Or So I Thought...

I will Always Love You

Scroll to bottom for a little update...... -J


Author's POV

“Sungki… May I ask you something?” Minho finally asked.


“Sure what’s up?”


“Do you like Wooyoung or me?”

“… Gabjagi, wae? Why the sudden question?” Sungki said trying to avoid eye contact.


“I just… wanna know if I have a chance,” Minho said while grabbing her chin and lifting her head up so she could look at him in the eyes.


The question bubbled in her head. She didn’t know what to answer. She was confused, and what happened with Kim Bum made it worse. She didn’t want to answer the question nor could she. Who does her heart belong to? Wooyoung or Minho? She wanted to look for a reason to avoid the question but couldn’t come up with anything.


“Umm, excuse me for a second” Sungki dashed to the restroom.


----Minho POV---


Man, I shouldn’t have asked her that. She just came back from her trip with Kim Bum and she’s hurt. It was really imprudent of me to ask so soon, I just really wanna know. Should I give it a shot with her or just back off?


----Sungki POV---


Ohh, eotteoke? How do I answer Minho? I don’t know what to say… I don’t even know the answer myself. Do I like wooyoung? My bestfriend or Minho oppa, just like when I was little? Ahh jinjja, this is confusing. I cant leave Minho alone for too long, he’ll think something’s wrong. I better go back.


---Author’s POV----


Sungki came back to the table only to find Minho looking down into his cup and swirling the water around.


She felt sorry for him, but she didn’t know the answer herself. She sat down and decided to explain.


“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked” Minho said while still looking at his cup.


“No, it’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with asking.” Sungki said while looking at him but he wouldn’t look up.


“Minho… Please look at me” She told Minho while placing her hand ontop of his. Minho looked up with sad looking eyes then looked back down.


“Listen, I would love to tell you who I like, but truth is I don’t even know who it is that I like, I’m… Consused”


---Minho POV---


Confused? So, she might like Woo? Why is she confused?




“Why are you confused?” Minho asked looking at her in the eyes.


Sungki blushed and looked down so he wouldn’t notice.


“It’s just that… I ... Well… *Sigh* How do I put it? I like you Minho, I really do. I’ve had a crush on you when we were little and those feelings came back when you came to New York. It’s just that…”


“Wooyoung also got to your feelings, huh?”


“*sigh* yes… I don’t know what to do. I’ve been confused for a while now and I don’t know how to find out the answer. I don’t want to be confused anymore it’s not such a good feeling. I mean maybe I do like you and I think I like wooyoung because of the attention he gives me but I cant possibly like my own best friend right? I mean, wouldn’t… wouldn’t that be wrong? It’s wrong right? *sigh* I’m a really bad person. I’m playing with your feelings and I don’t even know if Wooyoung feels the same way and it’s all so freaking confusing! I don’t know anymore. I’m not worthy of being with yo---“


Sungki was cut off before she could finish saying what she was about to say. Her words were stopped by something soft and warm. Minho had placed his lips on hers and kissed her so she would stop talking. She kept talking and talking while looking at her lap that she didn’t notice Minho had gotten up eventually and went to her side. He kneeled in front of her and kissed her. She felt herself blushing. She was heating up.


“You talk too much” Minho said as he retreated from the kiss giving Sungki a smile while looking her in the eyes.


Sungki was dumbfounded. The kiss was so unexpected and felt so warm. She knew for a fact now that Minho was the guy she really liked.


“O…Oppa…” She stuttered.


“Well, you said you didn’t want to be confused anymore. You kept talking and talking that you didn’t even hear me call your name. I decided to help you find your answer. Did that solve your confusion?” Minho said, still kneeling on the ground looking at her.


“Yes…” She said while looking at her hands “Oppa… Mianhe…”


She looked up to see Minho and could sense he was expecting a bad answer from her.


“I hope this answers your question oppa” Sungki wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. Minho was shocked at Sungki’s sudden action and felt himself blushing and just starring blankly into space.


----Minho POV---


Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here? Am I blushing? Does this mean Sungki likes me?


---Author POV---


Sungki giggled at Minho’s action. She thought it was cute that the cool and tough Minho was suddenly dumbfounded by a simple kiss.


“Hellooo…? Minho oppa? Are you there? Yoohoo??” Sungki said giggling while waving her hand in front for Minho’s face.


It took a while for Minho to react. When he finally reacted he couldn’t stop smiling.


“Sungki-ah, does this mean you like me?”


“Ne, oppa. I like you” Sungki said while giving him a cute smile.




“Yes, Minho! Really!” She said while giving him a hug.


“Sungki, will you go out with me?” He asked Sungki.


“Sure, we just head out the door and we’ll be outside” Sungki said sarcastically while pointing at the door laughing.


“That’s not what I meant Sungki, Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked again.


Sungki smiled and looked into his eyes.


“Of course I’ll be your girlfriend”


Minho was extremely happy, although he didn’t show too much excitement. He just smiled and gave Sungki a peck on the lips. Deep inside he was jumping like a little boy.


“Gaja, Taecyeon wont be home until late. Let’s go back to my condo,” He said with a wink


Sungki was taken aback by that wink. She started thinking all sorts of erted things that Minho would wana do. Minho took notice of Sungki’s thoughts by the face she made.


“Waaaghhh, Sungki. I didn’t know you would think that way. Don’t worry, I wont try anything” Minho said laughing.


“w-wh-what are you talking about? I wasn’t thinking a-anything” Sungki stuttered while looking away in embarrassment.


“Hahaha, gurae. Gaja” Minho said as he wrapped his arm around Sungki.

---Minho’s Condo---


Sungki POV


“Where did Taecyeon oppa go?” I asked when we entered the condo.


“Uhh, he said he had somewhere to go; something about going to workout. Whenever he goes workout for so long is cause something’s wrong with him…”


“Ohh, gurae?”


Oh man, Taecyeon oppa must have found out about Jerim and the dino already. I hope he doesn’t do something really stupid. It must’ve hit him pretty hard. I hope he’s okay.


“So do you share a room with Jerim?”


“Huh? Ani, we have separate rooms. Wae? Do you and Taecyeon share rooms?”


“Ani, we made a third room so we can have our man cave in there jaja. We hang out there late at night after a workout.”


Pssh, that explains Taecyeon’s amazing body. I wonder if Minho’s is as great as his. Wtf Sungki, what are you thinking? Snap out of it!


“Ahh, ne”


“Would you like to go see around? You’ve only seen the living room”



Minho’s room is pretty spacious keke. It’s nice though. It’s kinda messy, but nice.

Taecyeon’s room is pretty clean for a guy. Both their rooms are blue; I guess it’s a brother thing keke


Their “man cave” was really nice. It’s big too! It had dim lighting, sofas, a kitchen, a counter table, chairs, a bunch of game systems, and a big plasma TV.


We went back to his room and decided to sit and talk.


“Would you like some snacks Sungki? Popcorn, chips, nuts? I’ll go get them”


Lol he said nuts kekeeke I know it’s really immature of me but I cant help it.


“*giggles* Ani, it’s okay. I’ll go get them. You sit on the bed or something”


I went to his kitchen to check the pantry. These guys have so much junk food it’s surprising Taecyeon had amazing abs and everything. They must have some serious self-control to not eat all this and not gain weight. I found some nuts kekekeke nuts, some dried fruit, and some sunflower seeds. That’s not unhealthy, so that’ll be fine.


----Author’s POV---


Sungki made her way to Minho’s room and found him sitting on the bed. She made her way up the stairs and set the food on the table next to the bed. She turned to sit on the bed but accidentally tripped on a pillow that was on the floor and fell ontop of Minho. She panicked and completely froze ontop of him.


----Minho POV---


Ughh, Sungki. You don’t know how hard it is for me to control myself around you and you come ontop of me. Gosh this . Calm down Minho, don’t do it. Just make a joke out of it and get out of the situation. Yeah, that’ll work.


“*clears throat* Wow Sungki… I didn’t know you wanted to do it that badly”


“Y-yah!” Sungki stuttered as she got off of me. She’s so cute when she’s embarrassed. She’s blushing, how cute.


“It’s okay, I mean, We are alone and together *Winks*”


“Y-yah! Andwe! It’s not like that! Ahhh, jeongmal” she said while slapping my arm. I couldn’t help but laugh at the situation.



“Hahahaha, very funny” was all she could say.


“Arasseo, arasseo. Mianhe. It was a joke,” I said trying to get her to smile.


“Ani, I’m mad”


“Awww, c’mon Sungki. I’m sorry, please forgive me”


She wouldn’t look at me. I know! I’ll be cute to her.


“Sungkiiii~~ Sungki-ahh~~ Sungki noona~~~”


The word ‘noona’ made her look up, since Im older than her she thought it was weird, perfect timing for my aegyo.


“Sungki noonaaa~~~” I sang while jumping around in circles.


“*giggles* ahh, you ! I wanted to stay mad at you!”


“I know you can’t resist my aegyo. I’m too beautiful hahaha”


“Sure you are frog prince, I wonder where Wooyoung-ah is. He hasn’t called or texted since he left.”


“Don’t think about Woo when you’re around me”




Wait, did I just say that outloud? You’re thinking outloud again Minho, nice one.


“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I think I’m getting jealous”


“Gwenchana, I hope you’re okay with it though. I might be going out with you, but my friendship with Woo isn’t something Im gonna throw away”


She sounds so serious. I didn’t mean to make the mood all awkward and serious.


“Ara… Come *pats bed* Sit. Let’s talk, I wanna ask you something…”


“What’s on your mind?”


“Well, I’m pretty sure Wooyoung knows about this but, what happened between Kim Bum and you a long time ago?”


“It’s not something I like to talk about, but since we’re going out you might as well know… When I was 18, I went out with Kim Bum. It was all well at the beginning. We were the cutest couple in highschool. My friends soon started envying my relationship with him cause although he wasn’t the most popular guy in school, he was still one of the cutest. My friends started telling him all sorts of nonsense about how I was better off without him, how he just drags me back instead of pushing me forward, how he doesn’t deserve to have me and how I’m much better than him. Through out all the time I went out with him he never showed any signs of anger problems until he once…”


Sungki started crying; I guess it’s really painful for her to remember. I didn’t know it was that bad; I’m sorry Sungki.


“Gwenchana, Sungki. You don’t have to finish if you don’t want to”


“*Sniffs* Ani, I should tell you the whole story… He once tried to abuse me. He was drunk at the time so I didn’t really want to believe it was him who tried to harm me. He said he loved me but tried to abuse me. I let it slide cause he was drunk. A couple weeks later it was my birthday. I recived a phone call from him; I expected a “happy birthday sweety” or “look outside your window” or something like that but no. He called to say goodbye and break up with me cause he was leaving back to Korea. When he came back he explained how he left to change for me. He confessed to me and asked me to go out with him, but I rejected him. I thought he had changed but when he stole that kiss from me to take revenge, I was completely let down. I felt super violated and backstabbed…”


I didn’t know the story between them was that bad. I didn’t know what to say, all I could do was hug Sungki to console her.


“I’m sorry Sungki, I didn’t know”


“Gwenchana, you don’t have any fault with it”


I grabbed her chin with my fingers and looked her in the eye.


“I’ll always be here for you, you know that?”


“*smiles* Gomawo”


She’s so cute when she smiles. She looks so fragile when she cries. She’s usually a strong person. Seeing her cry is rare, I just feel like grabbing her under my arms and protect her from anything that tries to harm her. I felt myself leaning in closer and closer to her; soon we were inches apart.

When I was ready to give her a kiss, the door opened.


“Yah, minho-ah Im…..home….” Taecyeon said as he opened the door. Sungki and I were startled and quicly jumped off the bed.


“Well, then. I guess you two started going out too. I’ll be leaving now, again. Have fun guys, but not too much fun *Wink*”


“Y-yah!” I said as I threw a pillow at Taecyeon. I was too late and the pillow hit the door instead. I thought Sungki would’ve been mad but she ws actually laughing.


“You’re laughing?”


“I find it funny how I caught Taecyeon in the same situation with Jerim a couple nights ago. Now he came to find us. The only difference is he was actually ontop of her and with out a shirt hahahaha”


“Ohhhh, that’s right hahahaha”


“Well, you wana watch TV or something now?”


“Sure, let’s go to the living room”


We made our way to the living room and sat on the couch. We were watching TV, cuddling, and eating till it was late, the best way to end a school night.


---Meanwhile with Taecyeon and Wooyoung---


*Ring ring*




“Yeoboseyo? Wooyoung-ah?”


“Ne, Taec hyung. Wae gurae?


“I just saw something I thought I should tell you. Minho and Sungki are now going out”


“Ara… I was there when it happened”


“He asked when you were together?”


“Ani, I went to eat at a restaurant after I had an appointment with the JYP entertainment producer. I saw Minho on his knees and Sungki suddenly… Kissed him”


“Ohh, jeongmal? Mianheyo”


“Ani, gwenchana.”


“So what are you gonna do now?”


“Na? Keep fighting for Sungki”


“Jeongmal? Eotteoke?”


“Minho might have Sungki now, but deep inside Sungki loves me. I know her better than anyone. Better than she knows herself. I just gotta open her eyes to it. This isn’t the end hyung. Sungki’s gonna be mine…”

“Jeongmal? Do you think I should fight for Jerim-ah as well?”


“I’m not trying to go against my hyung or anything but if you really love her and want to try to have something with her, go for it. Who knows? Maybe she’ll like you too”


“Gurae, gomawo Wooyoung-ah. I’ll see you tomorrow in school. We’ll talk about JYP tomorrow. Good night~~”


----The Next Day After School---


Sungki and Minho were walking back to the parking lot talking and exchanging looks every so often. Whenever they would catch each other looking at the other they would blush and look down. They’re in the typical lovestruck phase. When they made it back to Sungki’s car they were ready to say goodbye.


“Annyeong Sungki. I’ll call you later” Minho said as he was opening his arms for a hug. Woo suddenly popped out of nowhere and stepped in the middle of the hug.


“Minho hyung~~ Sungki~~ Good to see you guys!” Wooyoung said as he grabbed both Sungki and Minho into a group hug.


“*Sigh* not again” Minho said annoyed.


“Yah! Why do you always have to !” Minho said annoyed.


“*Giggle* Annyeong Wooyoung-ah. Wanna go get some frozen yogurt? You ran off on me yesterday” Sungki asked Woo.


“Yah, you didn’t invite me for some frozen yogurt” Minho told Sungki looking at Woo with jealousy.


“We were together all afternoon yesterday, Minho-ah. I wanna talk to Wooyoung today”


“But—Why?” Minho asked pouting.


“Because she wants to” Woo said looking at Minho with an “in your face!” look.


“Gaja, Sungki. Let’s go get some frozen yogurt in my car. We’ll pick yours up after” Woo said as he grabbed Sungki’s hand and started walking away from Minho. Woo looked back at him and stuck his tongue out while Sungki wasn’t looking.


“What was that about?” Jjong asked Minho as he came with Jerim and Taecyeon.


“I’ve just been left by my girlfriend to go for some frozen yogurt with her bestfriend…” Minho said looking at Sungki and Woo who were walking and laughing in the distance


“Ouch, that must hurt” Taecyeon said as he tried getting Minho’s attention.


“Babe, what are we gonna do today?” Jerim said linking arms with the dino.


“Mianhe, honey. I have some errands to run this afternoon. I have a surprise for you” Jjong said with a wink.


“Ohh, gurae? Taecyeon, can we go back to my condo? I wanna talk to you about something” Jerim said as she let go of Jjongs arm and went to Taecyeon’s side leaving Jjong staring at them



“Uhh.. Sure. Gaja” Taecyeon said as he walked off with Jerim.


“Y-yah” Jjong said as he pointed at Jerim and Taecyeon.


“Bye Dino! See you when you’re done with your errands!” Jerim shouted without looking back.


“It hurts doesn’t it?” Minho said as he patted Jjong’s shoulder.


“Yeah, it does… Im gonna go now. I have an appointment in 10 minutes. I’m gonna come back a man. You’ll see *Wink*” and with that said Jjong left to his car leaving Minho alone.


Minho POV

*Sigh* I guess I’ll go home, eat, and go take some pictures at the park later. As I got into my car I the radio to see what was playing.

Lonely, I’m Mr. Lonely. I have no body for my own~~


How ironic -.- *Sigh* I’ll just drive in silence…

---With Woo and Sungki---

Wooyoung and Sungki went to a frozen yogurt bar near the school. Woo and Sungki have similar taste. They both got a variety of fruit yogurt topped with some fruit, granola, and condenced milk (A/N Whether Woo likes his yogurt like that or not is not of my knowledge. I just really like my frozen yogurt like that lol). Sungki was about to take out her card to pay for the frozen desserts but Woo stopped her.


“Ani, gwenchana. I’ll pay” Woo said smiling while grabbing her hand away from the card swiper.


“Ani, I invited you. Let me pay” Sungki said and she pinched Woo’s cheeks.


“Ani, it’s okay. I’ll pay” Woo said as he swiped his card.


They made their way to a table and were just eating in silence for a few minutes.


“So, you and Minho huh?” Woo asked looking down at his yogurt.


“Yeah… Yesterday when you left—“


“Ara, I was there”


“You where there? How?”


“I went to eat after I had an appointment. I saw you guys when you kissed him…”


“Oh… I see. Even though I’m now going out with him that doesn’t mean that---“


“Sungki, Im going back to Korea”

(A/N Lol i know this ruins the seriousness but i thought this macro was hilarious xD -V)




“I’m going back to Korea…”




“Yesterday when I left was because I got a call from an employee of JYP Entertainment. They wanted me to debut with a boy group called 2PM in Korea. I used school as an excuse to debut here and they said I could debut here in the US with 2PM but that I still had to go to Korea for two-year training…”


“Oh, gurae? When are you leaving?”






“Hahaha I’m just kidding Sungki. I’m not going back to Korea. Im training and debuting here” Woo said laughing.


“Y-yah! That’s not funny! You scared me! I was about to break down in tears!” Sungki said as she sat back in hair chair crossing her arms and pouting.


“Awww, I’m sorry Sungki I shouldn’t have done that” Woo said while staring at Sungki.


“Ani, I’m leaving!”


Sungki got up and got her things and was headed for the door but something stopped her on the way.


Woo had gotten up and ran to her. He gave her a back hug and whispered in her ear “Don’t go… I’m sorry”.


Sungki POV


I could feel Woo’s warm strong body against mine. My heart is beating really fast and I can feel myself getting really hot. Why? I cant possibly like Wooyoung! Ani, I’m going out with Minho. This cant be happening. I like Minho, or so I thought…


---Over with the Dino---

“Good afternoon Mr.Kim. Glad you could make it” a woman kindly greated Jonghyun as he entered the studio.


“Glad I could be here” he said with a smile.


“Let’s get you over to the makeover team and get you ready for the photoshoot. Right this way please” The woman led Jonghyun to a salon where there was a team waiting for him.


“Hello Mr.Kim” They all said in unision.


“This will be your team for the day Mr.Kim. They will do your hair, make up, wardrobe change, etc.” The manager told Jonghyun as he sat down.


“Alright people let’s get to work! *clap clap*” The manager said as she left the salon.


The team gave Jjong a complete make over; hair, clothes, make up. He was a completely different person. Jonghyun had been hired for a photoshoot when he went spying on Minho and Jerim. He figured he’d give it a shot since he needed a way to spend his free time when he’s not with Jerim.


“Yes, exactly! *click* perfect *click* excellent *click*” The photographer said as the photoshoot went on.




“Great work everybody! That’ll be all for today” the director of the shoot said as he picked up everything.


“Mr.Kim, great job! Is this your first time doing a shoot?”


“Yes, actually. It was thrilling and exciting”


“You did an outstanding job! It’s like you were made for this!”


“Thank you very much”


“You may keep the wardrobe of the shoot. You’re free to go, your paycheck will be transferred into your account”


“Thank you so much. Great work everybody!” Jonghyun shouted as he left to his car.


---With Taec and Jerim---

“So what is it you wanna talk to me about?” Taecyeon asked as he took a seat on the couch.


“Okay, I’m gonna be straight up. You know I’m going out with Jjong now and I don’t want it to be awkward between us… We’ve been bestfriends since childhood and I would like to keep you as my best friend”


“I would like to keep you as my friend too”


“So, we cool?” Jerim asked Taecyeon.


“We cool” Taecyeon said with a smile.


“So you want some cookies or something? I’m too lazy to cook keke”Jerim offered Taec


“Ani, gwenchana. I have an appointment in a few minutes. I’m gonna go home and get ready.” Taecyeon said as he got up.


“Appointment? What appointment?”


“It’s a surprise, you’ll find out in a little while *Wink*” with that Taecyeon grabbed his things and left.


Jerim POV


*Sigh* guess I’m by myself today. I’m gonna go jog. There’s nothing better to do and I haven’t gone in such a long time. The day’s perfect for an outdoor workout.


Taecyeon POV


I went back home and started getting ready. I couldn’t help but repeat the words Jerim just told me. We’ve been bestfriends since childhood and I would like to keep you as my best friend. Maybe I should just give up on fighting for her and just keep our friendship. I don’t wanna lose her. I’ts better to keep her friendship than to ruin it. Yeah, that’s what Im gonna do. Jjong, you won. You have Jerim’s heart, but she still has me in hers.


---Minho’s lonely day---

Minho POV


It’s fall now. The trees are changing colors, the leaves are falling; it’s perfect scenery for photography. There was barely anybody at the park, although it’s fall, it’s still quite warm and sunny outside. I took many pictures.


I was about to take a picture of people infront of me, but I recognized someone in front. It was a girl, Jerim. But who’s the guy infront of her? Is that Jjong? Ani, he’s not back yet, no way is that…?


So, J wasn't able to update today lol Happy mother's day to all the mother's out there! You guys have the hardest job of all yet you manage to be there. What did you guys think of this chapter? :P Jjong's a model now bahaha So Sungki finally chose someone! She's with Minho now :p Are you guys happy with that? She finally has a boyfriend haha Thank you for all the views and all the support. It really means a lot to us! So, we decided to call you Blarps :P Thank you Blarps for reading, commenting, and subscribing! It means a lot mote to us than you think ;) 2PM finally came out!! Woohoo!! That 'Grown' album trailer was A BIG TEASE OMG :OOO Here's the link for those of you who haven't watched it lol prepare for major nosebleeds haahah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qSglWf_rVc&list=FLBpzJvEhkemwMOkYLq9yUsA&index=6

Thanks for the support, we love you guys!


Hey blarps..............umm i don't know bout that. Anyway I just came back because I noticed V was too lazy to proof read this chapter. So me being the good dongsaeng I am, came back and fixed it......................Oh just so you know I have ideas for a new fic I'll be writing over the summer. I'll post the foreward soon. Remember....good things come to those who wait kekeke...................I fail at trying to be deep. Haha LMFAO.


Ahh jinjja, if you were gonna update in the end you should've said so J... jaja and yes aint no body got time to proof read xD Look forward to J's new fic! It's gonna be reeeaalllyyy good, you dont wanna miss it ;)


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Oh my god I just noticed we hit 2,000+!!!!! Thank you guys so much!!! Saranghae


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itismerobyn #1
i hope i'm not being too greedy or anything, but i need more cute Wooyoung moments! He is my ultimate bias. BUT i love this story so update soon? hehehe (:
itismerobyn #2
please update soon ^.^
I love this story <3
jesica27 #3
Chapter 18: SO.................
HAHAHAHA but its o.k

you have a good story
Chapter 12: mysterious guy! haha hmm someone from 2AM maybe?? XD
just read the foreword and it seems interesting! subscribed; will continue and catch up with the chapters ^^
Hookedonkpop #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^