
Falling for My Heavenly Angel


-Episode Three; Befriending You;




"Please come in."

Taeyeon stepped into the dean's office, being called before she could attend her first class. As she slipped herself through the small space of the doorway, she caught a glimpse of a woman's figure standing by the opened window at the corner of the room. Taeyeon nearly flinched once the door automatically closed itself behind her. 

"W-What the.." She placed a hand over her pounding chest. But a voice suddenly laughing behind her had caught her attention. Taeyeon turned around and was greeted by a pair of dark brown eyes staring at her.

"I'm sorry if I had startled you Ms. Kim." It was a woman with long flowing blonde hair. She was wearing a dark blue uniform and had a certain aura around her which made her look so superior and powerful. She smiled in a friendly way, but Taeyeon figured she wasn't the kind of person to be trusted.  "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I have been expecting you." 

She looked like a normal human, that was the case until the colors of her eyes suddenly faded into a color of violet. Taeyeon took a step back as she saw the woman's eyes sparkling as if fire was ignited behind it. 

"Y-You're not human." Taeyeon gasped in shock. "Who are you?" She demanded, her eyes narrowing. 

The dean spatted out a soft chuckle, pacing back and forth across the room. She then motioned Taeyeon to sit down on the empty chair in front of her desk. When the young girl hesitated, the blonde woman flicked her hand and within a blink of an eye Taeyeon got lifted up through the air and got plopped on the chair. 

Taeyeon tried to get up but something was holding her back. It was if her was glued on the chair. 

"What are you doing? Let me go!" She exclaimed through gritted teeth, trying her best to get out of the chair. But as she failed to do so, the blonde woman once again emitted a small laugh.

"Stop wasting all of your energy. Don't worry too much, I'm not going to hurt you." The blonde woman stated as she walked in front of Taeyeon. She leaned a little bit closer towards the girl's face, cupping Taeyeon's chin with her hand. She then examined her face with her eyes. Taeyeon spanked her hand away. "Aish, you stubborn kid. That is not the proper way of treating someone who's supposedly your senior."

Taeyeon raised an eyebrow. "Senior? What are you spouting about?"

"So, they didn't mention me to you huh?" The dean chuckled. "Well since you have no idea who I am, then I have no choice but to introduce myself. My name is Hyoyeon Kim." She began, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. "It's obvious that I'm not human. I'm sort of kinda like you, only five times more powerful." Her eyes flickered with mischievousness.

Taeyeon had kept her silence, eagerly waiting for Hyoyeon to continue.

"You're sent here to do a mission right? Well it turns out that I have a part on this mission too. Since I control the school you're currently studying at, I'm the one who's going to be responsible for the three of you. You and your two other goons." She explained.

Taeyeon glared at her. "They're not goons. Yoona and Yuri are my comrades."

"Oh I see. Anyways, now that you're here you should know what you're supposed to do. It's not easy to blend in with the humans, but I'll try my best to help you in any way I can." Hyoyeon remarked, folding her arms over her chest. "Your mission may sound easy, but don't be so relaxed. A lot of challenges awaits you." 

"What do you mean about that?" Taeyeon asked. 

"Whatever we talked about here, don't ever mention it to anyone else. And.." Hyoyeon gave her one dark look. "Don't ever let anyone know about my true identity. Not even to your two goo- uhh friends I mean." She flicked her hand once again, and this time Taeyeon managed to get out of the chair. She stood up to her feet and opened to say something, but just then the door banged open. She turned around and saw a young brunette standing by the door.

"Hyoyeon sunsengnim, you called for me?" The girl was panting heavily and she was bent down to her knees. It seemed like she just ran a marathon by herself.

Just in time Taeyeon felt as if she got just hit by a vehicle. She immediately recognized the girl's facial features, from the way her eyebrows were furrowed down to how so plump and pinkish her lips were. Once she figured out this revelation in her head, Taeyeon quickly lowered her head and turned away before the girl could even see her.

"Come in Ms. Hwang." Hyoyeon called over. "I sent you here to give you an important task to do." 

The girl stepped in right beside Taeyeon. She eyed Taeyeon from head to toe but didn't seem to notice anything. Taeyeon quickly sighed with relief, but kept on hiding her face. 

Hyoyeon pointed a finger at Taeyeon. "This girl's name is Kim Taeyeon. She is one of the tranferee students who were specially admitted in our school." She then fixed her eyes on Taeyeon and said, "Taeyeon-shi, this is one of the best students in this university. Her name is Tiffany Hwang. She'll be the one to tour you around the school, and maybe even the whole city of Seoul."

"WHAT?" Both Taeyeon and Tiffany gasped in shock as they stared at Hyoyeon at the exact same time. 

Hyoyeon smiled. "Yes you heard right. You two will be going to spend a lot of time together from now on."

"B-But sunsengnim, I don't understand. I'm terribly confused. Why'd you choose me out of all people?" Tiffany asked. 

Yeah, WHY HER OF ALL PEOPLE? A voice screamed in Taeyeon's head. 

"Don't ask too much questions, the both of you. I've given you the tasks you are assigned to do. Our discussion has ended here so the two of you can already leave." She shooed them away with her hand, but Taeyeon and Tiffany remained where they were standing. Hyoyeon looked at the both of them. "Didn't you hear what I said? LEAVE!" She yelled, her voice booming at the two students' faces. 

Without any hesitation, the two students bolted out of the dean's office. 

"This is going to be fun." Hyoyeon smiled in amusement. She snapped her fingers and the door of her office quickly slammed closed. 


Meanwhile, both Taeyeon and Tiffany ended up standing next to each other outside of the dean's office. Taeyeon stole a glimpse at Tiffany who was panting heavily with her hand pressed against her throbbing chest.

"Aigoo, that was hella scary." Tiffany exclaimed. She then looked at Taeyeon causing the older girl to quickly look away, pretending to be looking somewhere else. Tiffany scrunched her eyebrows together as she tried to see more of Taeyeon's face. As she took steps towards Taeyeon, Taeyeon kept on taking steps backwards. 

"Hold on a second," Tiffany muttered once she trapped Taeyeon between her and the wall. She removed Taeyeon's hands which she used to block her face. "I know you!"

Taeyeon stared at her with surprise, but she instantly shook her head and then covered her face with her hands again. 

"You're the one who saved my life that night at the alleyway!" Tiffany exclaimed, her loud voice echoing through the empty hallway. A smile appeared across her face, her lips almost reaching her ears. "It really is you!" She almost had the urge to hug Taeyeon, but the older girl suddenly pushed her away.

Taeyeon looked at her coldly. "What are you talking about? I don't know you." She hissed, pushing Tiffany aside before walking away. Before Taeyeon's figure could even dissappear at the end of the hall, Tiffany managed to catch up to her. 

"Wait! Please don't leave yet!" Tiffany grabbed Taeyeon's shoulder, which made Taeyeon stop in her tracks. "I haven't thanked you properly yet." Tiffany mumbled softly once Taeyeon looked at her. 

"No need." Taeyeon said back. "What happened that night was a plain coincidence or luck. Just pretend it never happened." She then walked past Tiffany, hoping that the younger girl won't even attempt to follow her again. 

Taeyeon walked along the empty hallway and reached the stairs. As she got down to the bottom of the stairs, a voice suddenly yelled from behind her. 

"Wait! Kim Taeyeon-shi!" she watched as Tiffany came running after her. The girl stopped at the beginning of the stairs and smiled as she saw Taeyeon standing there. "Please, just let me thank you or--" Her voice was cut off when she attempted to take a step down the stairs. Unfortunately her foot twisted and she lost her balance. She was about to stumble down the stairs but Taeyeon had a fast reflex. 

Taeyeon hopped into the air and managed to catch Tiffany's stumbling self. Once Tiffany opened her eyes, she was surprised to find herself tangled in Taeyeon's warm arms. 

Taeyeon was surprised herself. She only released Tiffany in a matter of seconds. The two exchanged a stare before awkwardly looking away. Tiffany faked a cough while Taeyeon rubbed the back of her neck while yelling out curses in her mind.

"S-Sorry about that." Tiffany chimes in. "I'm usually that clumsy."

Taeyeon gave her a look of distaste before marching off, only to be stopped by Tiffany's hand that grabbed her own. The angel felt a sudden shock through her veins just by the simple touch of a human girl's warm hand. She looked at Tiffany and their eyes met.

"Can't you at least, let me treat you coffee after school?" Tiffany's voice was soft but pleading, flashing her puppy eyes that were too adorable to resist. Taeyeon hesitated but that only made Tiffany grip onto her hand tighter. Thinking that this might be the last deal she'll ever make with the girl, Taeyeon finally bobbed her head up and down in defeat.

"Yay!" Tiffany clasped her hands together in delight. "I'll see you later Taeyeon-shi!" She waved and ran off, skipping with a bright smile on her face.

Taeyeon sighed heavily and shook her head, wondering what she just got herself into.




The school's courtyard was filled with the few number of students hanging out together. It was lunchtime and the time for the students to be spending their freedom. 

Taeyeon, Yuri, and Yoona were walking around while observing the school's architecture, when suddenly a group of girls swarmed around them. The three were surprised at the sudden attention that they'd received. All the other girls were smiling at them while throwing random types of questions at them like 'What's your name', 'Where do you live', and even 'Do you have a girlfriend already' kind of questions.

Yoona scrunched up her face in disgust once a girl suddenly pinched her cheek. Yuri was also getting pushed by the crowd but she still managed to force out her charming smile. On the other hand Taeyeon kept her silent image as usual, maintaining a pokerface as she watched the girls begging for her autograph.

"Yah, are we that famous already?" Yoona nudged Yuri's abs with her elbow.

"I guess so. Humans are so gullible and are easily amazed at perfect creatures like us." Yuri whispered back before facing her fans with her signature wink, causing a few number of girls to faint. 

"Okay enough." Taeyeon was trying to send the crowd of girls away but they wouldn't listen. Some even attempted to kiss Taeyeon on the cheek. It didn't take long before the three angels started running, with the group of crazy fangirls chasing them from behind. Taeyeon would've suggested flying because it's easier to escape, but they can't just show their flapping wings in front of all these innocent people.

The three continued sprinting down the hallway until they accidentally bumped into another trio who were walking on the opposite side.

"Ouch!" The brown-haired girl whom Yuri had bumped into, accidentally fell down to the floor because of the hard impact. Yuri reached out her hand for her to hold, but halted once she recognized the girl's face. She was Jessica Jung from her english class.

Meanwhile Yoona was having the same reaction on her face once she saw Seohyun standing before her. The girl was giving her another cold look which gave Yoona the idea that the younger girl was still mad at her for outsmarting her at class earlier. Yoona tried to smile but Seohyun only responded by gripping her hand tightly onto the small piece of keroro doll hanging on her shoulder bag.

Taeyeon was left sharing an awkward eye contact with Tiffany. 


"Alley-way girl." 

"The brainiac Im Yoona-shi."


"Oh look it's the 'famous' Kwon Yuri."

"Hi Jessica."

"YOU GUYS KNOW EACH OTHER?" The six of them all bellowed at the same time. Questions were left unanswered and they were about to open their mouths to speak again until...

A hundred pair of running feet starts to emerge from a distance. Taeyeon knew what was coming so without thinking straight, she grabbed Tiffany's hand and quickly ran off. Yoona and Yuri did the same, dragging both a confused Seohyun and an annoyed Jessica with them as they tried to catch up with their leader. The six girls ran furiously along the corridors, trying their best to avoid the crazy fangirl mob behind them. 

The girls eventually ended up at the rooftop, where they quickly closed and locked the door behind them. They waited for a short while and once they heard not another noise from inside, they finally exhaled to release their heavy breaths.

They looked at one another awkwardly.

"Uh so what have you guys been doing? What's up with all the running?" Tiffany asked to avoid the awkward silence. 

"Got chased by your psycho fellow humans." Yoona muttered with a hint of annoyance in the tone of her voice. When Tiffany shot her an odd look, she cleared and said, "I-I mean your crazy schoolmates. They kept on bugging us so we had to run."

"Then why'd you drag us with you?" Jessica asked sharply, still looking extremely exhausted.

"Didn't want you girls to be left alone in there. Those schoolgirls were way too dangerous." Yuri breathed out, leaning her back against the metal railings where below she could see the view of the whole neighborhood. 

"And we're not dangerous?" Jessica asked, one of her eyebrows raised.

Yuri looked at her and gave her a mischievous smirk. "Your two friends are not, but I guess you are a little feisty for a young schoolgirl." Jessica only rolled her eyes.

"It's not so surprising though. Whenever someone new enters our school, that person can easily earn attention from all of the students here." Tiffany stated. "You three are not out of the question. Especially due to the fact that all of you are drop-dead gorgeous." 

"Stephanie!" Jessica hissed with a warning glare.

"Unnie!" Seohyun went along.

Tiffany looked at them questioningly. "What? It's true! They are good-looking!"

"Oh please don't tell me you're one of those psycho fangirls too." Yoona whined. 

"She's not!" Jessica yelled. "And excuse me, the three of us are so not like those desperate girls. We have our own tastes and our standards are VERY high when it comes to the people we find attractive." She looked at the three angels with pure distaste. "And I'm sorry, but none of you are on the list of those kind of people."

Yoona nodded with hanging open. "Then that's good, they're not like those stupid fangirls--HEY! Wait a second! Are you saying that we're not attractive to you?" The doe-eyed girl stepped up, ready to smack the feisty ice princess on the face. Yuri quickly held her back.

"Maybe." Jessica answered with a scowl, looking away as she crossed her arms over her chest. 

"Why you little--" Taeyeon quickly cut Yoona off in mid-sentence. She stepped in between Jessica and Yoona and gave the two girls a warning look. She then pressed her ear against the door and listened at the deafening silence coming from outside.

"Enough with the arguing. I think the girls are gone. It's now safe to go outside." Taeyeon stated as she faced the other five. She was about to grab hold of the doorknob when a hand suddenly placed over hers. Taeyeon turned her head and saw Tiffany looking at her. "What?"

Tiffany bit her lip, as if hesitating on what she was about to ask. "Please, don't leave yet. Can't you at least fulfill our deal of letting me treat you some coffee?"

Taeyeon hesitated, her brown eyes looking back at her two other comrades who were looking at her with surprised expressions written on their faces. "Are you friends with her leader-nim?" Yoona asked curiously.

Taeyeon suddenly redrew her hand away from Tiffany's. She then shook her head firmly in response. "Aniyo, I don't know her." It were the last words that came out of Taeyeon's mouth before she opened the door and quickly bolted outside. Yoona and Yuri were left alone with the three human girls. 

Yoona bowed in ninety degrees. "Well that has been quite an experience. Anyways, nice bumping into you girls--except for you." She pointed a finger at Jessica and glared at her. Yoona then left, leaving Yuri standing alone. 

Yuri locked eyes with Jessica for a moment before smiling to Seohyun and Tiffany. "Bye girls." She quickly made a bow and ran after Yoona and Taeyeon.

Tiffany sighed longingly, watching the direction where Taeyeon headed to. All she wanted was to have the chance to thank Taeyeon for saving her that night. But it wasn't the only reason why she wanted to share a cup of coffee with Taeyeon. It also came to Tiffany that maybe she was developing a small crush on that adorable girl even if she was being treated so coldly.

Tiffany's thoughts dispersed when she felt a sudden smack at the back of her head. 

"Oww!" Tiffany winced. Jessica and Seohyun were both giving her suspicious looks. "What the heck was that for?"

Jessica narrowed her eyes at her. "What was that? You wanted to treat those brats with coffee?"

"It's just coffee for goodness sake!" Tiffany exclaimed, waving her hands dramatically in the air. "And for your information, they are not brats! Especially not Taeyeon!" Once she realized what she just said, Tiffany quickly covered and her eyes were wide open. Before her two friends could ask anything further, Tiffany quickly skipped out of the rooftop.

"YAH! HWANG MIYOUNG! YOU'VE GOT A LOT TO EXPLAIN!" Jessica yelled as she and Seohyun ran after her.





A/N: Updated! I AM VERY SORRY  for the late update. T__T I guess I was really busy with school and etc. I MISSED YOU GUYS and I missed posting my updates. O.O 

But eniways, I AM BACK! :))) Comments? ^^















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4 years already
gabiel #2
Chapter 4: Author-nim please continue this story of yours
mioaio #3
Chapter 4: New reader here ^-^ Your story is really amazing! I first thought Hyoyeon was Taeyeon's sister or something XD but she is still the choding we all know haha. >~< The couples are surely adorable and YoonHyun are making a progress ^-^ Hope I could read more from you :)
lynne17 #4
Chapter 4: awww. the 3 couples are so adorable!! especially taeny! haha. i love this fic. please udate soon author-ssi! your fics are daebak!!
Chapter 4: 태니♥ TaeNy is so cute!!
Chapter 4: Hi. I am new here. Owh.. This fic is jjang.. Authorshi can u please update..hu8.. Psstt i will patiently wait.. No worries k.
Chapter 4: Naaaawww.. I'm in love with this story already! The couples are indeed cute together~ :)
Chapter 4: Waaa, I love this story,update soon ^^
Chapter 4: Omo one of my fav story here update update i can't wait pls author ssi is this with action also because they have mission right ^^ daebak!! Im so loving it
LeoDarkKnight #10
Chapter 4: three adorable couple...XD