Fighting Leads To...

I will Always Love You


“JeRim-ah!” Someone shouted; the voice belonged to a guy. A guy with a deep yet gentle voice.

The girls turn around in shock. SungKi is speechless, and JeRim is a bit scared. They can’t believe who it is.


SungKi POV

This cannot be happening. Why is HE here? Did he already get released?


Minho POV

Who is this guy? Does JeRim-ah know him?


Wooyoung POV

This is the guy from the parking lot. Why is he here? Does he know JeRim-ah? What’s going on?


Jonghyun POV

Who’s this guy? Why do the girls look shocked to see him?


Taecyeon POV

Who’s this guy? It seems like he knows JeRim-ah. But why does she look scared. It looks like she doesn’t want to see him.



What is HE doing here? Did they already release him? Has it already been 2 years already. Why is he here?

“N-Nichkhun. W-What are y-you doing h-here?” Oh God, I’m stuttering. All the boys look really confused…SungKi looks pissed.

“Why are you so shocked?” he asked. How is it that he’s so calm.

“I thought you were still in rehab?” Thank God I’m not stuttering anymore. Shouldn’t he still be in rehab.

“Yeah, I was. I got out 2 weeks ago.” Before I could even reply SungKi did for me. “Well that’s good for you. NOW LEAVE!” OMG she is totally furious.

“I’ll leave, if JeRim tells me to.”

“Please leave.” I never want to see him again. Not after what he did. I’m still traumatized.

“What? Why?” he asked starting to get a bit annoyed.

“Because I don’t want to see you.” I said.

“Why?” he asked with his face all innocent. Did he forget how he got into rehab?

“Are you serious?? DO YOU NOT REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID?!?! SHE IS STILL TRAUMATIZED BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!” SungKI screamed right in his face. Oh no, this might to end well.

“I’M SORRY I COULDN’T STOP MYSELF!” he yelled back.

“SHE DOESN’T WANT TO SEE YOU. SO LEAVE!!!” Aish unnie please calm down.

“I think you should leave.” Said Taecyeon oppa with a very serious tone. He looks like he’s trying to control his anger.

“Fine, I’ll leave. I just wanted to see you.”NIchkhun said. He was about to turn a walk away but unnie always has to but in.

“SEE HER!?!?! Puh-lease. I KNEW WE SHOULD’VE SENT YOU TO JAIL INSTEAD OF REHAB!!!!” She walked up to him and the sound of skin with skin was heard all through the parking lot. She SLAPPED him. She slapped him HARD. I think the noise of the slap was heard by a baby penguin in Antartica.

One slap turned into 2 and unnie wouldn't stop. Minho tried to pull her back but not even Minho could stop her. It was as if a demon took over her soul. It’s really scary to see unnie this way. Minho kept trying to stop SungKi , but once again nothing. Wooyoung and Jonghyun had to go and help stop her.


Author POV

Once SungKi was calm, Nichkhun had several traces of her hands on his face. He also had a broken lip with a bit a blood trailing down his jaw. Just before he was gonna turn around and walk away…….his face made contact with a fist. *CRACK* Taecyeon had punched Nichkhun right in the middle of his face. Nichkhun landed right on the floor. Taecyeon used all the anger he had for 2 years in just one punch. He broke his nose. Now, he has the stinging sensation from SungKi’s slaps, a broken lip, and a broken nose.

“You’re lucky JeRim is a nice person. If it was me in her position, you would already be in dead.” Taecyeon said with lots of anger in his face as he stepped away from Nickhun.


---Back at home---

The girls had already settled down in their condos. SungKi had helped clean up Taecyeon hands because he was slightly bruised around his knuckles. The guys had left back to their condos. But just before all of them were about to leave Taecyeon looked a JeRim with sadness in his eyes. They both made eye contact for a few seconds before JeRim gave him a broken smile. Taecyeon nodded and left. But this action didn't go unnoticed. Jnghyun noticed this.

Jonghyun thoughts:

By the looks of it, Taecyeon knows something. He knows why JeRim-ah was scared. He knows why Sungki acted that way. I think he knows everything that happened 2 years ago. I mean it's not like I didn't know what was going on in her life. I did. I read all the articles that were written about SungKi and JeRim. I read all the articles about SungKi winning music and academic competitions. She's really smart. I also read about all the dance and art competitions she won. She placed 2nd or 3rd in the music competitions, but SungKi always won. I guess JeRim focused more in dancing and art than music. But I bet Taecyeon already knew that stuff. I wouldn't be shocked if he knows EVERTHING about her. But at least there's one thing he doesn't know......her heart.

The girls were just on the couch in silence until SungKi broke it.

“Are you okay?”

“Ummm…..I guess. I’m just a bit spooked.” JeRim answered.

“Yeah I know…Nichkhun is scary.”

“No. Not him. Taecyeon oppa. Did you see that punch?”

“Oh yeah. That was totally scary. But JeRim-ah…”


“Does Taec know about what happened?”

“Ne….I told him through email 1 month after HE went to rehab.”

“You actually did?!?”

“Ne. You were gone in that school volunteer trip in Guatemala and I was alone hear. It was rainging really hard here during that time and it reminded me of when it was raining when I was with HIM. I got scared and I needed to tell someone other than you, so I told him.”

“Oh……..What did he say when you told him.”

“Well…At first, he was completely shocked that THAT happened and he replied in all caps saying how couldn’t I see his true colors. The next day I saw he was online so I told him more in detail.”

"So you told him EVERTHING through emails and chatting?"

"Yeah...he wanted to call me but I knew that if I heard his voice I wouldn't stop crying for a week. So yeah."

“Ohh. I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you.”

“It’s okay unnie. Taecyeon oppa was here…Well not here here, but here. You get what I mean.”

“That’s good…..Let’s go to bed. It’s been a crazy day and when need all the rest we can get.”

“Yeah….what a HAPPY birthday I had.” JeRim said sarcastically.

“Speaking of happy things….how was your picnic with Jonghyun oppa? Please give me more details.”

“It went REALLY good….but you and Wooyoung oppa are still not off the hook for kidnapping me.”

“YAH! Hold up! You’re mad at me and Wooyoung but not Jonghyun?”


“But why? He was the mastermind of this whole thing.”

“That’s true….but I can’t be mad at him if we have a date, can I?”

“Oh that makes sense….WAIT!!! When is your date with the Puppysaurous.”


“I hope it's soon. I wanna help you pick your outfit.So now........How did he ask you? Tell. Me. Everything.” SungKi demanded trying to hide her excitement.

“I’m actually kinda tired.” *fake yawns* JeRim started to walk in her room but she turned around. “Goodnight unnie” she said brightly.

“YAH!!!!” Sungki shouted…”Goodnight.”

SungKi POV

I can’t believe JeRim-ah won’t give me any details. Ugh. Then again, I did the same to her with Wooyoung. Either way, I’m not gonna pressure her with questions. She’s been through enough in one day. I can’t believe Nichkhun dared to show his face. I just hope this is the last time we’ll ever see him. At least JeRim got one good thing out of today. She must be so excited to have a date with Jonghyun oppa……But why do I feel uneasy about this. Whatever. Time to sleep.

---Taec& Minho’s Condo---

Taecyeon POV



“What happened earlier with that Nichkhun guy?”Minho asked.

“I honestly don’t know.” I actually do know. How could someone do something like that. How could he come back and think everything will be fine. She may not show it but, I know she’s still traumatized. Maybe not with the bigs things…but worse…the little things.

“If we weren’t there, I think SungKi would’ve killed that guy.” Maybe SungKi wouldn’t have…but I sure will if I EVER see him again.

“Yeah, I guess so…..I just don’t know what came over me. I mean at first I thought he was just some friend of theirs but…once I realized who he was…I was angry.” I explained

“From what I whitnessed…I think that guy did something to JeRim-ah…something BIG. Do you know what happened?”


“Can you tell me? Only if you think JeRim would be okay with me knowing.”

“Mianhe…I can’t. I promised JeRim I wouldn’t tell a soul. That includes you.”

“How bad is it?”

“Worse that you can ever imagine.” It’s so bad that I was scared. Scared for JeRim. Scared for SungKi. Scared for everybody else in that school.

“Wow…and on her birthday. Out of all days he had to show up, it had to be her birthday.” The night’s not over yet.


“Well, I’m off to bed….It’s been a long day…for ALL of us.”

Minho left to go to his room. Now I’m alone in the living room with only my thoughts to keep me company.

That BASTARD. I don’t understand how he can come back and think everything is fine. He must be crazy thinking that everything fine. JeRim is a good person. She knew he was off his medication and couldn’t control himself. And yet, after everything he did to her, she was easy on him. How can JeRim-ah go through everything he did to her and tell the judge she wants him to get help instead of going to jail. How can she be this nice. She should know that not everyone has good inside them. She should know that there are bad people out there…If it was me, he would be in jail until he dies.

How’s JeRim doing? She was as shocked as a deer in headlights. I bet she couldn’t even process he emotions. To someone else’s view, she looked somewhat calm but you could tell she was a bit scared. But I know exactly what she was feeling. Her emotions were completely mixed up. I know she was shocked, scared, betrayed, and hurt. And it happened on her birthday……..birthday………..did I forget something?..........THE GIFT!!!!

How can I forget her gift?!?!?!


I just finished my shower and changed into my pajamas.

I wished the water would wash away everything that happened today. Well, maybe not everything. Of course I want to keep what happened between me and Jonghyun oppa.

“Ugh my room is such a mess.” I whispered to myself. It looks like a volcano of junk exploded and everything landed in my room.

I finished cleaning my room at around midnight…. *beep beep* It was a text from Taecyeon.

To: JeRim-ah

From: Taec oppa :p

R u okay?


To: Taec oppa :p

From: JeRim-ah

Yeah…I’m fine


To: JeRim-ah

From: Taec oppa :p

Don’t lie 2 me


Ugh how did know?


To: Taec oppa :p

From: JeRim-ah

Ok….I’m not fine. I’m a bit scared……………and hungry :p


To: JeRim-ah

From: Taec oppa :p

Well u should be….meet me @ the lobby……I have ur present :D


To: Taec oppa :D

From: JeRim-ah

YAY!!!..... But I’m still hungry :/


To: JeRim-ah

From: Taec oppa :p

I’ll bring u something ;)


Author POV

Once they finished their conversation, it was already 12:30PM…Taecyeon was still in his condo. He decided to change into something more comfortable. While JeRim successfully made it outside her condo making her way towards the elevator. Once she made it to the lobby so plopped herself on the couch and lied down wrapping herself in her blanket she brought along. She looked like a caterpillar in its cocoon.

---15 min later---


The elevator doors opened and JeRim stood up from her position sticking her head out from her blanket like a Meer cat coming out of its den. She sees Taecyeon walking towards her and she scoots to the side to make room for him.

“Well you look cozy.” He said said looking at her in her blanket.


“Here’s you birthday present. I hope you like it.” He said as he handed her a little black box wrapped in a purple ribbon.

As JeRim started to open the little box, her face was filled with excitement and anticipation. Once she opens the box her eyes go wide.


“I love it oppa. It’s perfect. You’re the best!” she said while hugging him. “Put it on for me.” She turned around so her back was facing him. She picked up her hair reveling her perfectly tanned skin.


Taecyeon POV

Why did she ask me to put it on for her? Wow, even the back of her neck is perfectly tanned. I kinda wanna bite her neck….vampire moment. *gulp*




I put it on her whithout turning into a vampire…….The food


“Here.”I said while handing her a spoon. “You want me to eat a spoon?” Gosh she too cute with her confused face.


“No pabo.”




I handed her a jar of nutella and she immediately jumped off the couch and did a happy dance.

She’s too cute.


“Are you gonna eat it or dance with it?”


“Both!”she said while plopping herself back on the couch.


A couple minutes passed with silence with only the sound of her giggles when I would fight for the jar of the nutella.


“So….how was your birthday?”


“It was really good, until HE showed up.” I nodded in understanding. We were in silence again for a while until she broke it with a question.


“Oppa, why did you punch him?” She’s looking directly in my eyes.


“Why wouldn’t I? He deserved it. It was bound to happen after what he did to you.”




“Just know that if I ever see him again, it won’t be just one punch.”


“I know”

“Did you and SungKi take the self-defense classes I told you about?”


“Yup…and now I have mad reflexes.” She said with a smirk.


“Oh you do now?”


“Ne….I bet I can kick your .”


“Is that a challenge?”


“Bring it on.”




“What? Now? Here?” she’s obviously shocked I accepted her challenge.


“Yes now. But not here. Follow me.” I led her to a small park across the street.



I think me and Taec are seriously mental. It’s like 1 in the morning and we’re at a park. What was I thinking? Now I have to fight Taec….I’m not scared it’s just weird. Me beating up my best friend who happens to be a guy. A built guy. A HUGE guy. Ottekhe. It’s not like I know I can’t beat him. I can….I just don’t want to hurt him.


“Go.”He said.


I don’t know how to respond to him. I’m just standing here like a statue. Not even moving an inch.


“Fine…..I can see you’re having trouble. We’ll act it out okay?” I just nodded.


He made his way towards me and grabbed my wrist with a lot of strength. I guess my instincts took over. I twisted his arm towards his back. His hand I pushed it back even further to the center of his back. Then I kicked his right ankle and which caused him to crouch down to my level facing me. I punched him straight in the nose. *CRACK*


“Ughhhh”he grunted in the pain.


“Oh My God!!! Taec, are you okay?” OMG What did I just do? I think I broke his nose. I didn’t punch him hard enough to crack his nose but still the noise was pretty loud.


“Not really. I think you broke my nose.” He looked up to look at me and there’s blood coming out of both his nostrils.




“Don’t worry. I literally asked you to hit me.”


“C’mon I need to fix your nose.”


“Yeah, no joke.” I chuckled a bit. It’s kinda funny. He got beat up by a girl. A little girl. A girl who’s only 5 feet and 4 inches.


“Well, what was I supposed to do? You were questioning my strength.”


“Yeah, whatever. Just make sure to fix my face.”


Author POV


JeRim and Taecyeon made their way back to the condo. But there were a few accidents. Along the way, Taec had to keep his face elevated so their won’t be blood coming out and he had to follow JeRim. He kept trying to follow her but he kept bumping into benches, landposts, and the occasional hobo. Then, he somehow ended up falling inside a rose bush. The thorns ended up scratching his arms, face, and stomach.


---JeRim Condo---


“We have to be quiet because unnie is sleeping.” Whispered JeRim


“Okay.”Whispered Taecyeon.


JeRim led Taecyeon to her room. And once again, the road to JeRim’s room was a bumpy road. He bumped into the couch, knocked over a few frames, and bumped into the wall like an idiot.


“Sit…I’ll get the first aid kit.” She whispered. “Okay.” He answered.


A few moments later, JeRim came back with the first and kit and started to work on his abused nose.



I got the first aid kit and started. His nose had already stopped bleeding so I wiped up all the blood that was stained on his face. I started to touch his nose in diffent places to see if it was broken. He didn’t scream in pain, so I knew I didn’t break it. Carefully, I got the ointment and put some on a cotton swab and started to put the ointment on his nose so it wouldn’t bruise.


“Does your nose still hurt?” I asked. “No, not anymore.”


“Well that’s good. And I didn’t break you nose.”


“It sure felt like it.” I giggled a bit.


I started to work on his ankle that I had kicked earlier. There was just a bit of swelling so I iced it down, put on cream, and wrapped it up in bandages. From the way he was walking in the park and here, he didn’t sprain it, it was just painful at the moment. Next, I worked up in putting band-aids on his arms and one transparent band-aid on his left cheek.


“Taec, when you fell in that rose bush, it didn't like you.”


“Yeah…Aren’t roses supposed to represent love, not pain.”


“It does represent love, but the thorns show you that there will always be hardships in love.” I explained.


“Oh…..JeRim-ah my stomach stings a bit.”


“huh”I looked at his stomach and on his white t-shirt there was a small stain of blood.


“Take off your shirt so I can get a better look.”



I was SHOCKED. This person is definitely not the same person I remember. 0_O


“WOW”OMG did I just say that out loud. I hope he didn’t hear me.


“What?”OMG he heard. Ottokhe


“Umm…you have abs.” Gosh this is so embarrassing.


“Yeah…is that a problem? He asked with a smirk.




Taec layed down on my bed on his back. I made my way to him with tissues to clean up the blood. He kept wincing in pain, like a little girl. No…more like a dog.


“Does it hurt?”


“A little bit.” I looked back at his abs and noticed what had caused the bleeding.


“Taec, you have a thorn stuck in your stomach.”


“Stupid rose bush.”


“Wait here. I gotta get my tweezers.”


“Hurry back.” One minute later I came back.


“I’m back.” I sang.


I put my hair in a ponytail so it wouldn’t get in the way. I got my tweezers and grabbed the thorn. When I grabbed the thorn he winced in pain. I started to pull out the thorn slowly and he started to whine like a puppy that was left alone in a thunderstorm. “Sorry.” I apologized. “Damn, it hurts.”


Since it hurt him if I pulled out the thorn slowly, I did the complete opposite.




“Shhh. Be quiet, unnie is sleeping.”


“Mianhe. It hurt.”


I got another cotton ball and put a little bit of alcohol to disinfect it. This time he didn’t wince in the pain. Then I got a little circular Band-Aid and place it on top of the tiny wound.


“Done.”I patted the Band-Aid gently. “Thanks”


Author POV


JeRim stepped out of her room to go put the first aid kit back in the kitchen, while Taecyeon was still in her room. Once she got back to her room, Taec was already sleeping in her bed, still shirtless. JeRim made her way to her bed and laid down on the opposite side. She started to play with his hair, and slowly started to trace her finger down his face. She started with his eyebrows, down to his nose, and across his jawline. She was gonna touch his lips but stopped herself from doing so. Once she stopped and played with his ear, his eyes shot open. They stared at each other. But they weren’t staring into each other’s eyes. It was more like the staring that happens when you get caught.


They stayed like that for a few moments until Taec flipped over and was now straddling her. Her eyes where wide with shock. Then, he started to tickle her. And since, she’s very ticklish, she started to laugh immediately. The room was filled with her laughter.


“Stop! Taec, please. I can’t hold in my laughter!”




He kept on tickling her. And she kept on laughing. Her laughs got louder so he covered with one of his hands. Now her laughs were muffling sounds. This kept going for about 10 seconds before she slapped his hand away from . She was pissed, and yet she still kept on laughing. She slapped one of his arms and he lost balance. He was only and few inches away from her. He started to lean in closer and closer. She knew exactly what he was doing. She was confused. And just when he was about one inch away from her lips, Sungki walked in.


“JeRim-ah stop lau- Oh”


Taecyeon got off of JeRim and it was obvious his ears were on fire. He stood there for a few seconds looking at SungKi and her reaction. She was staring blankly at him until her eyes caught something. She saw he was shirtless. She also saw his AMAZING body. A gorgeous chest, stunning arms, and fabulous abs.

: )


“WOW”SungKi said. With that Taecyeon left their condo in complete embarrassment.


“What happened here?” Sungki asked with an idiotic grin on her face.


“Umm. I…we…” JeRim stuttered.


“No need…He’ll be back”


“Huh”JeRim was utterly confused.


“For his shirt. He left it….And OH MY GOD. Did you see his body?”


“Umm yeah. I pretty much had a close up view.”


“Yes you did…How is it that whenever good things happened, I’m never here to enjoy it. You’re so greedy. You do know sharing is caring.” After JeRim heard what her unnie said, she was completrly disappointed. She just let out a sigh and layed back down in her bed.


SungKi noticed that her dongsaeng was troubled and layed down next to her.




Early post, yaaay :D My brother's 21st birthday is tomorrow so I had to update a day earlier. So the mystery person was Nichkhun lolol J made him into a psycho xD

Jjong didnt think so...

Until he saw this....

Apparently GD thinks Nichkhun is a psycho, and Jjong finds it amusing xD 

Hope you are enjoying the story as much as us :) Thank you for all the views and all the support :)

-V <3 :* 

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Oh my god I just noticed we hit 2,000+!!!!! Thank you guys so much!!! Saranghae


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itismerobyn #1
i hope i'm not being too greedy or anything, but i need more cute Wooyoung moments! He is my ultimate bias. BUT i love this story so update soon? hehehe (:
itismerobyn #2
please update soon ^.^
I love this story <3
jesica27 #3
Chapter 18: SO.................
HAHAHAHA but its o.k

you have a good story
Chapter 12: mysterious guy! haha hmm someone from 2AM maybe?? XD
just read the foreword and it seems interesting! subscribed; will continue and catch up with the chapters ^^
Hookedonkpop #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^