Private Lessons

Her Perfect Revenge


“I heard Jongin told you that he wouldn’t be going to prom with you, didn’t he?” I slammed the locker door shut as I glared at the man standing in front of me, a smug grin on his face. 

I felt the embarrassment rising in my cheeks upon being reminded of yesterday’s incident. “!” I muttered silently under my breath, as I avoided his gaze.

“Woman!” He yelled and much to my chagrin, everyone turned around to look at us.

“Do you want to go to prom with me now? Doesn’t sound like a bad choice, doesn’t it?” He raised an eyebrow, the same smirk still on his lips as he tilted his head at me.

The smirk on his face grew wider as he placed his hand inside his pocket, “Too bad I don’t want to go to prom with you now even if you begged me.”

He snorted as the other covered their mouths, trying to hold in their laughter.

“Do you know what a recycled good is? Look at the mirror, won’t you?”

The , this bastard’s looking for a fight isn’t he?

Just when I was about to open my mouth to argue, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned back, Baekhyun was standing directly beside me.  

What the .

What the flying .

A string of profanities was about to be spewed from my mouth but Baekhyun threw me a glance, indicating that I should shut up in which I complied.

“Look, Minho.” He began, his hand still slung over my shoulder. “Soojung’s going to prom with me.”

Oh dear, is this really happening to me now?




Jongin felt his heart clench in sadness as he saw everything that had happened.

Soojung’s going to prom with me.

You screwed this up, Kim Jongin and you ought to fix it yourself.




“Soojung!” As I walked out of the classroom, I heard a familiar voice calling me. Halting in my steps, I stared the handsome young man in front of me.

He was literally shining and everyone else seemed to pale out in comparison.

I swallowed hard, “Jongin?” I felt anxious as he took another step towards me, a slightly embarrassed smile on his lips.

“Let’s talk.”

Talk? What do we have to talk about?

Should we talk about how you broke my heart?

Should we talk about how you embarrassed me in front of the entire school?

Who do you think I am, Kim Jongin?

Why not I strip you and hang you on the pillar in front of the whole school? Then, we’ll talk.

Good idea right?




Jongin stared at the ground as he sat beside Soojung, unsure of what to say.

“Soojung?” He finally mustered enough courage to begin speaking. “Are you a-angry?”

I blinked.


No, I’m not angry, more like furious.

, I ought to post pictures of you in the school blog and ask you whether are you angry at me.

“No.” Jongin obviously believed my lie. What an idiot.

“You know that I’ve wanted to join the basketball team at Bundang University, right?”

I nodded. That was Jongin’s dream ever since I met him five years ago.

“You know how much basketball means to me. I don’t want to be distracted.”

Of course I know, you’ve been talking about it since we’ve met. I’m not stupid or forgetful, Kim Jongin.

He let out a sigh as he gazed upwards, “I’m not rich like Chanyeol or Sehun which is why I really need to build up my reputation.”

“I like you.” He gaze my hand a squeeze. “Trust me, if I was to date any girl, it would be you.”

My heart fluttered. Jongin did like me after all, he did care about me, or least I hoped.

“It’s just like, you know. You’re not exactly the most likable person in school.”

You must control yourself, Jung Soojung.

You do not want to leave a scar on future husband’s face.

F-future husband?

What the are you thinking about, Soojung?

“I assume Baekhyun told you everything?” He questioned.


“If you really want to be with me, prove it Jung Soojung. Show me that you really want to be with me. There are still a few months. I’m not asking you to go on a diet or get plastic surgery, I’m just asking you to change your personality. For me, will you?”

Inhaling deeply, I closed my eyes.

This was not the time to be angry, I whispered softly to myself as I looked at him, giving him the sweetest smile I was capable of.

“I’ll change myself for you.”

Eww, no. I’m not going to change myself for you. If you don’t love me for who I am, so be it.

I’ll probably find someone as good looking as Infinite’s Kim Myungsoo in the near future.

Watch and see, Kim Jongin.



“Hey, Soojung.” I turned back, giving Baekhyun a questioning glance.

Halting in my steps, I replied, “What?”

“Have you forgotten about our private lessons?”

“Private lessons?” Sunyoung piped in, raising an eyebrow at me. “You mean you’re going to have after classe-”

I quickly yelled at Sunyoung, pleading her to stop. “Sunyoung! Baekhyun’s only been tutoring me. You know how bad I am at Mathematics.”

Ha! One glance at her face and I knew that she believed me.

Well, no, I’m not having with Baekhyun. I like my men muscular and Baekhyun is just a scrawny looking boy with average looks.

He’s charismatic though, so I suppose that makes up for his average looks.




I howled in pain as he spanked me with his hand.

“What the , Baek!”

He looked at me shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. “It works better this way, don’t you think so? I mean, I saw tips on the internet.”

“I’m not your kid, Byun Baekhyun nor are we having a session of .” I yelled at him, narrowing my eyes threateningly. “It hurts! Can’t you think of anything else? Your form of punishment is just too brutal.”

“It’s your fault. You keep slouching. That’s so inelegant. Why can’t you walk like, well, you know, Hyuna?”

“She shakes her bottom whenever she walks.”

“Fine, you have a point there. Why can’t you walk like your sister then? Long, graceful strides.” Baekhyun suggested before taking sip out of the glass of water I had poured for him.

I let out a groan. “I’ll try but please, do not hit me with your bare hands. It’s brutal and I would kill you if you ever attempt doing it again.”

Baekhyun frowned but the frown on his face immediately vanished as he unbuckled his belt. “How about whipping you with a belt?”

“What the , Byun Baekhyun.” I yelled at him, my voice booming through the room despite knowing that he was joking.

Wanting to rush over to knock him on the head, I accidentally tripped over my computer cable which had caused me to loose footing.


It was an awkward position, wasn’t it?

Both my knees and hands were on the floor and it seemed like I was about to give him a blow-

The door creaked open before I could react and Yoona popped her head in, a mischievous smile on her face. “You know, Soojung. There’s this bag that I really like. My birthday’s coming up so why not you buy it for me? Or would you prefer mom and dad knowing about their younger daughter’s es.”

If looks could kill, Yoona would have died by now. She left the room and I let out another anguished groan before picking myself up from the floor, an angry scowl on my face.

Baekhyun gulped, he was going to be her victim, wasn’t he?



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katiedoll565 #1
Chapter 2: Amazing story. Baekhyun and krystal are so cute!
update soon please.
Chapter 2: It's 2014, i really hope you continue this story,it's been a long time i've been waiting :)
hwangrin #3
Chapter 2: update soon, pls^^
coercion #4
ohmagod. loving this story. otl.
update soon. ouo;
hwangrin #5
Chapter 2: update soon, pls^^

I really like baekstal part^^
Chapter 2: I really like this. I have a sense that Kai is in for it, and Baekhyun is going to get his heart broken...
kaistal_sm #7
Chapter 1: updaate very soon pls~
hithere-- #8
Amazing so far!
Cant wait till the next chappie! :D