002: Chocolate


I’d rather be alone than having people that wants to mind my business.

It’s not that Yixing was against having a roommate; it was just that he felt that roommates were always excepted to turn into best friends.

Yixing didn’t want any friends; he didn’t want to be hurt once more.

But even though the boy was smiling happily towards Yixing he couldn’t do anything else but bow politely and introduce himself:

“Hello, I’m Yixing”

Luhan showed Yixing the brown cake with a big smile on his lips. The cake smelled chocolate and it looked like it just was taken out from the oven.

“I’ve made chocolate cake for you” Luhan said.

Yixing shrugged, he was well aware of the fact that he was being impolite towards Luhan but he really couldn’t care less of it. Luhan was intruding on his personal space.

What if he asked Yixing about personal stuff?

“How old are you?” Yixing suddenly asked; he didn’t know where the question came from.

“I’m turning twenty-two in April this year” Luhan explained. “And you?”

Yixing’s eyes widened. Yixing thought that this baby-faced person was seventeen at most, not one year older than himself.

“I’m twenty-one in October” Yixing said, his voice was distant. As it always was when he was talking to strangers, and his mother.

“You seem distant” Luhan noted.

It wasn’t one hundred percent true, Yixing didn’t know Luhan enough to not know if he liked him or not. He just didn’t want to get to know Luhan, and that’s why he kept a mental distance between himself and Luhan-

“I don’t know you that’s all” Yixing shrugged.

Luhan nodded understanding. “Then you don’t want to have the cake either”

“Keep it to yourself; you will enjoy it more than I do” Yixing’s voice were cold and harsh.

Luhan nodded disappointed, he really wanted to give a first good impression on his fellow roommate but he seemed to have failed.


A few hours later Yixing felt his stomach purring and he walked to the kitchen when he found Luhan sitting at the kitchen table reading a book.

“Do you want something to eat?” Yixing carefully asked the blonde boy.

Luhan shook his head. “I ate so much chocolate cake…”

Luhan pouted and smiled at Yixing, trying to show him that it was fine. But right after Luhan smiled towards the brown-haired boy, Yixing could hear a light and soft purr coming from the blonde’s stomach.

“And you’re full?” Yixing said suspiciously.

Luhan nodded and pressed his lips together. “Yeah…”

Yixing smirked. “I don’t believe you. I’ll cook something”

 Luhan smiled a bright and happy smile towards Yixing, not like the smile he smiled before. This one was more real for Yixing. And it was real; Luhan felt success in making a new friend on the school.

Yixing finished his cooking in less than thirty minutes, noodles with wooked vegetables and chicken. He placed the food on two plates and handed Luhan one plate and sat down at the table on the opposite side of Luhan.

“Yixing…” Luhan said. Yixing looked at the boy, who was focused on getting the noodles

“Your name sounds… Chinese.” Luhan noted.

Yixing nodded. “Yeah, me and my mother moved to Korea when I was fourteen years old.”

“Just you and your mother?” Luhan asked. “No father?”

Luhan wanted to make sure; he didn’t mean to ask Yixing about personal stuff.

“Yeah, no father. Just a Korean stepfather” Yixing explained.

Luhan didn’t ask for anything more. There was no need; he noticed how uncomfortable Yixing was in this conversation.


Yixing hasn’t thought about his mother for a long time. But this night he did. How his mother smiled for the first time in three years when she told him that she had met some Korean man over the internet and that she was going to marry him. That they were going to leave China to South Korea. How his stepfather could hit them when something was wrong.

Yixing had learnt that boys don’t cry; that’s what his real father always told him. But during the nights when he heard his stepfather’s fists hit his mother’s body, how he could hear her cry for help.

That was when Yixing cried, when he knew that he couldn’t help his mother from the mean man. That he was too young to protect his mother.

When Yixing looked into Luhan’s eyes he could see the same weakness Yixing had in his eyes.

Yixing knew that he one day will have to protect him.

But he doesn’t know if he will be able to do it.

Second update!

Thanks to my subscrbers for commenting :D

Please continue to comment :D

Love, Shabondama ^^

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(Precious) 4/4-13: The 15th and last chapter (Epilouge) will be published later tonight! - Shabondama


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It's true, Miss Author, it's true. Layhan is so real T^T
simplyMyself #2
This was really cute. Thank you for writing the story!
Chapter 15: TTTTTTTTTT AH, thank you so much for writing such wonderful and touching fic;;;; I really liked it! My fave OTP <3

But I do feel the story went fast~ I'm not complaining or anything but I really thought about it while reading. I also noticed some grammar mistakes but it's okay though! ^^ That's all~ Thank you again! HanXing stories are very rare ~o~
LayHanbabyyyy #4
Chapter 15: Aigooo, this is the only layhan story that not a oneshot that I've ever read. This is really gooood
\(*o*)/ my otp feeelssss ♥
Pandaaelaine #5
Chapter 15: Kyaaaaaa I can't even describe how I feel right now!!! My fave otp <33333 thank you for such an amazing story :D I hope you can write more about layhan!!!!!
Chapter 15: HAUSHUSHE~HDJDHD OMG THIS FIC IS SO SWEET *SOBS* Layhan so precious omg reallu loved and i really felt their feelings <3
Ahh! The main pic and the description of both of them makes me have so many cutie feels. My otp is so so cute. Thank you. So many pics of them together too. Ohhh fav otp, what you do to me.
Chapter 15: Okay I read it and I got tears in my eyes with Suho and the ending. Suho is my favorite, and it hurt me when he died ;__; ...

Let me tell you that sometimes I thought it was too fast, I would have like more developing on LayHan relationship. What I mean is a few more chapters on how they fall in love and in how they learned to trust each other since the fan fic was about that. I would have loved to see it, but it's okay. I truly liked it. Your writing is simple, but it gets to the readers' heart and that what's important ^^ as I told you I am not a big fan of LayHan, or any EXO pairing to be sincere, but they had chemistry at least in your fic. I loved those little details you put, like Luhan cutting himself (as a former cutter, it's a hard-to-break habit, and with the slightest things you can fall again) at each thing that happened. Those are important in order to understand the character.

Sorry for the long comment ^^ ~ but I liked it so -subs- :D I shall recommend it.
Chapter 6: Omg i love Layhan too, i love this story its so beautiful and i wish you can write more stories based on Layhan this one. :D