The Last Plan

Arranged Marriage-himchan

Your POV:

There was a moment before he pulled away from me. His eyes stared at me with disbelief. “What did you say?” he asked quietly. Even though I knew that he already heard me, I had to say it again, just to make sure that he got the message. There was a part of me that wanted to just stop and say that it was all a joke but my mind was making me say those words again, “Let’s break up” I tried to say it in a positive way but what other way could a break-up be? Break ups were never pretty. “Katsunmi, you’re not serious right? Why are you saying this all of a sudden?” I was breathing hard; did I really have to explain? I wish this was over already, I couldn’t even face him. “Because—I want you to be happy.” “But I am happy, I’m happy when I’m with you.” He convinced me. I just shook my head, this was for the best, “No, all I ever do to you is ruin your life and I need to let you go.” Himchan stood there with his heart going cold. How could she do this to me? “NO! Please, don’t! Don’t let me go, why are you doing this?” he asked again. His hands were shaking as he held my hands in-between us. I spent that whole time waiting outside trying to think about our conversation but now all my words just left my mind, I didn’t know what to say. Why am I doing this? Without knowing what to say I looked up at his sunken face and more than convincing him, I said this to convince myself, “I think we should just move on, say goodbye” I knew that this wasn’t enough but that was all I could say. Before I could take another blink I started crying. This wasn’t meant to happen. I never knew this was going to happen. Himchan was also frozen stiff and didn’t make a single move. I tried to blink away my tears but they wouldn’t stop rushing out.
“No no no no no; I could never say goodbye. You aren’t going to leave me. This is just a lie” Himchan kept shaking his head, denying what I was saying to him. Seeing his pale face turn all scared and his eyes looking lost, drowning with total confusion made my heart break.
I wanted to get this over and done with so I brought up as much courage to say what I had to say, “Please, before I go, do one last favour for me.” He turned and looked up at me with hope, “Marry Asuna, live well and I hope that one day, we all will be happy” Then I took a step back and started to walk away.
Goodbye Himchan.


I walked out holding my arm up to hide my face. The tears didn’t seem to stop but I felt another burden place down on me and squeeze at my chest. This wasn’t right but it was for the best. I walked out and Hugo-nim stopped me. With a content face he nodded to me and said, “Thank you”
I just looked to him and walked away. I went down to the stairs as fast as I could, I no longer wanted to be here; well, I was only here to say goodbye. As soon as I left the chapel, I felt the cool rush of air enter my lungs and I could breathe again. With every step the sudden loud ringing of the bells grew distant until I reached my car.

The whole way home, all I could think of was what I said. Goodbye Himchan. Up until now, I would have never thought that I would be here. I would have never believed that my life has turned out like this; I moved overseas, married someone, fell in love and now here I was saying goodbye to that person and even told him to go ahead and marry someone else. If someone told me that those things were going to happen me a few years ago, I would have never believed them.

Still in my formal dress that I wore to attend the wedding, I slumped down on my bed and lay there for what seemed like hours. Minah and Sarah didn’t even welcome me home and they even knew my situation that they, most likely, were giving me some space. The whole house was quiet and only when I fell asleep did I stop thinking about everything.


I woke up the next morning and went to work. With no idea what I was doing the whole day, everyone became mindful of me and about the news that happened last night. I ignored everyone, even my parents and JiYong-nim and I stayed in my office that morning. I knew that I somehow accepted to go to work but I didn’t do anything. I was too distracted and my mind was elsewhere; and elsewhere meant the wedding.

Since I left before the ceremony even started, I wondered what happened. I thought of some scenarios in my head and I made myself go crazy because of some of the things I was thinking of. I sighed, trying to stop myself from thinking about it any further. I got up and took a drink and when I was making my way back to my seat, there was a knock on the door.

Ignoring it, I walked back and sat down. Then the door twisted open and I froze in my seat, staring at it. Who was it? When the door creaked open, JiYong-nim’s face popped around and viewed my office to see if I was there. When his eyes landed on me, I stood up and walked to him. I got to halfway and stopped so I let him have some walking to do also. We got to each other and he stopped in front of me. I could see the worry and pity in his eyes. Even though he didn’t say a word, I knew that as soon as he opened his mouth it was going to be about the wedding. I just put my index finger up to my lip and he watched as I shook my head, signalling that I didn’t want to hear about it. Every time I thought about the wedding, the feeling of loss and the memory of what I did came back to me and I felt broken again. Just when Jiyong-nim stopped from speaking, I walked in and closed the gap between me. I needed someone right now and as always, JiYong-nim was here for me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he immediately did the same. He knew what I would have probably been feeling these past days and slowly started patting my back when I didn’t let go.


Author’s POV:

On the other side of town, Zelo made his way as fast as he could to the top of the stairs and just as he hit the floor, he ran inside the main room and turned in at the door. He caught his breath and then walked in to see everyone else already there.

“OK good, everyone is here now.” Sunhwa clapped her hands together and brought everyone’s attention to her. “The reason why you’re all here is that there has been a problem. As you all know, I have told you to stay away from Katsunmi and so thank you for keeping your word. If I see you with her though, you’ll know the consequences.”
The boys and girls just secretly squinted their faces to what Sunhwa said. Why does she hate her so much? “Also, the problem, Kim Himchan as you all would know by now is married to Asuna. She has been a great help. I didn’t even ask for this yet everything is turning out perfectly. I have a change of plans. Since Himchan is now the top stockholder of our ally, Katsunmi’s company is going to start crashing down and that means she’ll probably have to be kicked out of it. We have to make sure that we’ll do whatever we can to kick her out, understood?”
Everyone’s face turned concerned and Yong Guk’s and Daehyun’s face were shocked.
Yong Guk was so angry at her and stood up suddenly making the whole group look to him. “No, we can’t do that.” Sunhwa knew this was going to happen but played cool, “And why is that?” she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
“We’ve never kicked any company ally out and we aren’t planning to do so soon. Even though Himchan is now the top stockholder, if you cut his shares with Asuna’s then I’ll still be the top. You have no right to decide such high business without us. We can’t do anything about it other than taking it through with me. If you’re going to not use me as an option to make these decisions, then are you going to go Himchan instead?” he dared. Sunhwa’s face turned sour and looked to the ground; she had been caught. “No” she said quietly. She and Himchan’s company did not have such a bright relationship but that was a long time ago. The reason she was acting like this was probably because of the grudge she has been holding against the Kim family this whole time. Yong Guk knew for a fact that Sunhwa relied on him to make their missions a success but until now, she has never realised how much she has been using him. Even though they were the founders of this gang, Yong Guk’s words were always wiser and more logical than Sunhwa’s and that was why most of the gang has listened to him in the past. However, since time flew by, Yong Guk had to move away for a while and Sunhwa was left in charge and the ego started to dawn on her after some time. She made some bad decisions in the past and with Yong Guk’s wise words right now, she realised that she just did the same thing. “I’m sorry. Then what are we going to do?”

Yong Guk proudly clapped his hands. “I have another plan” He explained what they were going to do. Since you were kicked out of the group and the consequences were still at hand, he didn’t want to provoke Sunhwa so he made sure that Katsunmi stayed out of it. The plan was to make sure that Katsunmi was going to only benefit from the beginning and then they could use her. It wasn’t supposed to be fair play in the beginning but Yong Guk is trying to change that. B.A.P were going to destroy Asuna and Himchan’s relationship but somehow keep Himchan in Japan. This meant that they could buy time to work on Katsunmi. The plan for Katsunmi was to reveal the imbalance to everyone in the company at her CEO ceremony and what was really happening and then propose a new system where everyone in the allied companies were treated equally. Himchan’s fortune between Japan and Korea were going to be corrupted using the help from Asuna and that was making sure that she was to split the contract and then make sure Katsunmi tells him about the plan when they are back together.

Even though the plan was not to involve Katsunmi, she actually played a huge part in this mission. For the first time, this mission involved Himchan and also themselves, their real selves. Yong Guk knew that there was only one shot (punned) at this mission and that they were only relying on hope and luck. As he explained, Sunhwa softened. When she heard him talk, he was so determined yet his explanation and plan was much more logical than hers. She fell in love even more with him. How could she not think of something like this? Why was she so uptight and aggressive? She has been told many times by Yong Guk that her anger and grudges were always in the way of a beautiful person but sometimes she couldn’t help herself but Yong Guk somehow manages to find a way for her to realise that and stop her. As he explained, her anger subdued and she focused on the plan. When Yong Guk finished, he told that he had something to do and so they could all leave or stay. When he was about to walk down, Sunhwa wanted to thank him for helping her again and so she walked over and patted his back. He turned around and his face was a bit annoyed when he saw her. Seeing that he didn’t look too happy, she just looked down while giving a soft appreciation, “Thank you, for stopping me from becoming an ugly person again.” Then she walked away as fast as she could.

Yong Guk was surprised when he heard that but his heart felt relieved. This was one of the obstacles that he had at the back of his mind and thankfully, Sunhwa was able to find it in her to add to the luck. He knew that Sunhwa might have objected with this idea but he could tell that she changed her mind when she listened to him. There was also the other obstacles such as getting Katsunmi to go along with their plan but right now he was happy to fix Sunhwa from keeping a grudge on Katsunmi, at least for now.


Author’s note:

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, I know this is pretty slow but there’s still lots of things I have to say. Hope to see you next chapter, I’ll update as soon as I can :)




miss the days when they were all mysteriously hot and blonde and rookie

So cute~~~~

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Chapter 8: WOw I love this story!!! Thank you for the GIFs. I was melt looking at Yongguk, Himchan and Daehyun's gifs.
Chapter 56: THANK YOU FOR THIS AUTHORNIM! I feel bad about Asuna though~ :\ But hey! ChanMi ended up together~ :)
Chapter 53: I really want to puch Sunhwa's face right now.
Chapter 51: You really should put Sunhwa in a mental hospital. She's obssesive.... TOO OBSSESIVE! All the drama is too much for me... it's dragging my mood down. >_<
Chapter 36: Oh my gosh! IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW! HAHA XD Still, Yongguk shouldn't have kissed her and he shouldn't feel that the kiss is right.
Chapter 34: FOUND ANOTHER LOYAL BABY! YES! I thought everyone is already changing their bias group. :'( Anyway~ I just wanted to tell you that I want to punch Yongguk's face. He shouldn't have kissed her if he loved her only as a sister, it's his fault for giving Kat hope. :(
Chapter 26: I actually think that the previous moments are too slow paced for me but.... things are getting interesting now. ^_^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 56: I think I've read this story before... and I've got to say... I can't get enough of it!!! It's so good!!!

I really enjoyed reading this story... AGAIN ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
Chapter 8: I'm wondering, what was Yongguk looking at? His face. . . And what was Daehyun seeing? Last is Himchanie~ XD >///<
Do you erase Yoo family in companies? Haha~ XD
Chapter 6: Himchan hided a mystery! The last gift, omona~ I can't believe I've just want to say "cute Zelo~" The way his head swing~ XD >///<
I never and won't be able copy Himchan's pout and his aegyos - -