Chat 11-Kangin's return + YeWook fight

Super Junior-Chats

It has been 2 months after the members left,but now,Hangeng is back Kibum is staying and Kangin will be visiting

-In the chat

AngelUmma has signed in.

EternalMaknae has signed in.

Chullie's Chef has signed in.

Chullie's chef has changed his name to Hannie.

AngelUmma:Hi guys! :D

EternalMaknae:Hi Umma,Appa Han.


EternalMaknae:Oh this chat allows to change name?


AngelUmma:Back to the case,Kangin is coming to visit today!^^



AngelUmma:Yeah I was shocked too....I know he will visit soon...I mean,it's been 2 months.... :)

EternalMaknae:Wow....Are we having like an arrival party for Appa?

Hannie:Yay,SJ is 15 again! :DDDD

AngelUmma:Yeah,and I need you two to help me cook his favourite food.

Hannie:Can you send us the recipies?


~~Sending to Hannie and EternalMaknae~~

EternalMaknae:Arasso.....Shall we go no Appa Han?


SJ's Chef has signed out.

DevilAppa has signed in.


DevilAppa:Hi baby <3

AngelUmma:I miss you....

DevilAppa:So how's things?I heard Hangeng and Kibum are staying for good.

AngelUmma:Yeah and HanChul are back together.

DevilAppa:How's that so?

Teukie told Kangin about the 'plan'(In the previous chapters)that they did two months ago.

DevilAppa:Jinja?I wish I was there....

AngelUmma:Well you're with us for a few weeks now :D


AngelUmma:What time are you arriving?

DevilAppa:7pm,just in time to have dinner with you all.

AngelUmma:Yay~Finally we are one big family again.15~~~

DevilAppa:I still remember the day 2 months ago when 3 of us were leaving,all the sad faces....

AngelUmma:Yeah,Chul was the most sad one....

DevilAppa:But now he is one of the happiest one,since Han is back.

AngelUmma:Hurry up and get back here Kim YoungWoon.



Ryeowook and Hangeng told all the 13 members downstairs that Leeteuk told them Kangin is coming back,and he wants to plan a HUGE suprise party for Kangin.

HG:Me and Wookie would prepare the food.

HC:Why can't I help?

YS:Me too.

RW:'Cause you will eat up everything I cook Sungie.-Laughs-

HG:And Chullie,you're to sensetive.



HC:I'm joking baby.

HG:Arasso princess,we all should get to work now.


-In the kitchen,where Wookie and Han are in



RW:You seem so happy now.

HG:Yeah,thanks to all your help.

RW:Not only me,the others helped.

HG:Ah ne.


HG:What's wrong Wookie?

RW:I-It's Yesung.


RW:He is so busy now a days and he doesn't really talk to me now.


RW:And whenever he comes back to the dorm,he will enter our room,put down his things and go to Siwonnie's room,I don't know why.But he just tell me say he is working on some things.

HG:I see....I'll talk to him.

RW:It's okay.

HG:Are you sure?

RW:Ne.Let's continue cooking.


The members were hanging up decorations,cleaning up and everything while Leeteuk came down and announce something.

LT:Guys please listen to me.

-Hangeng and Ryeowook pop their heads out of the kitchen-

LT:Kangin is coming back at 7pm,to have dinner with us.

All:-Cheers and 'Yes's-

LT:We shall celebrate tonight,celebrate SJ being 15 again!

All of them cheered and continue doing the preps.

-At 7pm

*Knock knock*

LT:I'll open.

Teukie opens the door and Kangin came in.



-Group hugs-

KI:T-thanks guy,I'm really hungry.

They all went to the dining table to celebrate and eat.

The couples were sitting beside each other,while Yesung was sitting beside Siwon.Ryeowook is sitting Beside Hangeng.Siwon and Yesung were wrapping their arms around each other,laughing and giggling,and even sharing the same bottle of Soju.

RW:*Thinking:Yesung....He never share soju with anyone else but me....*

HG:You okay Wookie?


HG:Are you sure?

RW:Yeah,I'm going to get some fresh air.-Leaves-

HC:What's wrong with Wookie?

HG:Yesung's ignoring him.


HG:I'll be back babe.


Hangeng leaves and saw Ryeowook on the balcony.



HG:You okay?

RW:I can't help it....Yesung.....-Crys-

HG:-Hugs-Arasso....Don't cry.


HG:Let's go back.

They walked back to the living room where almost every one is drunk.


Ryeowook say Siwon and Yesung kissing on the couch.



RW:Kim Jongwoon......-Crying-

YS:What do you want kid?

RW:How could you?!

YS:Look Kim Ryeowook,I never loved you!So shut up and go away!

Now everyone was awake and appenerntly shocked.


Ryeowook runs out of the dorm,leaving the others stunned.

SM:I'll follow him.

Sungmin ran out of the dorm,chasing Ryeowook.

-On the streets

RW:I can't believe him......-Crying again-


RW:Sungmin hyung?


RW:Gomawo hyung.....

SM:Come on,the others are worried.

RW:I don't want to sleep in my room.

SM:Then sleep in me and Kyu's,we always welcome you.


They both went back,Sungmin took Ryeowook to their room and laid him down on bed,tucking him to sleep.

RW:Thanks again hyung.

SM:Rest now.

RW:Good night hyung~-Aegyo-

SM:Night Wookie.-Smiles-

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Haha (:<br />
Haha, boys, I think I beat you in DIVA contest ;D<br />
(;<<br />
Update sooon ~~
13elieve_in_15 #2
SkySkySky_x3:I fins Sichul nice too! and i'll delete te other one
<333<br />
Hanchuuuuuull </3<br />
SiBum ):<br />
(personally i like SiChul ;p) but yeah. (x<br />
btw, you posted chapter 26 twice ^^
13elieve_in_15 #4
Paralovesuperjunior:I do have but now the main issue is Hanchul,I'll make it up to the other couples!PROMISE :D
u dun have donghae in the story
hahaa, know that i think about it, i kinda agree :P<br />
):<br />
Hanchuuuuul </3
13elieve_in_15 #7
SkySkySky_x3:To tell the truth....I don't like SiHan...I find it weird that two damnit manly looking guys together isn't an option for me so...that's why I made Sihan the culprit in this...Kekeke....Mianhae~
DDDD:<br />
I love SiHan and all, but it's like . . . HANCHUL !?!? EH ?O:<br />
And what about SiBum ?!?!?
NARI ~~~~(:<br />
she's so pretty (:
EKACNOOOM <3<br />
hehehe <3