I AM SORRY............ I LOVE YOU

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You got selected in SM Entertainment after winning the competion in Canada. You goes to Korea and becomes a member of new girl band BEAUTIFUL GIRLS. There you meet many idols and also meets Kris and Luhan. Luhan is cold towards girls even towards you too. What will happen? Will you be able to change his heart for you? Will he be able to love you? Lets read further for knowing.





Jung hyo rin(Abby)


- 17 years old. Korean American

-  fluent in English, Japanese, Chinese and French but can only understand Korean can't speak it.

- Kind, beautiful, talented, smart, cute, naughty and bubbly.

- a lead dancer, rapper in group and leader of the group.

- good at sports, wushu and kungfu and at academics too.

- close to exo except Luhan. believes in love a lot.






- 17 years old. Chinese

- fluent in Korean, Japanese, Chinese can understand english but can't speak it

- cold and arrogant, a kingka of school and your classmate

- hate love thingy( don't believe in it) and girls a lot

- loves and cares a lot for his group members

- a good singer and dancer and face of the group and member of faomus boy group EXO-M

- good at sports and academics.




Kris Wu / Wu YI Fan


- Another Chinese boy. 17 years old.

- Leader of EXO-M and like big brother for all of s.

- Kind helpful and kingka of school.

- your first friend in Korea, likes you and protects you.

-lead rapper of group and can speak four language English, Mandarin Chinese, cantonese and Korean

- you feels comfortable with him and helps you in telling others the meaning of your talks.




Lee Hani / Lisa/ Honey


- A member of your group. 17 years old.

-Your best friend here and your roommate.

-cares a lot for you and helps you.

-Your classmate and Suho's girlfriend.

-Kind, smart, beautiful, helpful known as beauty queen.

-Good at sports and teakwando but hates study.

-Lead dancer and singer in the group.

-Knows Chinese, Korean and English.






-Another Kingka and a member of EXO group.

-Leader of EXO-K and singer. 17 years old.

-Kind, helpful and cute.

-only knows korean and can't speak english his english .

-Your classmate and a good friend of yours.



others no so important characters:-





Jung Hye Min / Sel

-Kind,  cute, helpful, beutiful and eldest in the group.

-19 years old and a college girl.

- A lead dancer a peolpe calls her as God fairy.

-Likes Minho(a member of SHinee).

-A good fighter an understood girl but no1 can control her temper when she is angry.




Sica/ Kim Hye Sun


-Bubbly, naughty, cute, smart, beautiful. 18 years old.

-First year of her college. single and ready to mingle and looking for her love.

-She has the most fairer skin thats why people calls her snow white.

-She has lead vocals.

-Talks a lot and loves eating and cooking food.



Jung So Ri/ Mink


-IInd maknae of the group. 16 years old.

-bubbly, cute, beautiful and childish in nature.

-A good dancer and sings well too.

-Known as loud speaker or queen of high pitch.

-Responsible for singing high notes .

-making mess is in her nature and shopping is her favorite time pass.




Sun Mayo Chan/ Sunny

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-Maknae of the group, bubbly, naughty and cute. 16 years old

-A lead dancer and singer.

-She is Japanese but fluent in Korean and english.

-Known as barbie because of her cuteness.

-Her speciality is she can do magic.

-Loves you a lot and thinks you as her elder sister and always comes to when she feels alone






-Kingka's of the school

-Some of them are kind and helpful but some of them are arrogent.

-All of them are handsome and smart.

-All of them are close to you but don't like everyone in you group and always argues with them.

-All are good singers and dancers.





Kim So Min


-Queenka of school.

-Hates you a lot because of the fact that you are close to exo.

-Best friend of Luhan and loves Luhan.

-Tries her best to harm you.

-Rich and arrogent can't see people happy.



This is my first fanfic. I hope you guys will like this. I am not sure that I am good or not in writing story but I will try my best to fulfill your wish and sorry for gramatical mistakes cause I am not so good in english. And enjoy the story.


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