Sick and Being Missed

Arranged Marriage-himchan

You now had been released from the hospital and no one knew a thing. You said that you had to stay at a friend’s place for a couple of nights and you forgot to tell someone. Seeing that you were alright, they thought nothing of it; everyone except for JiYong-nim.
“I know that you’re lying. Tell me.”
JiYong-nim had his hand blocking you from walking out of the kitchen.
“What are you talking about?” you tried to sound innocent.
“hahaha very funny. You know what I mean. Where have you been?”
Of course, nothing can pass up on JiYong-nim so you told him.
“I was at the hospital. I was stabbed with a screwdriver here.” You placed your hands over your wound. JiYong-nim was surprised,
“What?! How come you haven’t told me? Here, let me see.”
He was very cautious and worried; he lifted up your shirt and eyed the wound.
“Ouch, are you OK?” he asked, squinting a little from the sight. You nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just need to rest it a bit. I’m sure it’ll be OK by tomorrow because I have to get to work.”
JiYong-nim was even more surprised. “Work? You’re injured and all you can think about is work? Nuh-uh missy, you are staying home until this heals and that’s probably a week’s worth of rest.”
“What? No! I can’t just NOT go to work like that. I don’t want anyone to know what happened. Especially my parents and if I don’t show up for work, they’ll get suspicious.” You tried to defend.
“Please, I have to do this. No one needs to know. I’ll be fine. I promise.”
JiYong-nim grabbed onto your arms and looked down on you. His face showed complete worry and care. He looked straight into your eyes. You gave a small smile to assure him that you are going to be OK. “I promise.” You said again.
He was still for a moment but then gave in and nodded. “Fine. I’ll be here also if you need me. Make sure to get a lot of rest then, you hear?” You nodded with a bigger smile. “Now go, get to bed and I’ll see you tomorrow.” He pushed you upstairs and just when he was about to leave, you remembered. “Uhh---” but you got cut off and like reading your mind he finished it for you, “Yes, I promise to not tell anyone. Everything will be alright. Goodnight.” Then he left. You smiled at his back and then closed the door and went to bed.


It was pouring with rain and the streets were flooded. They sky held a sad atmosphere and the busy streets seemed to have swollen into the dark clouds and the world became duller. The people weren’t as rushed and everything was just slower, in your eyes anyway. You were a bit delirious because you had to wake up early. You prepared well and went over today’s schedule in the car. So you had a meeting and then had to do paperwork. Then you had to visit your dad for a while. OK, so today isn’t as filled, that’s good. When you arrived, you took your time to walk around and get to the elevator. You arrived at the floor for the meeting and went to grab some folders and then a drink and slowly walked to the board room. It was smaller than the normal meeting rooms so you guessed there weren’t many people coming. It was a pretty short session and then when you finished, you left the board room and talked with some acquaintances. After, you went back to your office. You were working on some documents and with the time going by, you felt tired and a bit dizzy. You wanted to get up to get a drink but then your head spun too much. Your vision blurred and you felt a bit sick. The sudden nauseous feeling didn’t leave and you tried so hard to rid of it but failed. Your legs wobbled and it felt as though they were going to give way but then a hand supported you and helped you back into your seat. “Katusnmi, are you OK?” you blinked a few times and pulled your head up. “Hmm? Oh JiYong-nim, I’m fine, just a little dizzy.” “Are you sure? Do you want to go home and rest?” he asked quietly. You shook your head softly. “No, I said I’m fine. I think I need a drink.” You said a bit harshly. JiYong-nim squeezed your arm a bit but then let go. He walked off to get you a drink. You closed your eyes for the time being and when he came back, he nudged you and handed over the drink. “Here, also take this, it’s a pain reliever so it’ll make you feel better.” You took it and with thanks you drank it up. You placed the cup down onto your table and turned to JiYong-nim. “Thank you. If you didn’t come in here, I probably wouldn’t have made it to the door.” “No worries Katsunmi.” “Oh, but why are you here JiYong-nim?” you asked. “Well, I had to get you so you could see your father in time. I was a bit worried about you also and wanted to check up on you.” He looked down to his watch for a second. “Your father wants to meet with you in about ten minutes. Do you think it’ll be OK for you?” You nodded after thinking about it. “I’m sure I can handle it. Don’t worry.” You gave him reassurance with a hug. “If you need anything, remember, I’m right here” you just nodded and JiYong-nim left.

You left your office too and made your way up to your father’s room. You knocked on the door when you arrived and heard a feint “Come in”. You opened the door and quietly walked in. Your father was at his desk and he looked up from his documents. “Ah, Katsunmi . You’re here. Come, have a seat.” You walked over and sat down in front of your father. “Yes? You wanted to see me?” you asked. “Mmmm,” he nodded and clasped his fingers together. “I needed to talk to you about you taking up our position. Your mother and I talked about it for a while and it seems that by your 18th (Korean) birthday would be around the right time. What do you say?” You thought about it. “Hmmm, I guess so. Do you think I’ll be ready?” “Of course, you have been here for quite some time now and also you have been studying in America too. We also see progress ever since you came here. I think you’ll be more than ready sweetheart.” He said with a smile. You felt better hearing that and gave a bigger smile. “Thank you. I’ll be sure not to let you down father.” You said formally and even stood up and bowed. Your father chuckled and then nodded satisfyingly. “That’s all. I think you need to get to work, hmm? I won’t be keeping you. Have a good day.” Your father said goodbye and you bowed once more and went back to work.

You were walking around and trying to distribute a lot of paperwork around to the right people. It was getting better because you took some pain relievers so you weren’t as dizzy. It wasn’t long before it was time to finish up for work. You grabbed your things and headed out. You went downstairs and stepped into the car that was waiting for you. About twenty minutes later, you arrived at the coffee shop. Even though you were about to take up the job as CEO, you couldn’t ever be taken away from this job. JiMin greeted you when you walked in and threw you an apron as you went around the counter. “Hey, how have you been?” she asked. “I’ve been well and you?” “Same” she said with a smile. “Now, it’s your turn to be waitress for tonight, I mean the whole night. I can’t really walk around; I sprained my ankle so it’s up to you.” You nodded and told her to get better and that her ankle heals soon. You focused and then set to work. It was getting late but you still enjoyed being here. The smell of coffee everywhere, spreading throughout the whole shop and the quiet chatter of the customers made you feel calm and happy. You looked around and it seemed that there was nothing better than this moment. You were sitting in the back and sipping on your coffee while talking to JiMin. You told her about how work has been and in turn JiMin talked about her studies. One thing led onto the next and before you knew it, you were too busy laughing at some lame jokes and memories to notice that a small line was forming. JiMin stopped when she realised and eyed you. You were surprised and shot yourself up and set back to work. You chuckled silently to yourself seeing that you both weren’t paying attention to the shop. A few hours of serving a lot of customers, JiMin closed up for the night. You both stayed back a bit longer and talked. JiMin even served a slice of the most delicious cheesecake and you ate happily. “So, what’s his name? Is he cute?” you teased. JiMin only blushed up and ignored you. “Oh, I so want to meet him now! I bet you he’d be perfect. Ask him out on a date soon or something.” You both giggled and with the sight of JiMin blushing even harder, you couldn’t stop yourself and almost fell out of your seat. “OK OK, enough. Well, yes he is cute and his name is YoonGi, I think. I’ve only spoken to him a few times but he seems nice enough.” You slapped JiMin playfully, “Well, go on, you can either ask him on a date or flirt until he asks you, you never know, maybe something might spark this crush into something more.” You finished with a smile.  JiMin just smacked you but nodded with your advice. “And what about you? How has your love life been?” she teased. You were kind of caught. “Well, uh, it’s good I guess. I don’t really know.”

It was getting harder and harder every day. How are things between Himchan and I? Like really? “I guess that since we haven’t seen each other in a while, I do miss him and all but I’ve been so busy lately. Oh!” you remembered,” My dad talked to me today about my position. He said that I might be taking over as CEO around the time of my birthday!” you exclaimed, remembering the news from this afternoon. “OMG! What?! That’s amazing! Congratulations.” JiMin was bouncing hysterically and dived into a hug. You were caught off guard and almost suffered from the tight arms around you. “OK OK. Thanks JiMin.” You said with a smile. You decided to play along and hugged her even tighter. You both let go and you could see the joy in her face. “That is so cool. You have to tell me all about it when you are CEO. I mean, C.E.O! You are going to be the CEO of the Park Company. You are going to do so well, I know it.” She encouraged you. You gave a smile but it was weaker. It was starting to dawn on you how serious this became. It was official: you were going to be CEO. YOU as CEO! You started to freak out inside hearing it playing in your head again, and again. “Hey, are you OK?” you snapped back when JiMin was calling. “Oh yeah, sorry, I was just thinking.” You said embarrassingly. “OK, how about we finish up the cake and then I’ll have to get going.” You nodded and the both ate up what was left on the plate.

After JiMin left, you put the plate in the sink and packed up ready to leave. You weren’t in a very happy mood since the talk and now that you couldn’t stop thinking about Himchan, it wasn’t a very nice feeling. You’ve just been out of hospital and it felt like the only thing working for you was the news about being CEO. Even though you weren’t showing it, you still weren’t over what happened with Sunhwa. You hadn’t the guts to see the boys again or even contact to say goodbye in some sort; honestly you were too scared that you were going to die, isn’t that so understandable? You sighed and with a heavy heart were about to close the door behind you but you felt something hit your back. “Oh.” “Mhmm” you heard the voice and froze. A second later, you felt his arms hit your back and push you back inside. Without giving you a chance to turn around, he back hugged you and took in a loud breath. “Hi” he whispered into your hair. With one word, you felt everything relax and the whole world just slowed down. All your worries and troubles just faded in a click. You closed your eyes and just let the feeling surround you. It was really nice for him to see you again. “I missed you” you whispered as an answer. You felt his head slowly nod into your shoulder. A few moments after, you felt uncomfortable with the position and wriggled out of his arms and turned around. There was less space between you both and you could feel the warmth and the slight smell of perfume wafting off his suit. You met his eyes and he smiled to you. “I missed you too, Katsunmi.” You leaned forward and seeing the gesture, he knew and leaned in also and gave you a peck on the lips. You felt so happy now that he was here; the kiss was sweet and never expecting him to be here, you were glad that he did show up. You gave him a tighter hug as a sign to show your appreciation. I’m so happy that you are here, thank you. You don’t know how much I’ve missed you and seeing you just made me feel a whole lot better, you thought during the hug. It was a lot longer than Himchan expected it to be but he complied and stood there and hugged you back. He slowly started to let go and you did the same. He faced you and was going to move and sit down like you always did when he came to visit but you still stood in your spot. He stopped when he realised and held you and looked to you. “Hey, are you OK?” you turned and the sight broke Himchan. The smile that he witnessed just a second ago had faded and just like her eyes, her face seemed pale and dark, showing sadness to an extent. Himchan frowned and he felt worried as to what happened. He walked up and creased his eyebrows. “What’s wrong?” he asked again. You tried, you really did but you couldn’t hold it in. Himchan was here and you were happy that he was but hearing him and the replay of everyone asking how you were today, it got to you. AM I OK? You didn’t do anything except bring him into another hug. You shook your head secretly to yourself. I don’t know. Himchan didn’t say a word either and just let you hug him. You both stood there, letting the warmth from his chest and the soft movement of him breathing comfort you.  It was so nice, you wanted this every day.

It felt like Himchan’s arms were the guard that stopped your walls from breaking down. Your insides were fighting against each other. One part wanted to just break down but the other part told you to be strong, to keep fighting. Himchan started to pat your back softly and comfort you. He was really concerned, what exactly happened to her? He let the question linger in his head but the more important part now was to be here for Katsunmi, even if he didn’t know why you were being like this. He slowly swayed you in his arms and kept patting your back in slow, even beats. You grew tired from the consistency, like being warped into watching a pendulum sway back and forth and not being able to look away. Just like that, you just wanted to keep standing there and let Himchan just comfort you until your mind cleared away with everything.

It took forever until Himchan’s phoned beeped with a message. The sudden sound broke the tranquillity that started to set between you both. Himchan stopped the patting and you came back to reality. Your worries were slowly coming back but they were less daunting now. You were a lot calmer than before. Himchan felt guilty of ruining the moment but he knew that he had to go. “I’m sorry, I have to leave now. It’s getting late. I don’t know what’s going on but we’ll talk soon OK?” He swiped his thumb gently across your cheeks, admiring your face in every aspect lovingly. “I love you. Take care of yourself. And remember to smile.” He reminded you. With that little sentence of encouragement, you unknowingly smiled a little to show him that you heard his words. He leaned in and his lips pressed against your forehead. It lingered for a moment after he pulled back. With one last smile for the night, he turned around and left out the door.


The next few weeks were a haze. Work, work, work was all there was to it. You kept yourself very busy and so did JiYong-nim and your parents. One file after another, you went through thousands of pages, emails and notes, books and everything else that were available to read. As the days pass by, there was more and more that needed to be done and with the amount compared to it, there wasn’t much time left. Rushing here and there, you also grew physically tired every day. It drained you obviously but you couldn’t complain, this was what you have been working so hard for and now all you had to think was, this is like the last hurdle before you succeed. Your parents especially, were starting to play very strict on you. Your schedules have been arranged so that you fit in more important meetings and even some of the main conferences that only your dad’s most trusted co-workers were involved in.
“Soon, you’ll be sitting right in this very chair and make all these major decisions yourself. I want you to be comfortable and have a deep insight to the job that I do so that you can be able to take over for me without much hesitation. I know you can do it. With a little more effort and study, I know that you’ll be able to shoot our company up the ladder so it’ll be the best it can be.”
Your father’s wise words and knowing that you have every helping hand available at your side, you were really grateful for being here and having such powerful, strong, caring parents. You would have never expected this, someone like you who, when you first came here, was pretty much an immature, spoilt, rebellious girl who now, has transformed into a strong-willed, loveable, mature lady.

Through the night, you stayed up for as long as your eyes could stay open; you studied through all the notes and data that were given to you. It was hard to take in so much information, especially when you feel like shutting down but you knew what would happen if you didn’t remember all of this. You knew that you had to be on the ball every day, every hour, and every minute to make sure that you were going to make it to the top. Slowly, as you were reading, your eyelids started to droop lower, and lower and lower. Finally, when you couldn’t even keep your body from sitting up, your head softly hit the table and you dozed off into a heavy sleep.


With all that is going on, you didn’t even have a concern about anything else. That meant all the worries of being kicked out of B.A.P and not having Himchan visit you for a while were all forgotten. On the other hand, B.A.P and the SECRET girls were all sitting there in sheer silence. The atmosphere was grave. Every single one of their faces showed no sunlight. The passive day with the grey clouds from outside reflected the mood of everyone in the hideout. Not a sound was heard and everyone, in their respected places, sat as still as a rock. For the boys, there was a tight conflict between them and the girls and so they were separated into different rooms. Yong Guk, after hearing what happened from Zinger, practically ignored Sunhwa. He was so angry at her for doing that. How could she just kick you out of the group? He knew it was for the best, or that’s what he was always told but these past few weeks, they seemed dull without you. Jong Up and Zelo especially have felt as if a part of them was missing. All the mucking around and laughter that they had spent with you was no more and they started to miss having the third musketeer of the maknae line here. Even though he didn’t show it, Daehyun still missed you a bit also. Not having that strong little person help out with the missions and not having that bright face around made everyone in a gloomy mood and it kind of affected him as well seeing his group like that. Nevertheless, without you knowing it, you had quite an impact on the boys’ life and the girls too. The girls were happy to make a new friend, to welcome someone into the group into the family it and it was pretty sad to have you leave. Unfortunately, they knew that they couldn’t do anything or there were harsh consequences.


Author’s note: hey guys :) Overall, I mentioned this on my wall but I have reached 120 subscribers! Thank you so much. I think there are about 90 subs for this story. I can’t believe my eyes, I would have never thought that my story was this good >.< THANKS SO MUCH! ILY. I hope you liked the sweet moment at the end. I was in a good mood so I wanted to write something cheerful to update. Please wait for the next chapter; it’ll reveal an important day. I wonder what it is going to involve?…




OMGOMGOMG Happy Belated Birthday ZELO <3 Saranghae

HOW GOOD DOES HE LOOK? ARGH ... so perfect



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Chapter 8: WOw I love this story!!! Thank you for the GIFs. I was melt looking at Yongguk, Himchan and Daehyun's gifs.
Chapter 56: THANK YOU FOR THIS AUTHORNIM! I feel bad about Asuna though~ :\ But hey! ChanMi ended up together~ :)
Chapter 53: I really want to puch Sunhwa's face right now.
Chapter 51: You really should put Sunhwa in a mental hospital. She's obssesive.... TOO OBSSESIVE! All the drama is too much for me... it's dragging my mood down. >_<
Chapter 36: Oh my gosh! IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW! HAHA XD Still, Yongguk shouldn't have kissed her and he shouldn't feel that the kiss is right.
Chapter 34: FOUND ANOTHER LOYAL BABY! YES! I thought everyone is already changing their bias group. :'( Anyway~ I just wanted to tell you that I want to punch Yongguk's face. He shouldn't have kissed her if he loved her only as a sister, it's his fault for giving Kat hope. :(
Chapter 26: I actually think that the previous moments are too slow paced for me but.... things are getting interesting now. ^_^
cheekylittlechubba #8
Chapter 56: I think I've read this story before... and I've got to say... I can't get enough of it!!! It's so good!!!

I really enjoyed reading this story... AGAIN ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
Chapter 8: I'm wondering, what was Yongguk looking at? His face. . . And what was Daehyun seeing? Last is Himchanie~ XD >///<
Do you erase Yoo family in companies? Haha~ XD
Chapter 6: Himchan hided a mystery! The last gift, omona~ I can't believe I've just want to say "cute Zelo~" The way his head swing~ XD >///<
I never and won't be able copy Himchan's pout and his aegyos - -