Chapter Twenty Eight

Mission involving gangs ~

"Well, I do have something in mind." Junhyung smirked. 
"And that is?" I asked impatiently. 
"Well, either you and your brothers form an alliance with us. 
Or.. the choice I would prefer: you could run away with me."

"What if I refuse?" I asked, he smirked. Junhyung got up from his seat and walked up to me.
"Try and find out." He said as he lightly touched my cheek. I flinched and restrained myself from punching him, I figured violence wouldn't help at all in this situation. 

The door was opened and I hoped for the best. I turned around and BTOB stood there. They were the last people I wanted to see right now. 

"There's our little runaway. Didn't take long until you got caught again." Ilhoon said and winked. This time I hit him, since he wasn't as scary as Junhyung. 
"For your information, I didn't get caught, I came here myself." 

"So, Hyemi, what will your choice be? " Junhyung asked, he too started to get impatient. I didn't answer since I tried to win some time. 
"Sorry for asking, but when the did you plan all this?" Yoseob asked out of nowhere. I had almost forgotten that beast were in the room too. 

Before Junhyung even had time to answer the question, the door was opened once again. G.O, Ricky, Sungjong, Ukwon, Xiumin, Baekhyun and Zelo entered the room. 
"Hyemi-ah!" Ricky exclaimed when he saw me and attempted to run towards me, but was blocked by BTOB. 

"Let Hyemi go!" G.o ordered, but Junhyung just laughed at him. 
"Looks like none of you are that great at fighting, am I right?" He asked, mocking them.
"No, but I know someone who are." 

The door was kicked in. Everyone's attention were on the new guests. To everyone's surprise Big Bang entered the room. 

"What in the world are you doing here?"  
"Oh I think you know already." G-dragon responded. 
"Oh hey Hyemi. Long time no see, huh babe? " Seungri said with a flirty wink. He earned a punch in the stomach by Junhyung for that one.   I glanced at the BTOB members and they were as clueless as I thought they'd be. My brother looked as amused as Junhyung did.
"Oh hi y." I winked back at Seungri and gained a glare from Junhyung. I was right, he wouldn't hit me. I could use that for my own advantage. 

Seungri turned towards my brother "sorry G.O-sshi, I don't think you wanna hear this but Hyemi you-"
"I don't think anyone of us wants to hear whatever you're about to say." A jealous Junhyung said as he threw me over his shoulder and started carrying me towards the door leading out to the garden. I was struggling and kicking the air trying to get down but his grip only tightened. 
In the background I could hear G.O and the others protesting and BTOB blocking them.

I kept on struggling without much success. By this time we had reached  the garage and Junhyung had shoved me inside his car. He got in and started the engine. 
What have I gotten myself into?

I'm so so so so sorry guys..


the chapter is short and probably boring but it is an update so

follow me on twitter @jcscloudies 

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Love ya guys 

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 32: What happen to Junhyung?

It's okey..we love you too!! :D
Chapter 32: what the... so junhyung will be back and forth from his old and 'recent' personalities..?
Chapter 31: Hiatus?????
Sheena1611 #4
Chapter 31: Please update soon!
I really love it!
LeeMinJi #5
Chapter 31: Oh my gosh, updates updates updates! I need updates!
Chapter 31: omg whats gunna happen?! what if junhyung lost his memory of what happened and only remembered her?? O.O cant wait for the next chapter~~!!!
Chapter 30: New reader:D
Your story awesome :) ^^
Chapter 30: update soon
Chapter 29: happy birthday ^^