Chapter 3

Paper Hearts


The sound of clock ticking slowly irritated him. His fingers tapping the table, holding in his anger. His eyes eyed the door warily. He's not coming. Is that good or bad? It's good cause then he won't have to face the monster himself but bad cause he really does need help with his lesson. It's a 50-50...
  The door slammed open, snapping Eunhyuk out of his thoughts. His eyes met the very annoyed brown pair, glaring at him. The younger pulled up a chair.
  "Let's make this quick."
  He didn't dare tell him that he was the one fifteen minutes late, and obediently took out his books. Kyuhyun started rambling off an 'easy formula' but all he heard was bla bla x bla bla y bla bla. Nothing is goin in.
  "Got it?" Kyuhyun asked, sharply. Though he knew the latter wasn't getting anything, he just wanted this to be done and over with. His precious game was waiting for him.
  "No," Eunhyuk replied, eyeing the equation.
  "It's a simple formula, how can you not get it?"
  "Maybe you're just a bad teacher," he muttered, not meaning for it to be heard.
  "What?" He asked, darkly, daring the him to repeat what he said.
  "I just don't get it," Eunhyuk replied, honestly confused. "How does x suddenly equal to 2? And why do you have to answers instead of one?"
  Kyuhyun sighed, trying to bite back from snapping out at the latter again. He could tell he was already close to tears. He really didn't want to seem as the bad guy here, especially after Leetuk's warnings.
  "With a brain like yours, it's a waste if you don't use it," he said. "Besides, we could easily get rid of your so called 'club' if you don't participate."
  He didn't like it! He never did when someone actually had something over him. But as he watched the monkey in front of him cursed repeatedly, he can't help but smile a bit, just a bit, and thinking this could be worthwhile.
  But if this took too long, he might have to figure out where to hide a body.
After he finally managed to convince his best friend to not skip, Donghae made his way to the library where his tutor was waiting. It wasn't a surprise to see Kibum hidden behind a stack of books, not to mentioned buried in one himself. He made his way to the table, ignoring the glare he got from the librarian. He pulled up a chair next to the latter, smiling happily.
  "Shh!" The librarian scolded.
  He gave her an apologetic look, before repeating, more quietly, "Kibummie."
  Kibum turned to him, raising an eyebrow, unamused by is action, "This is a library. You shouldn't talk too loud."
  Donghae's face fell and Kibum can't help but felt a twinge of guilt when he saw his guilt face. He turned back to the books and eyed the titles for each of it, before pushing a stack towards Donghae.
  "I have to read all of this?" he asked, uncertainly.
  "Just for a while, then you'll do a bit of exercise so we can see how far you actually understand," Kibum told him, before returning back to his reading.
  "Aren't you supposed to teach me?"
  "I will, once you're done," he replied.
  Donghae, realizing that he's not going to say anything, took one of the books and turned it to the first page. Bla, bla, bla, bla. Flipped to the next page, bla, bla, bla and the next. Ugh, it was no use, nothing was going to his head. He laid his head on the book, hoping to gain his tutor's attention but got nothing. He watched Kibum read, his eyes taking in every word, his lips biting as if he was reading a suspense story and who knows, maybe he was.
  A plan formed in his head, and a smirk appeared. Maybe he could find a way to make his classes more fun.
This is a short KyuHyuk beginning and a bit of kiHae at the end but hope you enjoyed it.
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added something at the end of the latest chapt. Check it out!


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 3: Interesting, looking forward
257471 #2
Chapter 3: waiting for the next chap...update soon please
Chapter 3: kyuhyuk.....i like it~~~~~ :D
MizzPeel0007 #4
Chapter 3: Private tutors are the best way to learn, one on one time and attention. But too much can be alot of pressure as seen by Eunhyuk.
michikokasiumi #5
Chapter 3: moooooooooooooooore >0<
haebeast #6
Chapter 3: kyuhyuk!! kyuhyuk!! need more kyuhyuk!! hehehehe. poor hyukkie for getting such grumpy looking tutor,
joanna20 #7
Chapter 2: Update soon! Ty
haebeast #8
Chapter 2: kyuhyuk team too here¬¬¬<3
michikokasiumi #9
Chapter 2: kkk cant wait until kyuhyuk meeting :D
thank kyu 4 the update :D