Chapter 1

Paper Hearts


Before the alarm even rang, he was already up. It wasn't that uncommon, since it happens everyday. He got up and got out to see the apartment still dark. He went into the other bedroom where his flatmate was still sleeping. He sat on the bed and gently shook his body.
  "Hyung, hyung, get up," he said, shaking the body repeatedly. But all he got as a reply were Chinese words in a mumble.
  He got up and went to the bathroom, filled in the cup with water. He went back and sat on the bed. He tried shaking the guy up again but to no avail.
  "Hyung, I'm gonna drink, kay?" He said, before pouring the water all over his face.
  The Chinese guy woke up with a start, "What the hell?"
  "Oops, my bad" Kibum said, innocently. "Come on, hyung. We have school."
  He quickly left the room, leaving the elder to dry himself while glaring at him. Kibum went into his own room, getting ready for the day. When he was done, he was greeted by a delicious smell. He got out to see Hangeng still not ready, but at least he was making breakfast.
  "Why so early?" Hangeng asked him. "The bell won't ring for another hour."
  The younger just shrugged, as he sat down for breakfast.
Meanwhile, elsewhere was a different story. No matter how loud the bell rang, he just won't wake up. His sister had to go and pushed him off bed before he got up. He glared at her but she only told him to hurry up or he'll be late again.
  Ten minutes later, and only after he got a good look at the time, he rushed downstairs and grabbed some breakfast. His sister had left him as expected. Outside, his best friend leaned against the gate wall, listening to music.
  "Hyukkie ~" his friend. greeted, watching him stuff his face with food.
  "Sorry, I'm late," he replied, apologetically. 
  But Donghae knew the same thing would happen again tomorrow. The two had been friends for so long that they already know how the other acts. He was used to getting up early but arriving at school late cause of his friend. It never really mattered.
  "If you want the Gaming Club to not be demolished, you either have to participate in this program or recruit more members," Leetuk told him, sternly.
  The younger glared at him. They don't have the rights to do this.
  "Kibum already agreed," Sungmin told him. He was doing his best to help his best friend but he can be so stubborn.
  Kyuhyun glanced at Kibum who was watching the whole thing unfold, expressionlessly. At times like this, he wished that Kibum would do something, anything to help the club but as usual, nothing.
  The two were the founder and only members in the Gaming Club. Just as how the name states, it's a club for gamers. You would think a club like that would have gained more members but Kyuhyun is very picky and won't let just anyone join it. The members have to be very good and know almost all the games there is and their tricks, especially Starcraft. Kibum's the only one he knows who almost beat him, making him the only other member of the club.
  But now, the club was in danger. It was the only time where Kyuhyun and Kibum gets to enjoy games without being bothered by anyone. But it will be taken away unless they both agreed to participate in the stupid Tutoring Program.
  "It's only three days a week and your club time won't be deduced," Sungmin said.
  Kyuhyun glared at the two before nodding in defeat.
  "I better not get an idiot," he muttered.
Hi! So my first fanfic here and writing so I hope you'll be patient with me and enjoy this :)
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added something at the end of the latest chapt. Check it out!


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 3: Interesting, looking forward
257471 #2
Chapter 3: waiting for the next chap...update soon please
Chapter 3: kyuhyuk.....i like it~~~~~ :D
MizzPeel0007 #4
Chapter 3: Private tutors are the best way to learn, one on one time and attention. But too much can be alot of pressure as seen by Eunhyuk.
michikokasiumi #5
Chapter 3: moooooooooooooooore >0<
haebeast #6
Chapter 3: kyuhyuk!! kyuhyuk!! need more kyuhyuk!! hehehehe. poor hyukkie for getting such grumpy looking tutor,
joanna20 #7
Chapter 2: Update soon! Ty
haebeast #8
Chapter 2: kyuhyuk team too here¬¬¬<3
michikokasiumi #9
Chapter 2: kkk cant wait until kyuhyuk meeting :D
thank kyu 4 the update :D