Chapter 1 : Being reunited

Will you ever smile to me?


The girl was finally facing the door. She was going to see him… It has been at least four month since she last had the occasion of seeing him in person… She put her finger above the ringbell before pushing on it...

KyungSoo opened the door carefully before recognizing the girl in front of him and engulfing her un a hug. As she was trying to free herself from her brother’s arms, HaGi could hear the laughs of the other members resounding in the living room.

“D.O I know you’re happy but if you want your sister to be still alive you better let her breathe you know…”
HaGi laughed in her brother’s chest as he loosened his hug at last.
“Thanks SuHo! I really thought I was going to suffocate there” The girl laughed while looking at her friends.
“And I’ve missed you too little bro” she added while ruffling D.O’s hair.
“It’s good to see you HaGi!” Said ChanYeol while waving at her…
“And it’s good to see you all…”
“Please, stay with us? At least tonight? We will take care of you, I promise!” Eagerly added Kai
“Yes, think of it, it’s been four month since your last visit and we’ve missed you, and especially D.O for what’s matter…”Joked ChanYeol
“I shouldn’t and you perfectly know that… Some of your fans can really be scary sometimes and I don’t want to be their victim…”
“We could pretend you’ve come to SM dorms to see Amber like the last time you know…” Said BaekHyun while shrugging
“I don’t know… You know I’m not sure it’ll be the best idea and…”
“Please Noona?” KyungSoo was watching at his sister and trying to do aegyo…
“Stop it D.O it doesn’t suit you…”laughed the girl while trying to look away as D.O tried to be in front of her eyes.
“Ok, fine I surrender! I’ll stay… But only if you stop making this weird face” smiled HaGi pinching her brother’s cheek.

All the members of Exo-K rejoiced together as the girl was “defeated”, only the maknae stayed isolated, not knowing if he should rejoice or not of the young girl’s decision. He watched the scene from afar torned between love and reason…

As the members were all gathering around her, taking her in a huge hug, HaGi noticed SeHun watching them, with an awkward expression. As usual, he was not smiling. He was never smiling when she was there. And once more, HaGi asked herself if SeHun had any reason to hate her…

“OK so what do you want to do tonight noona?”
“I don’t know Channie… You tell me what do you all want to do?”
“I’d like to play some random and totally idiot games… you know like Truth or Dare, 7 minutes in heaven... I've always seen that in American movies and I've never had the opportunity of trying…”

“You can’t be serious?!”
“I am! And since you’re here… I suggest that the brother and the sister, the best cook of our assembly, prepare the dinner… Who agree with me?”
“Hey! I’m not here to feed you!”
“Too late HaGi… Even D.O raised his hand…” Joked SuHo
“OK… So what do you want to eat?”
“Whatever you want to prepare will be fine you're both great cook anyway” Said BaekHyun while pushing HaGi toward the kitchen…

HaGi and KyungSoo were left alone in the kitchen as the rest of the members were setting the table, playing and joking together…
“Why did you even agree on that?”
“I wanted to be alone with my sister… Is that a crime? And you know as well as I do that these guys out there are incapable of making decent dishes…”
“Ok I admit that you’re right on that…”
“But anyway are you fine sissy?”
“I am… Tired and all you know, just the usual… But you how are you?”
“I’m fine, I often text you telling you how it is so you already know the most part… I only wish Exo M could be there more often you know…”
“Yeah I understand… At least SeHun is cheerful when LuHan is near!”
D.O watched his sister face, noticing that she had a sad look written all over it...
“What do you mean?”
“I mean it mustn’t be easy to live with such a gloomy guy…”
“He is not gloomy you know… He’s rather happy and smiling when we’re at home…”
“So I guess SeHun smile is a privilege I will never be granted to see… He never smiles when I’m here… I don’t know if he doesn’t like the attention I get and maybe take away from him of if he can’t stand me but… He never smiled in front of me… not once… And you know it’s hard to see someone you like being always sad…”
“… Wait do you like him?”
“O…Of course just like the other members of Exo!”
“Hu hu you know exactly what I meant by saying “like”…”
“I may have an… How to say that… a way of… seeing him as attractive? But you better keep it to yourself or you’ll be dead meat Soo…” 
The young girl was dangerously pointing a spatula toward her brother to intimidate him...
“ok ok I’ll keep it to myself…”
HaGi didn’t saw KyungSoo smile grow as he said those words not meaning any one of them…


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Sweet and cute:)
I'm from the 90-line too, so this should be interesting to read :)