Chapter 30

Mission involving gangs ~
Junhyung stepped on the gas pedal and started to speed off. 
I'm glad he was familiar with the road, because if we had crashed at this speed, we would probably not be alive much longer. I didn't dare to look at the road.
Suddenly Junhyung stepped on the brake and the car stopped violently. The car jerked and we were frown forwards. Thanks seat belts for preventing us from crashing through the windshield. 
The reason of the sudden stop was a car parked in the middle of the road. Junhyung made an annoyed sound and honked at the vehicle, but it didn't move an inch. He cursed an stepped out of the car. He locked the door so that I wouldn't be able to escape. 
I could hear him shout through the glass windows. 
"YAH INCOMPETENT BASTARD MOVE WILL YA?" And kicked lightly on the car. 
The person in the passenger seat rolled down the window. Chunji stuck out his head. 
"I said move." Junhyung growled angrily. 
"Don't feel like it." Chunji replied. 
Junhyung reached for his pocket and took out a gun. "Do you feel like it now?" He asked and pointed the gun at Chunji. 
Chunji's face whitened. I discovered the door lock {I have no idea what it's called in English but I hope you know what I mean..?}. I struggled a bit due to stress but after a few tries I managed to unlock the door. 
I staggered out of the vehicle and ran towards the others. I saw how Junhyung was about to load the gun and everything went in slow motion. 
I tackled him to the ground and heard a loud sound. A gunshot. No doubt. 

Oops shortest chapter ever 



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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 32: What happen to Junhyung?

It's okey..we love you too!! :D
Chapter 32: what the... so junhyung will be back and forth from his old and 'recent' personalities..?
Chapter 31: Hiatus?????
Sheena1611 #4
Chapter 31: Please update soon!
I really love it!
LeeMinJi #5
Chapter 31: Oh my gosh, updates updates updates! I need updates!
Chapter 31: omg whats gunna happen?! what if junhyung lost his memory of what happened and only remembered her?? O.O cant wait for the next chapter~~!!!
Chapter 30: New reader:D
Your story awesome :) ^^
Chapter 30: update soon
Chapter 29: happy birthday ^^