Not Arrive Yet

They and Their Chances

 A/N: *dumb ‘ash’ =dumb*ss



“Park Sehun! What the heck are you doing?!” Chanyeol gives Sehun a death glare and turns to see Suho.

“Why I should care?! He’s dumb!”

To avoid from colliding with the bicycle (or Chanyeol), Suho makes a sharp turn and falls as he loses his balance. He lies on the road and slowly sits by himself. But, after he heard Sehun called him dumb, he pretends to be unconscious. This kid! I will show you who the biggest dumb ‘ash’ is! Chanyeol sees Suho falls back to the ground and start screaming dramatically. He runs to Suho and shakes his body like there is no tomorrow. Suho silently rant on Chanyeol since his head keeps hitting the ground countlessly. He prays hardly for his head not to explode into pieces.

“Hyung!” Chanyeol sobs. Sehun slowly walk to them and look at Chanyeol who is crying and hugging Suho. “Why so dramatic?” he asks casually. “S-Sehun…! Babo Sehun! Suho hyung is… DEAD!!” Chanyeol takes his breath and scream the last part until a grandfather from the nearest stall walks out from the store.

Sehun scrutinizes Suho and take a glimpse on the scooter. Sehun slowly squats and pokes on Suho’s cheeks. “If I the blood on Suho hyung’s face, I will be a vampire, right?” Sehun asks to the crying Chanyeol. Sehun finds Suho silently frown and he keeps on teasing.

 “Wow! Suho hyung must be ugly after this with this cut on his cheeks! It’s big enough! Don’t you think he has to wear mask after this? Oh God! It will leave a BIG scar!” Sehun rolls his eyes and looks at the frowned Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol blows his disgusting snot on his sleeve and asks Sehun; “W-what? Big scar?.”

A big scar? Did he say…! Suho opens his eyes as wide as he can and gets up. “I HURT MYSELF?! ON MY FACE?! OH MY!! GET ME A MIRROR! MIRROR!!CHANYEOL! MIRROR! MIRROR!!” Suho screams and keeps shaking Chanyeol by holding his sleeves (plus the snot). Chanyeol rolls his eyes and look at his beloved hyung.

“STOP!” Sehun exclaims. Sehun is finally able to turn everything into JPG state. “I’m going to school. Bye.” Sehun walks away and leaves both of his hyungs.

Suho and Chanyeol looks at each other about a few minutes until Suho shows to Chanyeol something on his palm… “This is yours?” Suho asks. He knows the answer when Chanyeol innocently blow his snot on the same sleeve again.

And then, you can’t see Chanyeol anymore.

Look at the sky.



“My name is Park Chanyeol, and I love camera. I like art but art don’t like me. Thank you.”


                                                                                                                                                Park Chan10 yeol


Question: What is on Suho's palm?

Suho : That stupid Chanyeol's snot





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ficsystem #1
Chapter 9: why did i just find this? omg this is so unique and funny... i was like a mental for giggling during the entire reading... great job, author-nim. i'd love to read the next chapter if you continue this ^^
Chapter 9: please do continue this fic unnie :D cheybal..
DKDC haha, neve thought of that.. wow! you just gave me and inspiration.. :D nice story line btw.. i like suho ryhtm-rap "chan to the yeol to the Park" :DD i laugh untill my stomach ache..
Chapter 5: Even though the updates are short..i really really love it...chanyeoul..happy virus or dumb virus? Just kidding haha
AhSongyi #5
When will you continue this lame jokes?I miss it.. T.T
AhSongyi #6
Chapter 8: waa....~*mouth open and make letter 'O'~
AhSongyi #7
Chapter 7: *Laughed*So funny!I mean..It's very funny~ xD Good story ♥
Chapter 6: i really love this story >.< please update soon
AhSongyi #9
Chapter 6: Ouh..Chanyeol are their brother or not..*facepalmed*But..I love this story. :)