Chapter 2

Paper Hearts


Time flew by as fast as it could yet it was never enough for the one and only Kim Heechul. His fingers tapping the table, impatiently, his eyes watching the hands of clock ticking. How slower could it get? The teacher's voice was long droned out and his book were opened yet untouched. His bag on his lap, ready and waiting.
  The sound of students gathering their stuff filled the class previous silence. The teacher yelled something about homework but nobody payed attention. Heechul grabbed his book, shoved it in his bag and got out before anybody could stop him. He went to another class where a guy was talking to the teacher about something. He knocked on the door, letting them know he was here.
  Kibum turned around, giving him a signal to wait and continued talking to the teacher.
  "So, tomorrow afternoon, you'll meet him at the library. Make sure Kyuhyun comes tomorrow," the teacher told him.
  Kibum nodded and bowed before turning to leave.
  "What was that about?" Heechul asked. "Finally got your first detention?"
  "The teacher wants me to participate in the Tutoring Program so now, I have to go and see," he paused for a minute to look at the paper given to him. "Lee Donghae."
  "You have to tutor Donghae?"
  "You know him?"
  "Yeah, everyone knows him. He and Eunhyuk are the Dancing Duo," Heechul told him, fixing his hair now and then.
  "Will this take long?"
  "I don't think so," Kibum said, studying the paper.
  "Better not, I'm hungry."
  He held back the urge to roll his eyes, knowing the real reason why he wants it to be quick, "Yeah, yeah..."
  "Yah! You're doing it wrong!"
  "No, it's like this," Donghae insisted, moving his hips around. "I watched the video lots of times. I would know!"
  "You don't move like that. Your hands should be like this while going this way!"
  The two were interrupted when a figure suddenly came in, accompanied by two girls. They both exchanged looks, nothing good ever comes when Heechul pays a visit. He was busy telling the giggling girls about something, smirking the whole time.
  "What do you want?" Donghae asked, not meaning to sound as rude as he did.
  Hearing this, Heechul replied, irritatedly, "You should be more respectful to your seniors."
  "Hyung...." Kibum said, for the first time since they entered, catching the attention of the two dancers. Heechul glared at them both. It was bad enough that lunch was delayed, he wasn't going to let them talk to him like that. The girls quickly said something to him, getting back his attention.
  "Who are you?" Eunhyuk asked, more politely. He doesn't know Kibum, but he heard of Heechul's mood swings before and he wasn't taking any chances.
  "I'm Kim Kibum and-"
  "You're my tutor, right?" Donghae asked, hopefully.
  Kibum nodded, and was surprised when the latter let out a cheer. He certainly didn't expect that reaction. Eunhyuk on the other hand, didn't seem so please as he asked, "Who's my tutor?"
  Eunhyuk groaned and can't help but cursed. Great, he got Cho Kyuhyun as his tutor. Kyuhyun was known to be one of the most scariest person to be taught from. He heard that Kyuhyun was very impatient and blunt, somewhat like Heechul. Donghae, seeing his friend disappointed, wrapped an arm around him.
  "Don't worry, I'll buy you the strawberry cake like we promised," he said, trying to hide his relief.
  Annoyed, Eunhyuk pushed him away and turned up the volume of the music. This was the only way he knows how to let go. He turned to face the mirrors and did some basic moves first before turning it into something more.
  "Um, Donghae, we're meeting tomorrow at the library around three, okay?" Kibum said, and was dragged away by and impatient Heechul. The girls were obviously disappointed to see them go.
  "Hyung, I'm home!" Kibum called out. They were greeted by the familiar smell of Beijing Rice.
  Kibum went in to change his clothes while Heechul went straight to the kitchen where a familiar figure was cooking. Instantly, he wrapped his arms around him.
  "You didn't come today," he purred in his ears.
  Hangeng held back the urge to just drop everything and kiss him, letting their lips explore each other, their tongue battling, and instead said, as calmly as he could, "I had a guest..."
  But he couldn't stop the groan that came when he led a trail of kisses before stopping to form a purple bruise. No matter how hard he resisted, it got worse especially when he felt his hand slowly making its way down. Before long, he turned around, pressed the elder against the kitchen counter and kissed those lips, roughly. Heechul, was more than happy to respond back, his arms still wrapped around his neck. The two were so wrapped up with each other that neither noticed when somebody entered the kitchen.
  Hangeng quickly pulled back, which disappointed Heechul. Henry was shocked to see them while Kibum didn't care. Although he knew Hangeng was bi, he didn't expect to actually see it in action.
  "Henry," Hangeng said, trying to say something else but couldn't think of anything. He quickly turned back to cooking lunch.
  Seeing that he wasn't getting anymore action for now, Heechul excused himself, muttering something about going to the bathroom. Henry was still shocked and slowly taking it all in. 
  Kibum seeing the poor guy, said, "You better get used to it, if you're going to stay here."
This was rushed a bit and the Hanchul part....I'm not good at that so hope you forgive me and still enjoyed it.
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added something at the end of the latest chapt. Check it out!


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 3: Interesting, looking forward
257471 #2
Chapter 3: waiting for the next chap...update soon please
Chapter 3: kyuhyuk.....i like it~~~~~ :D
MizzPeel0007 #4
Chapter 3: Private tutors are the best way to learn, one on one time and attention. But too much can be alot of pressure as seen by Eunhyuk.
michikokasiumi #5
Chapter 3: moooooooooooooooore >0<
haebeast #6
Chapter 3: kyuhyuk!! kyuhyuk!! need more kyuhyuk!! hehehehe. poor hyukkie for getting such grumpy looking tutor,
joanna20 #7
Chapter 2: Update soon! Ty
haebeast #8
Chapter 2: kyuhyuk team too here¬¬¬<3
michikokasiumi #9
Chapter 2: kkk cant wait until kyuhyuk meeting :D
thank kyu 4 the update :D