Chat 6

Super Junior-Chats

It is 3 weeks after Hangeng,Kibum and Kangin left.

Everyone is in the chat excluding Shindong.

LadyChullie:This is too quiet.......

EternalMaknae:Heck yeah.....*Puts on Sorry Sorry*

AngelUmma:Wookie dear,do you really have to put that on?

EternalMaknae:Is there a problem,umma?

GodLovesMe&Bummie:Yes Ryeowook because SOME of us are trying to forget those who left!

WookieIsMoreImportantThenTurtles:Hey Siwon,don't get angry at Wookie,he's rying to help!

EternalMaknae:It's okay Sung,I know how they feel....:(Sorry Siwon-Hyung....

GodLovesMe&Bummie:Uh....Nevermind Wookie....I needa take a walk downstairs....See you later guys.

GodLovesMe&Bummie has signed out.


WookieIsMoreImportantThenTurtles:What is it hyung?

LadyChullie:That Hangeng.He promised to call me everyday,sms me all the time but now,I've got nothing.

Sweet Pumpkin:Don't worry hyung....He will call.:)

StarKyu:I don't think so hyung......

AngelUmma:Why's that?

StarKyu:I was browsing through the 'China News' page where I saw....

LadyChullie:Saw what,maknae?

StarKyu:"Reporter:Do you still keep in contact with the SJ members?Hangeng:No,I have nothing to do with them"            (Please note that this isn't real!!!>_<)


Henry:Sorry Hyung...

LadyChullie:Damn that guy.

Mimi:Relax hyung.....I'm sure he didn't mean it.

StarKyu:Wait.Theres more....."Reporter:Do you mean what you've said?Hangeng:Yes,I meant every word i said."

LadyChullie has signed out.

Sweet Pumpkin:Why did you tell hyung that?!-Smacks Kyu-

StarKyu:I was telling the truth.

Fishy'sMonkey:This isn't the correct time to tell the truth Kyuhyun.


Monkey'sFishy:Now what.......?

WookieIsMoreImportantThenTurtles:No idea....

Chullie's chef has signed in

Chullie's chef:Hi guys,long time no see. :D


Chullie's chef:??

EternalMaknae:Get The F*** Outta Here!!!!!!

Chullie's chef:Why,Wookie?

AngelUmma:You left Chul here and we heard about the interview on the 'China News'.

Chullie's chef:Which part?

WookieIsMoreImportantThenTurtles:The part where you said you have nothing to do with us and you meant it.

Chullie's chef:I was just saying the lines my PD-nim wrote for me.

Fishy'sMonkey:Even so,Chul hyung told us you haven't called or sms-ed him for 3 weeks.

Chullie's chef:I was.....Busy.

WookieIsMoreImportantThenTurtles:Busy?With what?

Chullie's chef:N-Nevermnd......I gotta go now,PD calling,please tell Chullie that I will call him soon and i miss him. :S

Chullie's chef has sogned out.

DevilAppa has signed in.

All the kids:Appa!!! :D -Huggies-


DevilAppa:Hey guys :) It's been 3 weeks huh....

AngelUmma:How can you be online when you're in army?

DevilAppa:I have my iPhone :) So hows eveything...?


DevilAppa:Is everything okay?

WookieIsMoreImportantThenTurtles:Hangeng came in.


-Yesung tells everything-

DevilAppa:Damn that guy.How's Chul?

Sweet Pumpkin:In his room.

DevilAppa:He will clam down.

GodLovesMe&Bummie has signed in.

DatingAWeirdo has signed in.

All:Hi Bummie!

DatingAWeirdo:Hey,long time no see.

WookieIsMoreImportantThenTurtles:Why are you in at this hour?Aren't you suppose to be acting?

DatingAWeirdo:Oh,we finished filming and Wonnie asked me to signed in. :)


GodLovesMe&Bummie:Why is everyone so quiet...?

-Wookie tells then eveything-


AngelUmma:Haiz........It's pretty late now,guy,you better go off to bed now.Bummie,please take care of youself :)

DatingAWeirdo:Yes Umma.I have to go too,my PD wants to talk about my acting.And I will visit the dorm in 3 days. :)

WookieIsMoreImportantThenTurtles:Cool :)

DatingAWeirdo has signed out.

DevilAppa:Okay....Guys,go to bed now and listen to your Umma well.

Kids:Yes Appa.

ALL THE KIDS :D has signed out.

AngelUmma:Take care baby.....:)I miss you

DevilAppa:Yeah I do too....And I haven't heard from Shindong?

AngelUmma:Well....PD-nim gave us 2 weeks off and he went to stay at his house with Nari-shii.

DevilAppa:I see.....Well,gotta go now:)Bye babe.

AngelUmma:Bye baby,Take care <3 Saranghae

DevilAppa:Saranghae <3

KangTeuk has signed out.

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Haha (:<br />
Haha, boys, I think I beat you in DIVA contest ;D<br />
(;<<br />
Update sooon ~~
13elieve_in_15 #2
SkySkySky_x3:I fins Sichul nice too! and i'll delete te other one
<333<br />
Hanchuuuuuull </3<br />
SiBum ):<br />
(personally i like SiChul ;p) but yeah. (x<br />
btw, you posted chapter 26 twice ^^
13elieve_in_15 #4
Paralovesuperjunior:I do have but now the main issue is Hanchul,I'll make it up to the other couples!PROMISE :D
u dun have donghae in the story
hahaa, know that i think about it, i kinda agree :P<br />
):<br />
Hanchuuuuul </3
13elieve_in_15 #7
SkySkySky_x3:To tell the truth....I don't like SiHan...I find it weird that two damnit manly looking guys together isn't an option for me so...that's why I made Sihan the culprit in this...Kekeke....Mianhae~
DDDD:<br />
I love SiHan and all, but it's like . . . HANCHUL !?!? EH ?O:<br />
And what about SiBum ?!?!?
NARI ~~~~(:<br />
she's so pretty (:
EKACNOOOM <3<br />
hehehe <3