I Like You Too

I Like You Too [ONE SHOT]


It was already 4 days since we returned in school from spring break. I leaned on my right hand and faced the window on my left. The window was open because our classroom's air conditioning unit is broken. The wind blew from outside and it felt good. I closed my eyes. The sky was full of clouds. It was a great day indeed.
When I opened my eyes, I saw someone lying near the tree outside. It was Kyungsoo, the student from the other section who just transfered right after spring break. Just when I noticed that I was looking at him for too long, he already saw me.
"Oh --" I gasped.
I lowered my head, facing my Physics book. For some reason, I flush scarlet.
The class ended without me even noticing. As soon as the bell rung, I hurriedly went out the classroom and tried to forgot what have happened. 
I bumped into him.
I was sitting on the floor then suddenly, he offered his hand. I took it.
"Thanks...?" I said, pretending not to know his name.
"Kyungsoo." He briefly said as he lets go of my hand. He was staring deeply at me.
What an innocent face, I thought.
I cleared my throat.
"Right, uhm, thanks again Kyungsoo." I looked away nervously then left.
I finally got home and took some rest. Suddenly, a friend texted me.
"Music fest. Downtown. 7PM!"
I looked at the clock and it's almost 7. I changed my clothes and decided to go.
The event was packed with people from different places. Competitions were held such as singing and dancing. A lot of people participated but my attention was drawn to the beatboxing competition.
I couldn't see a thing because the crowd was too many but as soon as I made it in front,  my eyes widen. 
"Kyungsoo." My lips whispered.
After he performed, the crowd roared with amazement. Obviously, he won the contest and received a $500 money prize.
"Hi." He saw me.
"Wow. I didn't know you could beatbox! Congratulations! I'm Kai." I said.
He smiled at me and said thanks. We went to a place less crowded and talked about everything and anything.
"You were really great back then." I still couldn't get over.
"Thanks... can you somehow... beatbox too?" Kyungsoo asked.
"A bit, but I prefer rapping more." I laughed.
"Oh, really? Then let me hear you!" he started beatboxing.
I guess I have no other choice but to rap, right?
"You're good too!" his eyes was shining and were round like a donut.
"Thanks." I smiled at him.
"Well, I had a great time with you." he stood up.
"See you tomorrow." I waved at him.
When I got home, I immediately went to my bed. I remembered Kyungsoo.
"No!" I shouted in my mind.
My heart started beating really fast as his face replayed on my head. It feels so weird and good at the same time.
Am I gay? I looked up on the ceiling. I'm sure as hell that I'm also attracted to girls. Is it because he looks like a girl too? I shook my head.
I never thought I'd feel this way again.. My breath runs out the more I think of Kyungsoo.
Days, weeks, months have passed and we spent more time together. I also tried avoiding my feelings because I don't want to ruin our friendship but I always fail. There are times that I feel like he likes me too... but I don't want to assume.
"Jongin-ah! Come to my house, okay~? I'll show you my work. ^w^" Kyungsoo texted.
"Sure~ ^.^" I replied.
I went to his house and he took me to his room. I sat on his bed while he's showing me the things he has been working on. He made me listen to the song he recorded recently.
"The title of this is Angel." He put the earphones on my ears.
"I alway want to protect you
So that even the small things won’t tire you out, I’m eternally in love
As your guardian, I will block the stiff wind
Even though people turn their backs to you
If I could become the person
Who can wipe your tears on a tiring day
It will be paradise"
I laid down on his bed while listening. He also laid down beside me. I turn to his side, facing him.
"This song is really great. I like it alot." I said while removing the earphones.
He was just looking at me. His eyes were swallowing me.
"You know what... there's something in you." 
He's still quiet.
"There's something in you.... that makes me attracted to you." I waited for his response but I got nothing.
"I like you." I said.
There was a pause. His face was so close to me. He breathed. I felt the warmth of his breath on my face. After that, he smiled.
He leaned towards me and kissed me gently.
"I was afraid you weren't feeling the same way. I'm glad to hear that from you. I like you too."
I kissed him back.

Hi everyone! My very first one shot hehe.
I hope you all liked it. ^__^
You can read my other story too~ x
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Chapter 1: Whoaa cute~ Kai is being so shy and cute kekekeke I like this~
Chapter 1: Oh so sweet ... I liked it