Getting Even

Her Perfect Revenge




"Soojung!" I heard someone calling my name as I buried my face in my hands, wanting nothing more than to disappear from this cruel world.

"Soojung!" The voice called again as I let out a sigh, as Baekhyun barged into the classroom, a stern expression on his face.

I was pretty sure that Baekhyun was about to scold me. After all, he had warned me about Jongin, I should have known better than to fall into this trap of his! Kim Jongin, you imbecile, you bastard!

Screw you for ruining my life, Kim Jongin.

To my surprise, Baekhyun merely stood there, and I saw the look in his eyes. W-wait, was it pity? Was it sympathy?

No, Byun Baekhyun. I covered my eyes, don't give me that look, you know I hate it!

"How are you feeling, Soojung?" 

"What do you think?" I snapped at him as he took a seat beside me.

He pouted, "Well, I did warn you about it." I shot him a glare, what was Byun Baekhyun thinking? Was he here to comfort me or was he here to gloat over my embarrassment?

You , just give me a tight hug instead of lecturing me, will you?

"There's a lot of guys who would go to prom with you, you know?" He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Yeah, ugly guys. Nerdy guys, guys whom I would be embarrassed being seen with." 

Baekhyun frowned, "Soojung, it's not too late. There's still a few months before prom."

"Baekhyun, no one would decent want to go to prom with me. News flash, I've just been rejected by Kim Jongin as his prom date. He's such a jerk. A handsome one, though." Realizing what I had just said, my hands immediately flew to my mouth. 

Ugh! I was not supposed to praise someone who had just humiliated me in front of the entire school during morning assembly! 

"What do you intend to do then, Soojung? You know, Jongin had just told me that he intends to ask Jinri to prom."

Jinri? Choi Jinri or better known as Sulli? That ? Oh, I see. Jongin prefers big-boned women, doesn't he? Well, good for him. I stare at myself. 

, maybe Jongin prefers bigger ies. 

It's time to get some enhancing F-Cup cookies. 

"The ? Why would anyone pick Sulli over me?"

Apart from the fact she probably had bigger s.

"Look, you're good looking, Soojung. I wouldn't deny that, but your personality, it's unlikable. Men, they're scared of you. You're too intimidating, woman." Baekhyun mumbled before quickly adding, "Don't hit me for saying that! It's the truth!" 

Oh, Byun Baekhyun, you're really trying to be smart , aren't you?

 "Suffer the wrath of Jung Soojung, you ." I whispered before throwing my fist in his face.

The eighteen year old boy was heard screaming for his life as he ran all the way back to his classroom, which was right beside mine.




"The hell? He did that?" I could only nod at Yoona, who pulled me into a tight hug. 

"Exactly." Letting out a huge sigh, I shook my head. "At times, I wonder am I really that ugly?" 

"Well, you're not ugly. You're just a bit skinny, and you don't know how to dress. Your hair, it's flat and unhealthy. Oh, and that personality of yours. You need to be more fem-" She quickly shut up as I threw her a death glare. 

Since the Baekhyun and Yoona have such similar opinions, shouldn't they get married or something?


Yoona paused for a while, "So, what are you planning to do? You're not going to cry yourself to sleep tonight, aren't you?"

"I'm more angry than sad. You know how important pride is to me. I mean, I'm rather popular at school, and this bastard decides to do something like that to me."

"Popular for the wrong reasons." I heard Yoona muttering to herself but I pretended not to hear her. 

Yoona can be an at times, her younger sister is in need of comfort and here she is, instead of being helpful, she decides to take a jab at my misery. 

"I mean, everyone practically knows that we're unofficially together. Then he decides to pull a stunt like this. I don't know what he's thinking."

"Shouldn't you text him? I mean, the least you can do is understand why he did that, right?" 




Jongin felt terrible, but hey, that was the right to do, wasn't it? 

The tanned man continued sipping on his can of beer, until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he sees his friends and he smiles, despite feeling pretty guilty for what he has done this afternoon.

Truth to be told, he doesn't know how to face Baekhyun. After all, he is pretty close with Soojung since the both of them practically grew up together. 

"Good job, Jongin. She wasn't that pretty anyways. You could do better." Chanyeol gives him a thumb up.

"That was pretty low of you, Jongin." Kyungsoo piped in. "I never thought you would give in. I mean, who gives a what does Chanyeol or Sehun thinks." 

"Come on, guys. We've known each other since middle school. There's no point arguing over a girl, don't you think so?" Suho who was beginning to feel the tension among the guys decided to step in, hoping that there wouldn't be an argument. 

"We are the most popular boys in the school. There's this thing known as reputation, you know?" Sehun defends himself, "She's a great friend, I mean, she's outgoing, sporty and all. It's a pity that she isn't a guy." 

"At times I hate you all for doing this, really. It makes me wonder why I am still hanging out with you." Baekhyun rolled his eyeballs at them while Sehun and Chanyeol let out small laughter before ordering their drinks from the pub. "And you, Jongin." Turning to look at Jongin, Baekhyun could only let out a sigh.

"I never thought you would break her heart like that. I mean you told me that you liked her." He whispered as he shook his head, disappointed.

Jongin hesitates for a while, "Yes, I like her. So what? It doesn't change the fact that I'm ten times better than her. If she wants me, she better step up her game. There's still a few months left, it's not too late." 

"Are you saying that you would apologize and ask her to prom if she changes her personality?" Kyungsoo questioned again and Baekhyun merely stared at Jongin in disbelief.

“You’re such a jerk.” He mumbled to himself, shaking his head before ordering his drink from the bartender.

Jongin frowned, ignoring what Baekhyun has to say before quickly adding, "Her personality is lovable but it's over the top at times. Wouldn't it be better if she tones it down? I want to date a woman, not a man with a woman's face. Get her to gain weight, and do something to her hair and clothes. I'll think about it then."




"Hello?" I groggily mumbled as I rubbed my eyes. "This is Jung Soojung. You've entered the lion's den. Speak before I decide to bite you into shreds for calling me while I'm sleeping."

"Soojung!" Baekhyun yelled from the other end of the phone. "Guess what?"

I blinked before letting out a yawn, "I've been hired as Infinite's manager?" 

Baekhyun's going die when I see him at school next Monday. Once I wake up, I'm going to begin planning his death, a slow and painful one. 

"Jongin told me you still have a shot at going to prom with him!" 

"WHAT?" I immediately sprung out of bed, my eyes widened at Baekhyun's words. 




", no!" I yelled as I slammed my hand on the pillow. "Who the hell does he think I am?"

"So, the deal's off?" Baekhyun questioned, "You told me you loved him and would do anything for him, didn't you?"  

Did I? Welp, fine, I did. But, that was before Jongin had decided to make a fool out of me in front of the entire school. 

"Fine." I hissed under my breath, "I'll do it, provided that you, Byun Baekhyun, help me." 

"Well, I'm always there for you, am I not?" 

True, I have Baekhyun. With Baekhyun's assistance, I suppose I can turn into a swan. Well, I am already a swan, just not a refined one that is. 

Whatever, it doesn't matter. I don't give a damn about becoming a swan. All I want is to get even.

Kim Jongin, I will make you beg on your knees for me.  


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katiedoll565 #1
Chapter 2: Amazing story. Baekhyun and krystal are so cute!
update soon please.
Chapter 2: It's 2014, i really hope you continue this story,it's been a long time i've been waiting :)
hwangrin #3
Chapter 2: update soon, pls^^
coercion #4
ohmagod. loving this story. otl.
update soon. ouo;
hwangrin #5
Chapter 2: update soon, pls^^

I really like baekstal part^^
Chapter 2: I really like this. I have a sense that Kai is in for it, and Baekhyun is going to get his heart broken...
kaistal_sm #7
Chapter 1: updaate very soon pls~
hithere-- #8
Amazing so far!
Cant wait till the next chappie! :D