Member's Profile III : Shinhwa

~ B.E.A.T.Z - JYPE's Fresh New Girl Group ~ [APPLY CLOSED]

Name : Jung Xinhua


Nickname: Xi [She] Age: 19


Ethnicity: Chinese


DOB : 03//14//1991


Birth place: Nanjing; China


Personality: Xinhua is a happy person; she likes to have fun with friends and enjoys having different days, she is normally happy and smiling just to keep the mood up, when she gets really upset and sometimes she doesn’t even know why, but the best thing is to give her a big hug, and just let her cry. Xinhua gets embarrassed easily when people laugh at her or when her crush notices her, Xinhua tends to act her age, she is a funny person without even trying, she is very hard working and serious about her job, she is a little stubborn when she knows she is right, she is called cute often, she is outgoing and friendly, she likes to be outside on cold days, She gets really worried when her friends don’t pick up the phone for a long period of time.


Likes : Skinship, Raspberries, Fashion, Winter, Chicken, Bunnies.


Dislikes : Milk, Dogs, Raw egg, Bad hygiene, Ignorance.


Hobby : Fashion, Watching clouds, listening to music, Tennis.


Habits: Tucking hair behind ear, making faces when thinking, tapping fingers against desk.


Family Background: Xinhua was adopted at the age of two, she doesn’t remember it but the lovely Korean couple that adopted her are her ‘Parents’ Even tho they aren’t blood related, they are very proud of her and everything she does, Xinhua loves her parents an does everything for them, they go travelling often so she loves when she sees them.


Stage Name : Shinhwa


Fans club name : Flower


Fan club color : Pink


Positions: Main Dancer / Sub Vocal / Centre Face


Persona : Sweetie Pie


Trivia :

Blood type is O+

Allergic to Milk

Colour: Pink

Only child

Favourite band is U-kiss


Side Jobs: Actress


Family: Korean Parents, Lee Miyoung [Mother] Lee Hyukjae [Father], Xinhua is an only child. So she doesn’t have any siblings.


Friends: The other members, and Sooyoung [SNSD]


Other Relationships: Min [Miss A]; rival, Kyuhyun [Super junior]; Ex boyfriend.  

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nice i like it :D
Omo, I need to read more!<br />
The Banner is Awesome :D<br />
YEAHH!!! Sweett!<br />
-neverwinter #5
I love this chapter, can't wait for their debut days ^^
uwah this was an awesome chapter~~<br />
'curl up into a ball' <-- loved that part XD
Yay!! You're Welcome!!
JustGHyun #8
aigoo >///< <br />
Komapta ~ Thank you so much <br />
ahehehehehe ~<br />
i'll do my best !
Love it!!!! It's really good!! I was so excited to read it!! Makes me super happy!!