Flavors of Love


What would you do if your parents were plotting about your love life with their own suitors that are your long life enemys?! What would you do?! Give in or fight with all your might?!

Is been like this since long time ago, my parents got to knew each other even though they went to different colleges. My father, who loved sweet things, happened to stop by were my mom worked after graduating in a Gastronomy college in Paris and pursuing her dream to be a pâtissière in Seoul, the city that she had always loved since kid, and well, what can I say? After she opened her own bakery, followed by her loyal costumers she became a renamed pâtissière that everyone in Seoul knew about. And made his daughter proud, and amazed. Ops, looks like I went off topic. Cough. Well my father fell in love at first bite with one of my mother most delicious pie ever made in the whole world, The Apple Pie, the most sweet, juicy, and softy pie ever made, and my favorite by the way, well it’s like they say ‘The way to catch a man’s heart is by his stomach’ and this describe his, well, interest in her. My mother didn’t like my father at first, she thought he was some kind of crazy man, but one of my father’s quality, is that he never gives up, so he kept coming day after day to talk to my mom, at first she was avoiding him, but after seeing how his face showed glee when eating her adorable apple pie, she told me that her heart made a ‘thump’ and after this you should know what happened, and if you don’t, well, I was born, of course some things happened in the middle before I was born, but that’s don’t really matter, for me it's just gross to think about.

Now start the important part, that is it when my parents start this crazy idea of wanted me to marry one of their best friend son. Well, my mother best friend was a Korean girl named Kim Hwa Young who went to the same middle and high school of my mother’s, she was the one who pushed my mom to pursue her dream and was the one that my mother trusted the most, after graduation, since their dreams were different, they followed their own pat and became apart from each other, but since their bond was so strong they never forget their promise, they were destined to encounter in one way or another. When my parents married they decided to stay in Seoul since my father was a CEO of some important restaurant&delivery company service, and my mother had lots of bakeries to manage, so like in a American movie, who do you think was our neighbor? Yep, Kim Hwa Young my mother best friend, ironic no? Well not exactly, because that was part of their promise, and the other part was that their child would get married.

My father best friend was a guy named Lu Jiang that he met when he was in college. He was his roommate and he is Chinese… I don’t really have much to say about them, you know, they are guys, their friendship is something like in a gang from a manhwa, once friends always friends. Daddy once told me that they were part of a motorcycle gang, and they would go across the city vandalizing things and catching chicks, nothing really bad, but when my mother heard this she was not happy especially about the chicks. Since my father knew about my dream, and support me, who was going to be the 'hear' of the his company? Well, he thought about this a lot actually, and after hearing the promise my mother made, he came with a brillante idea, "Why don't marry my beautiful daughter with the son of my important friend? And more, we could unificar our companys!!" 

And well, my forced love story began.



Nome: Luhan

Nickname: Lulu (he doesn't know)

Age: 22

Height: 178 cm

Occupation: Majoring in Applied Music

Name: Jung MoonRi / Cheri Blanc

Nickname: Moon. Ri.

Age: 19

Height: 163 cm

Occupation: Majoring in Culinary Arts

Name: Kim Jongin

Nickname: Kai

Age: 20

Height: 182 cm

Occupation: Majoring in Dance 


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Chapter 2: this is doing great.. Just update when you can..
author-nim.. where are you..?
Update this!