
Falling for My Heavenly Angel


-Episode Four; Partners?-



"Okay class, so for today I will be giving you a special project. This project will be the one to save you from your failing grades in the Social Studies subject."

All of the students in the classroom expressed a groan of dissapproval. It has been a hot and a boring day, and the project announcement of the professor did not exactly make their day any better. 

"Oh cheer up kiddos, this is going to be fun!" She encouraged, raising up her fist in the air and giving them a grin. "All you have to do is to pair up yourselves with a partner. You and your partner will have to come up with something creative that will show how you describe the personality of your partner."

One of the students raised her hand. She was the girl with shoulder-length blonde hair and a pretty face of a model. "Ma'am, can we pick our own choice of a partner?" She then looked at Yuri's way and winked, causing Yuri's cheeks to flush a little as she smiled. 

The professor shook her head. "I'm sorry Nana but no. That is the twist here. You girls are going to be paired up with the person I will assign to you."

Another groan of dissapproval filled the entire room. Other students began muttering protests about the said project. Some were whining and begging the teacher to give them the freedom to choose their own partners. Most of the girls were dying to get attached to either Yuri, Yoona, or Taeyeon.

"Shh, quiet down girls. Quiet down so that I'll be able to announce the pairings now." The professor cleared loudly as she held a notebook before her eyes. Then she began saying out the names of the students who'll be paired up together. "Nana and Lizzy, Amber and Krystal, Minzy and Dara, Suzy and Min, Jiyoon and Hyuna, Dasom and Bora.." and so on and so forth.

Jessica was busy spacing out. She was sleepy again although she did had enough of an eight hour sleep last night. She focused on her daydreaming until she heard her name being called.

"Jung Sooyeon and Kwon Yuri."

"WHAT?!" Jessica's hands slammed loudly against her wooden desk as her voice echoed across the silenced classroom. All of the other students became quiet as they turned their attention towards Jessica. Her cheeks suddenly showed a tint of pink because of the embarassment. She mumbled out an apology and accidentally met eyes with Yuri, who was sitting at the front. 

Yuri smiled at her while muttering out the words, 'Hi Partner' to Jessica. Jessica could only roll her eyes in frustration before slamming her face onto her table.

"Im Yoona and Seohyun." The professor announced, earning the attention of Seohyun who was busily scribbling notes on her notebook. 

"Oh no.." Seohyun twitched her nose in dissappointment. Meanwhile Yoona was doing constant happy fist pumps to herself. She was really glad to have Seohyun as her partner. Unlike the other girls, Seohyun was the only one not going crazy about her. That was one of the reasons why Yoona finds that keroro girl so interesting.

Taeyeon closed her eyes, trying to soothe herself down. Her name still wasn't being called and she had this certain feeling that her partner will be....

Please don't say her name, please don't say her name.

"Taeyeon Kim and Tiffany Hwang!" It were the last two names that the teacher mentioned. Taeyeon smacked her own forehead in defeat, her prediction came out true. She tried so hard to avoid Tiffany yet she was now partnered with the girl. Now they are even more glued together than ever.

It seemed that most of the students were contented with whom they are paired up with. But some of the girls were terribly jealous of the fact that Tiffany, Seohyun, and Jessica got partnered up with the three new students. 

"So please don't forget to make your projects creative. You'll be given a week till submission day. Class dismissed." The professor clapped her hands as the bell instantly rang. Since social studies was the last period of the day, the students were excited to go home and rest.

Taeyeon began packing up her things. She wore her bagpack over her shoulder until she noticed the presence of someone behind her. All the other students were departuring the classroom and only one girl was left standing behind her.

"Hi." Tiffany bowed, her face slightly lowered. "I didn't mean to bother you again but I just wanted to ask you about the project thing." She sighed, biting her lower lip once more as her hand tightly clutched onto the strap of her shoulder bag. "I know you didn't expect me to be your partner, but I hope we can get along well and be friends. That's all I'm going to say for now. See you, Taeyeon-shi." she bowed again before turning around and walking away slowly.

Taeyeon knitted her eyebrows together as she thought deeply. Suddenly there was an urge inside her to stop Tiffany from leaving, but she tried to fight those urges no matter what. 

Ugh. I hate myself. Taeyeon told herself mentally.

"Uhh, wait!" She then quickly stopped Tiffany by grabbing onto her arm. Tiffany looked at her with hopeful eyes, looking prettier than ever. Tiffany waited as Taeyeon struggled to part her lips in order to say something. 

"Yes? Are you going to say anything?" Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon regretted having to stop Tiffany. She was too embarassed to say anything so she thought of a way to give the younger girl a reason as to why she even stopped her from leaving the classroom. Tiffany nearly flinched when Taeyeon suddenly hit her forehead with her hand. 

"S-Sorry, there was a mosquitoe on your head so I had to kill it." Taeyeon lamely reasoned out, scratching the back of her head as she tried to avoid looking at Tiffany's eyes. Tiffany slowly nodded her head as she bought Taeyeon's lie, but was somehow confused. "Oh. O-Okay then I'll be going. See you around."

Taeyeon then watched as Tiffany stepped out of the classroom. Once the brunette was out of sight, Taeyeon hit the cemented wall with her fist. It immediately showed a crack.

I AM SO STUPID! THAT WAS SO HUMILIATING. She mentally screamed in her head.



Jessica was walking towards the front gate of the university with Seohyun. Their arms were linked together as they walked. Jessica had earphones plugged into her ears while Seohyun was reading a small book in her hands. 

Just then, Seohyun stopped walking as she remembered something. "Oh no unnie, I forgot to meet up with my science professor. I still need to ask him about the upcoming academic competition." 

Jessica took off her earphones. "Is that so? Then you should go back." She ordered, but Seohyun remained standing on her position. "What about you Sica unnie?" Seohyun asked. Jessica smiled and pointed towards the buses and taxis moving to and fro along the streets outside. "I'll just ride my way home alone. I'll be fine." She reassured the younger girl, giving Seohyun a pat on her head.

Seohyun smiled back before hugging Jessica. "Okay then, take care! I'll see you later at home." Seohyun then fled away before Jessica could even say anything in return. She laughed as she watched Seohyun running away like a kid. She'd always treated that girl as her own baby sister.

Jessica returned the earphones into her ears again. Whenever she's alone, Jessica loves to listen to sad ballad songs. It always seems to soothe her nerves down. She was about to walk outside the gate when someone suddenly caught her eye.

She quickly hid behind a post and watched as she saw Kwon Yuri standing outside the gate. the tall and tan girl seemed to be having a conversation with another girl. Jessica looked closer and realized that the girl Yuri was talking to was actually Nana.

"So, you busy this late afternoon?" Nana asked as her fingers played with the collarof Yuri's shirt.

Yuri shrugged cutely. "Hmm, I'm not quite sure. Maybe?" She said as a tease, leaning in a bit closer to Nana in order to whisper those words in her ear. Nana responded by giggling in a flirty way as she slapped Yuri's shoulder with her hand. "You tease!" She exclaimed. 

Jessica didn't know why but she suddenly felt anger boiling inside of her. If there was one thing she hated about people, being a flirt is what that is. She decided to step out of the gate, showing herself to Yuri and Nana who paused in their conversation. There was a change in the look of Yuri's eyes once she saw Jessica standing by.

"So, are you busy or what? We can hang out later in my place if you want." Nana purred, her arm beginning to snake around Yuri's waist. Yuri suddenly pushed her aside, not taking her eyes off Jessica who was pretending to be ignorant.

"Sorry, but I remembered that I AM pretty busy tonight." Yuri did not say anything further as she left Nana standing there alone and began to quietly approach Jessica who was about to enter a bus. Yuri quickly held Jessica back.

"What the--Hey!" Jessica glared at Yuri. "Let go of me!" She yanked Yuri's hands off her.

"Hi Jessica." Yuri smiled innocently. "What are you doing out here alone?" 

Jessica looked away. "It's none of your business. And isn't it obvious? I'm trying to make my way home so please leave me alone." She crossed her arms over her chest and continued to glare at the ground. She expected Yuri to leave but when she looked beside her, Yuri was still standing there with her arms shoved into her pockets. 

She met eyes with Jessica and smiled warmly.

"Didn't you hear me? Leave. Just go with Nana or whatever." Jessica muttered, trying not to sound like a jealous girlfriend WHICH SHE IS NOT. Kwon Yuri was just a person she met yesterday and nothing more than that. 

But she does have that amazing smile. Jessica told herself. Wait, NO. I should stop blabbering about such stupid things. Kwon Yuri is the definition of flirt. Yeah, that's what I should think.

"Nah, I'd rather be with you than being with Nana." Yuri stated, not knowing how she caused Jessica's cheeks to fluster a bit. "Maybe I want to hang out with you for a little while. You know, as partners in that project right? We only have one week to do that." Yuri looks at Jessica and smiles once more. "One week for us to get close and to know each other." 

"We can always request the professor to change partners you know." Jessica spatted out. 

Yuri frowned. "You don't want to be partners with me? A lot of girls are dying just to talk to me you know. You should feel at least a bit honored to be with me." she stated, earning another death glare from Jessica. 

"You are so cocky!" Jessica yelled at her. "I am never going to be partners with someone like you!" then she walked off to the other side of the street, leaving Yuri dumbfounded.

Jessica Jung, you are one interestingly complicated girl. Just what I like.



Seohyun had just finished having her conversation with her science professor. She was walking along the empty corridors when all of a sudden she heard a music coming from a certain room not far away. Being the curious girl that she is, Seohyun followed the direction where the music was coming from.

The closer she got there, the more she recognized what the music was. She ended up standing right outside the door of the music room, where she saw a figure standing inside. Seohyun squinted her eyes and when her vision cleared up, she was surprise to see a certain doe-eyed girl standing in the middle of the room, holding a beautiful viola on her shoulder.

Im Yoona-shi? Seohyun was impressed at how Yoona played the viola so beautifully. The look on Yoona's eyes showed that she had a certain passion for what she was doing. 

She looked so different from the usual childish Im Yoona that Seohyun always bumps into around the school. Yoona looks like a total different person as she was so focused into her playing. Seohyun was so into the music, that she didn't notice a cockroach approaching her feet. Just in time when she looked down, a loud shriek of fear escaped from her lips. 

Yoona stopped playing the viola and was surprised to see another girl standing outside the door. She quickly approached a terrified Seohyun who was jumping around with the cockroach beneath her feet. 

Yoona stepped in and stomped her foot on the bug. Once she was sure that she'd killed it, Yoona reaverted her gaze at an embarassment Seohyun. "What are you doing here at this time? Weren't you dismissed a long time ago?" 

Seohyun dusted herself off. "I-I did an errand. How about you? What are you still doing here?"

Yoona looked around the classroom and shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I had a certain vibe to go here. The viola was really good to play." She grinned dorkily as she held the polished viola in her hands. Seohyun nodded in agreement.

"I can't believe you played that thing so well. Do you like music?" Seohyun suddenly forgot about the fact that she hated Yoona for outsmarting her at class. Finally she found something that they're both interested in. Yoona nodded in response. "If there is one thing I am really passionate about, it's music." She looked at the viola again and sighed deeply. "Too bad, music is no longer visible around our world." 

Seohyun arched up an eyebrow. "Your world?"

Yoona's eyes widened. "O-Oh I mean our province. Back at home my fellow people don't play around with music much. Maybe that's why our town is so dull and gloomy most of the time." She explained, her shoulders dropping as she thought of their home back in the heavenly sky.

"Then you don't seem to be from that place." Seohyun stated, earning a confused look from Yoona. "If that place is so dull and gloomy, how come your so alive and full of energy?" 

Her words made Yoona smile. "Well I guess I'm different. Thanks for making me smile."

Seohyun couldn't help but smile in return. "No problem. I also want to apologize for treating you so badly before. It wasn't of my intention--"

"It's okay." Yoona quickly cut her off. "I'm actually thankful that you did that because you left me with an impression of you that you're not like the rest of those girls. You're quite different Seohyun-ah." She remarked, nudging her shoulder against Seohyun's. The two girls laughed together. 

Seohyun thought for a while. "Wanna grab something to eat outside?"

"Sure. But aren't you going to study at home?" Yoona asked. 

"Hmm, I can do that tonight. For now, let's go and get to know each other a bit. Let's just do this for the sake of our project. Okay partner?" She smiled at Yoona. Yoona slowly smiled in return and made a dorky peace sign which made Seohyun burst out into laughter. 

"Okay partner!"



It was raining heavily that night and Taeyeon regretted having to stay inside the university. She stayed because the dean, Kim Hyoyeon, challenged Taeyeon to play a one-on-one basketball with her at the gym. Hyoyeon was left furious because Taeyeon had managed to beat her by two points. 

Taeyeon didn't realize that she did not bring an umbrella with her. But it didn't matter to her to get soaked in the rain because angels like them can't get sick like what normal humans can. She then closed her eyes and commanded something in the wind, and within an instant, a small umbrella appeared on her left hand. 

Taeyeon thanked her power abilities.

She then ran through the streets, walking towards the bus stop which was at the other side. Once she got there, she saw a restaurant nearby. That restaurant had a huge glass window which exposed what's inside. Taeyeon almost choked once she saw a familiar girl in a waitress' uniform inside the restaurant. 

Is that the alley-way girl?

She watched as Tiffany wiped the tables with a cloth and picked up and served the orders of the customers from table to table. The girl looked like she was working very hard, if Taeyeon would look closer she'd be able to see the beads of sweat forming on Tiffany's forehead. 

Taeyeon didn't know why but her heart took over her mind and soon enough her started dragging her towards that restaurant. She wanted to stop herself but once she got inside the restaurant, she knew it was already too late. Tiffany was only a few feet away from her.

"Here is your order sir." Tiffany served the tray of food on table number seven. Despite her exhausted self, she still managed to serve her customers with a smile. Taeyeon was really impressed with her observations.

Tiffany was about to leave but the man on the table suddenly grabbed her arm. "Hold on a second miss. Can't you at least tell me your name and give me your number? A pretty girl like you would be such a waste to let go." He grinned like a erted freak. Tiffany was still forcing out a smile but it was clear that she was beginning to get uncomfortable. 

"S-Sorry sir but we're not allowed to give personal information to our customers." Tiffany attempted to leave once more but this time the man grabbed her waist. He pulled her with so much force that she ended up landing on his lap. The man let out a low chuckle along with his two companions. Tiffany tried to break free but the man was holding her to tight.

"Oh come on little lady. Play with me for a little while." The man growled, biting his lip as Tiffany's precious legs were being shown before his eyes, thanks to Tiffany's short skirt.

"Let me go!" Tiffany cried. Just in time she felt herself get lifted off and when she looked up she was surprised to see Taeyeon standing right in front of her. 

"What the-- Who are you to interfere with my business?!" The man bellowed as he stood up, obviously not happy with what Taeyeon just did. Taeyeon had no single expression on her face. The man's bulky figure did not even threaten her one bit. 

"Sorry to interfere, but I just came to take my girlfriend home." Taeyeon stated, wrapping an arm around Tiffany's waist so protectively which made the younger girl's cheeks blush. She didn't know what Taeyeon was up to so she decided to just go with the flow. "You got a problem with that?" Taeyeon glared at the man with such darkness in her eyes. The customer had no choice but to shut himself up. 

"Let's go." Taeyeon muttered sharply before dragging Tiffany out of the place.



"W-What are you doing? My workshift is not over yet!" Tiffany exclaimed once she and Taeyeon got out of the restaurant. She tried to call Taeyeon's attention but the older girl was ignoring her while she was unfolding her umbrella. "Taeyeon-shi!" Tiffany yelled.

She flinched when Taeyeon faced her with a glare. "Are you stupid? Do you want to go back in there and get harassed by that man again?" Tiffany had no idea why this girl became so angry. "Why are you wearing those kind of clothes anyway? You look like you'll go anytime soon!" Taeyeon eyed Tiffany's outfit from top to bottom. Indeed it was a little revealing.

"What are you talking about, this is my part-time job! And this job requires uniform!" Tiffany quickly defended, but only realized that her skirt was a little too short. 

"Whatever." Taeyeon held the umbrella over her head. "If you want to stay there and give your body to that man, so be it. As for me I'll be going home. It's up to you whether you'll come with me or not." Taeyeon waited patiently for Tiffany's response. After a few more seconds of silence, she suddenly felt a hand holding onto her arm. Tiffany was already standing beside her.

"Are you kidding, of course I'll come with you." Tiffany mumbled shyly. "We're partners in that project right?"

Taeyeon scoffed but pulled Tiffany close to her since the umbrella was too small for the both of them. She had no choice but to wrap an arm around Tiffany's shoulders. Tiffany could feel her cheeks warming up and her heart racing. Taeyeon not only looked like a baby, but also smelled like one. 

"You owe me too many favors." It was all that Taeyeon said before the two of them walked through the pouring rain.

Tiffany smiled secretly. Kim Taeyeon, I am so lucky to be paired up with you. Neomu jowahae.




A/N: Updated! ^^ Okay, this is just the beginning of everything. :)) The three couples are so cute right? Aww, how I wish Taeyeonnie would warm up to Tiffany somehow. And Jessica too, when it comes to Yuri she becomes so fierce like a tiger. Do you suppose Yuri's moment with Nana somehow made her....jealous? NAH! :P

Well at least Yoonhyun's starting to get along. :3 

Comments and remarks? I had a late update of my fics and I was so guilty about it. XD Guys, I hope you're not planning your ambush on me yet. LOL XD If you kill me, then who's going to update this fic? HAHAHAHA

Here's an adorable SEOBB for you guys! :*























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4 years already
gabiel #2
Chapter 4: Author-nim please continue this story of yours
mioaio #3
Chapter 4: New reader here ^-^ Your story is really amazing! I first thought Hyoyeon was Taeyeon's sister or something XD but she is still the choding we all know haha. >~< The couples are surely adorable and YoonHyun are making a progress ^-^ Hope I could read more from you :)
lynne17 #4
Chapter 4: awww. the 3 couples are so adorable!! especially taeny! haha. i love this fic. please udate soon author-ssi! your fics are daebak!!
Chapter 4: 태니♥ TaeNy is so cute!!
Chapter 4: Hi. I am new here. Owh.. This fic is jjang.. Authorshi can u please update..hu8.. Psstt i will patiently wait.. No worries k.
Chapter 4: Naaaawww.. I'm in love with this story already! The couples are indeed cute together~ :)
Chapter 4: Waaa, I love this story,update soon ^^
Chapter 4: Omo one of my fav story here update update i can't wait pls author ssi is this with action also because they have mission right ^^ daebak!! Im so loving it
LeoDarkKnight #10
Chapter 4: three adorable couple...XD