            “Phew! Thank God, because that would have been really embarrassing!”

            “I agree” you giggled feeling the atmosphere slowly lightening up around you. Pretty soon you found yourself being treated like B1A4’s little sister and you absolutely loved it. You never thought they would be so sweet—especially after finding out that Sandeul had hid your relationship from them, but they turned out to be sweeter than candy.

            “If Sandeul ever makes you cry don’t be afraid to tell us! We’ll beat him up for you” Baro assured throwing a light punch at Sandeul’s shoulder.

            “Hehe~ hopefully it won’t ever come to that” you answered looking up at him with a smile. Sandeul takes your hand and laces his fingers with yours returning you with the same content expression. The warmth of his hand quickly surged up your entire arm making you feel one hundred percent secure. You don’t know what it is, but something about the simple touch of his hand made you feel so safe even in the most uncomfortable situations—much like the one you had experienced today. He just had that magical ability to assure you and comfort you without even saying anything. It was truly remarkable.

            “Well, I am happy to welcome you to our family _________-ah” Jinyoung announced smiling sweetly at you.

            Ever since you and Sandeul started dating, you always worried about how the other members would see you and whether they would even accept you. Turns out all your worries were for no reason because not only have you gained their acceptance, but you’ve inherited a spot in their family and to you that was priceless. 


anybody have any ideas of a good hiding place? haha!!!  

Well if you do feel free to share it down below, along with your thoughts/feedback! It would be much appreciated(:


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sandeulsprincess #1
Chapter 1: omg that was the cutest story ever.i even read it more then once?
Chapter 1: Awwww sooo cute :)))
Chapter 1: ahw ! cute ! ^^.
lazyoongi #4
Chapter 1: Lol this oneshot made me laugh XD so cute;;
YourMyLove #5
OMO LOVE THIS STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
Chapter 1: OMO! Here you got me again XD awww! San-ssi! XD and well..Answer your possibly question..I´m not a bana girl but I´m just an fan, and Sandeul is my second fav in the group, so if I can say, you catch very well the personality of them (?) XDD And..I think that the better place to hide is..chan-CHAN The wardrobe. XD yeah, at least if you get catch when they.. you know, they change of clothes XDD you will get big benefits, háa? XDD oook, thank you again for write this great fic, I love it! So fun, sweet so..B1A4!!
treblebasssj #7
Soooo fluffyyy I love it
Chapter 1: Omo, this was so sweet!!!
YasleYang #9
Chapter 1: That was super cute. Oh and the clothes hamper is a great hiding spot.