Birthday Story Telling

I will Always Love You


Authors POV

JeRim sat up in the bed and spotted a note on the nightstand next to her that read:“Follow the rose petals”. She looked around and saw that there was a trail of rose petals on the floor leading out of the room. She was a little scared but made her way out of the room and followed the path towards the backyard. There she found Jonghyun sitting on top of a picnic cloth waiting for her.


“Oh JeRim-ah. You’re finally up. You look pretty.” He said walking towards me.


“Oh I do?” She looked at her outfit and mentally thanked Sungki. “I guess I do”


“What’s this?” she asked.


“I planned a picnic for us.”


“Oh” We were quiet for a few moments.


“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” he shouted smiling the oh-so-perfect-smile.


“Thank you oppa.” I said while hugging him. “But why didn’t you just ask me. I wouldv’e said yes.”


 “I just wanted to plan something special for your birthday. I planned for just the two of us to have a picnic here. And, if you’re wondering about this villa, my parents gave it to me…I asked Wooyoung and Sungki to help me. They both brought you here in the early morning. Did you know you are a VERY heavy sleeper? Wow. SungKi managed to get you dressed and kidnap you and you were in dreamland.” He explained.


“Oh. Okay……WAIT WHAT?!?!?! You planned to kidnap me?!?!?! Why?”


“Well like I said earlier I didn’t know if you would say yes. And…I wanted to spend some time with you…alone.” I just smiled. Everything is perfect.


“But what’s with all the rose petals?”


“Umm that…I don’t know” I raised an eyebrow. “Fine….I wanted it to be…romantic.”


“Well, it worked. This is very romantic.”


“Thanks” he said while blushing.


“So was the purple room just a coincidence?”


“No…I prepared it just for you. I know your favorite color is purple.”


“Well, it was beautiful. I have to admit I was a bit scared and spooked, but even if I was kidnapped FOR REAL….I’m happy I woke up in a purple room.”


“I’m glad you liked it…kaja breakfast awaits.”


“What’s for breakfast?”


“Just your favorite………….fruit and…..NUTELLA!”


“OMG I love your right now. Thank you oppa!!!” I said while hugging him.

Oppa knows me so well. He got all my favorite fruits. Strawberries, kiwi, banana, and mango. And of course nutella. We ate while looking at the scenery. We're in a garden full of flowers overlooking a small lake. It’s just perfect!


The whole morning was filled with laughter. We talked about random things. And while he was eating I got a few pictures. I just love today. It’s feels like I’m in a fairytale with my perfect prince charming. But what about fairytales is that they’re not real. They never happen in real life. And if they do, they always get ruined. I’m just scared.


“Oppa what time is it?”


“10:30AM Why? You wanna leave already?”


“No. Just wondering…it’s pretty early for me.” I usually wake up at around 1pm on Saturdays.


“Yeah I know. I chose to come early because it’s looks so beautiful in the morning.”


“Yeah it does.”


“You wanna go for a walk?”


“Yeah, sure.”


We picked up the picnic and blanket and started to walk down a little pathway.


Jonghyun POV


Oh thank God. She didn’t freak out. JeRim-ah may look all innocent and cute but if you get her mad, she turns into a monster. She has this face she makes that can out anyone’s soul. It’s scary……I hope my plan turn out good. If she thinks this is the present, then she’s wrong. I want to give her the present I got her but, I plan to give it to her tonight….She was so cute while we were eating. She was like a baby eating cake for the first time. She loves nutella, I honestly think she would marry it if she could. It looks like I have some competition…..As were were walking I notice that she’s a bit nervous. I wonder why.






“Can I ask you something?”


“You just did babo” I said while poking her cheeks.


“Aish. You’re so annoying” she said while slapping my arm gently.


“Kekeke. What’s your question?”


“Why are being so nice?”


“Are you saying I was never nice?” I said while trying to act offended.


“No it’s not that….It’s just that we aren’t that close compared to me and the others.”


“Well, who’s fault was that?”


“It’s not my fault it’s just that you don’t know me and unnie’s story. That’s all.”


“Well…..can you tell me it?


“Umm…okay. I mean you are the only one that doesn’t know it.?


“Wait a minute. I was the only one who didn’t know?” How can I be the only one of us who doesn’t know.


“Yeah. Me and unnie kinda told the others. Taec oppa was the first to know.”


“Well then you HAVE to tell me.” Ugh Taecyeon again. I hate how close she is with him. I wish I was that close with her.


“Umm okay. But let’s sit. It might take a while.”


We made our way to a rock near the lake a sat down. By judging her face I feel like this is gonna take a while. I mean, what has to happen so two latin girls come to live in Korea of all places.


“Well….my mom and SungKi’s mom were best friends in elementary school in Miami. They were practically sisters. They fell in love and both married their high school sweethearts. SungKi’s mom was the first to get pregnant. Her pregnancy was perfect all through the 9 months. But, during the delivery there were complications. SungKi’s mom passed away shortly after she gave birth. Then, my mom got pregnant. The same thing happened. Pregnacy was perfect until the delivery. My mom passed away too. That left both our dads alone with infants. They teamed up to raise us. They both helped eachother with everything and anything. One night when I was 4 and SungKi was 5, our dads left us with the same babysitter. They worked in the same company. They had to work late that night, but they never came back. The next morning, the police stopped by our house and told us they had gotten into a car accident. The policeman told us that they had stopped by a bar before coming back. He said that they lost control of the car and ended up crashing. They died on impact. After that we were put into foster care………first part done.”


“I’m so sorry. You must have been so sad.” I said while hugging her. I’m so shocked by what she’s telling me. She had lost both of her parents at such a young age. She never even got to meet her mom. She must have felt lost and abandoned.


“It’s okay.” I let go of her hug. “I mean obviously we were sad. But we understood that they loved us. So, we never felt abandoned. They loved us……Are you ready for Part 2?”


“I guess.” I said a bit nervous about this part. Will it be worse?


“One thing I forgot to mention is that JeRim is not my birth name obviously. My birth name is Amanda. Unnie’s birth name is Valerie. We’re both latin if you haven’t noticed. My mom was from Dominican Republic and my dad was from Cuba. Sungki’s birth parents are from Mexico. That’s why me and unnie are fluent in Spanish.”


“I figured those weren’t your real names. And it was pretty obvious that you are not Korean. I kinds figured you were latin. I just didn’t know from which country….Amanda. It’s pretty.”


“I’m gonna continue okay?” I nodded and she continued on with her story.


“Me and SungKi were in foster care for 2 months before we were adopted. Since both of our parents had died, we were all we had left. We never left each other’s side.....A few months after Mrs. Lee got married, they told her she can’t have kids. She went to different foster care offices all over Asia but no luck. Every child she met, she said it didn’t feel right. Mr. and Mrs. Lee decided to go to America. They went to the foster care office in Miami and saw a picture of SungKi and instantly fell in love. They went to meet SungKi and feel in love even more, if that’s even possible. Anyway SungKi liked them but she never wanted to leave me. She threw a tantrum on how she couldn’t leave me. Either way, they adopted SungKi and took her away. I didn’t know where. I was so sad. I was so lost. It was at that exact moment I truly felt abandoned. I lost the only person I had left…” she started to break down. There were tear running down her cheeks. I wipe away her tears and hold her hand. I squeezed her hand showing her to continue.

“2 weeks after they took unnie away, I met Mr. and Mrs. Sung. They were a nice couple. I liked them. They ended up adopting me. I had a picture of me and unnie. I carried it everywhere once she left. We settled into a pretty house in Korea. Once we arrived they changed my name to JeRim so I would adapt better living in Korea. I didn’t mind. I was so sad I really didn’t notice time fly by. One month after we arrived, we moved to a better house in a better neighborhood. We went to visit our new neighbors and Mrs. Sung told me that they had a daughter close to my age. I honestly didn’t want to meet anyone. I was still sad about Valery leaving me……I was so lost I didn’t even notice I was already in the neighbor’s house. I was already in front of door. My NEW mom was next to me and she told me to go in. I did. I walked in and saw a girl. She was sitting near a window looking outside. She didn’t notice my presence. As I got nearer I notice who it was. I called out her name. I called out Valery’s name. She turned to look at me and noticed who I was. We ran into each other’s arms and started to cry. We let out happy tears. I was so happy I was reunited with my best friend. I was so happy to be back with my sister. After a while our tears died down. Both my NEW parents and her NEW parents explained everything. We found out Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Sung were sisters. They told us how they tried to have kids and no luck. They told us that they loved us and that they could never separate us…We ended up learning Korean and we taught them Spanish. Two years passed and we became fluent in Korean. We moved to a better neighborhood but I was still neighbors with unnie. That’s where we met you guys."


When she finished telling me her story, I was shocked. She lost both of her parents and she lost her best friend. I can't imagine how sad she must have felt. I''ve never seen JeRim cry. Never in all the years I've known her, I never once seen a tear on her face. Seeing her cry while she's telling me her story is a first for me. I just held her hand because I don't know what to say in this kind of situation......Wait minute. Am I still holding her hand? I look down and I am. I let go of her hand...She looks at me with a confused face. A really cute confused face...she just turned to face the lake again.


"We should get going. The others might be waiting for me."


"Yeah. Kaja."



We left the villa and got into his car. We talked, laughed, and sang all the way home. Honestly, spending the morning with Jonghyun oppa was really relaxing. I haven't had a relaxing birthday in a while. I think it was a good idea to tell him about my past. I mean he has a right to know. Me and Unnie told Minho and Wooyoung together 3 years after we met. I kind of had to tell Taecyeon oppa first. It's a long story on how he found out. But ever since Taecyeon oppa found out, I became closest to him. I wonder what he got me for my birthday. Did he even remember my birthday?...Wow I really gotta pee.

"JeRim-ah! Hello. Are you there?"


"Oh. Sorry. I guess I was lost in my thoughts."


"What were you thinking about?"


"No nothing. And hurry up, I have to use the bathroom."


"Kekeke you and your weird bladder. Gaja."


Author POV


Jonghyun got out of the car first and quickly made it to the other side to open JeRim's door. She just giggled softly at his sudden action. Jonghyun seemed a bit nervous walking with JeRim. He stopped in the middle of his tracks. He held her hand. She was shocked with what he just did. He looked directly in her eyes and smiled before he spoke.


JeRim-ah. Will you go out on a date with me?" She looked straight at him with wide eyes. "Ever since I got back I started to like you more than a friend....What do you say?"


She thought about it for a while before she answer.


"Yes" She gave him a meaningful hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.


 JeRim POV

I’m so happy right now, but I just hope history doesn’t repeat itself. Either way I’m just so happy.


Jonghyun POV

I can’t believe she said yes. And she gave me a kiss on the cheek. Usually I get upset when a girl gives me a kiss on the cheek. I prefer it on the lip. But when she did that, my entire left cheek went numb. I felt like my stomach was going crazy……So this is what it feels like to get butterflies…….I like it.


With that, Jonghyun led JeRim into the elevator still hand in hand. Before the elevator's doors closed, you can see they kept stealing glances at each other. What they didn't know, was that there was a pair of eyes who witnessed everything. Those eyes were now filled with anger. They were filled with jealousy and envy.



Hello readers ^^ Hope you've all been fine, happy easter to those of you who celebrate it ^^ Happy sunday to those who dont :) 


These pictures of Jjong made me crack up jajaja the things you find on tumblr these days


Cutie Minho:

Silly Woo :P

and Taecyeon in Diry Eyed Girls xD

Look forward to the rest of the story! Thank you once again for the views ^^

Love you guys!

-V <3

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Oh my god I just noticed we hit 2,000+!!!!! Thank you guys so much!!! Saranghae


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itismerobyn #1
i hope i'm not being too greedy or anything, but i need more cute Wooyoung moments! He is my ultimate bias. BUT i love this story so update soon? hehehe (:
itismerobyn #2
please update soon ^.^
I love this story <3
jesica27 #3
Chapter 18: SO.................
HAHAHAHA but its o.k

you have a good story
Chapter 12: mysterious guy! haha hmm someone from 2AM maybe?? XD
just read the foreword and it seems interesting! subscribed; will continue and catch up with the chapters ^^
Hookedonkpop #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^