Chapter 24 How to Touch Your Man 101

An Apparitional Experience


"So.  First night with Kai.  How was it?"  Yuri asks teasingly.
"I know you are waiting for me to tell you some romantic comedy script of how we took a stroll on the beach and admired the night sky as we kissed under the moonlight or some sappy story like that."
"So did you guys do all that?"
"Yeah we did."  I admit to her.
"Ha!  So is he a god or a ghost?"
"Come on..."
"Okay, okay.  He is a god." She squeals as soon as I say it.  
"I knew it.  Those thick lips were made for kissing."
"He is like, really toned.  I tried pinching him but couldn't grab a piece of fat on his body to pinch."
"Where did you touch him?"
"It wasn't like that Yuri."
"Tell me." She commands.
"Just his chest, his back side, and neck…"
"And what?"
"Where else?  His abs, did you see his abs?  I saw a bit of it while he was dancing and his shirt lifted.  Is it like Luhan's?"
"Wait, why are you so excited about my boyfriend's abs when you have a hottie of a boyfriend yourself?"
"Shut up, it's different.  Kai is mysterious."
"He's just a guy."  I pretend to be nonchalant about dating a gorgeous specimen of a man but deep inside I want to run out that balcony and scream to the world that Kim Jongin is mine.
"He is THE guy that every girl in the school wants to be with and every guy wants to be like."
"You are exaggerating."  I sound like Kai for a second there.  
"Your boyfriend is constantly trending on our school webpage ranks."
"There's a school page about rankings?"
"Look."  Yuri shows me a website with random photos of all the male student body.  Kai is in the category of 'Top 10 guys I want to kiss.'  He's ranked as number one.
"What is this?!"  I say shocked and offended.  
"Whatever, you voted for him too.  Here you are:  MinhoLuvr512.  I know that's your user name when you joined Kai's fan club."
"Alright fine.  I voted for him on that category and the hot body ranking too."  Yuri laughs at me.  "Whatever.  You voted for Luhan a bunch too.  ILuvJinki9, that's you!"  
"Yeah, but Luhan's my boyfriend, it's expected."
"Well, Kai is my boyfriend, so…"
"Not at the time when you voted though."  She teases again.
"Omo!  Sehun is number 2, Luhan is 3, Chanyeol is 4 and Baekhyun is 5.  Lay is on there too.  Daebak.  We are friends with the top 6 most wanted men in the school."
We both lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling with the same thought:  how fortunate we are to have such handsome men in our young lives.
"This is really unreal.  I hated coming to Seoul Arts at first and now…I can't believe I have a boyfriend."
"Not only a boyfriend, but Kim Jongin as you boyfriend."  She emphasizes.
"And I even met Taemin and all of SHINee, thanks to you and your stalking abilities."
"And you were this close to Minho-oppa."  
"AH!  I know.  We shared the same oxygen!  That was the best part of all."  I hear Yuri laugh at my remark.
"That was the best part?  It wasn't when you had your first kiss with Kai or the love confession for one another?"
"Meeting Minho-oppa sits just below our love confession."  We laugh about it.  
"Minho is your idol crush and Kai is or was your ultimate crush.  If you had to choose one…?"
"Duh.  Obviously Minho-oppa!"  We laugh again.  "Obviously Kai.  But it scares me."
"What do you mean?"  
"Loving Kai…it seemed safer thinking of him in my dreams.  Knowing he was out of reach.  Knowing he was a god or a ghost.  I am scared that I love him more and I won't be able to let him go."
"Who says you need to let him go?"
"This is high school.  Our last couple months of senior high.  Kai is signed and will most likely do something with a career in dance and will travel and all that…"
"Stop, don't think like that.  Live in the moment."  Yuri reminds me.
"Easy for you to say.  You and Luhan have history.  With that, your love will continue after high school and into college and however long you two want to continue.  You were friends before… um, lovers?"
"We are in high school.  We aren't to that point of being called lovers."  She laughs at me.
"How far have you two gone anyways?"
"Not far.   I guess, but rated PG-13, so not far at all."
"But I remember clearly that night right before I passed out, something was going to happen…" 
"Nothing was going to happen, stop thinking dirty things girl."  She shoves me off the bed.
"He only had boxers on and you were in your underwear."  I say as I get up from the floor.
"So I like to look at Luhan half , so what?  I am allowed to, we are at that level in our relationship, we appreciate our bodies."
"You say that so confidently.  And he wasn't half , he was only wearing boxers, Yuri!  Half would mean he had pants as well as socks and no shirt."  I smile thinking about how nice Luhan's body is.  What a contrast to Kai's light chocolate skin.  Clearly Kai's entire body is sun-kissed, right?  That will be my goal by the time we leave Jeju Island, to see if the sun kissed his skin all over.  I giggle to myself.  
"Lost in your day dreams again.  You better not be thinking of Luhan."  
"I was, but only for a moment.  I was just thinking his skin is a contrast to Kai's, don't you think?"
"Mhmm.  We must have saved lives in our past life to have gorgeous boyfriends."  Yuri laughs out loud.
"Luhan has nice abs too."  
"Ya!"  She shoves me off the bed again.
I crawl back up on the bed.  "Kai should have nice abs too, he's also a dancer."
"Why don't you go over to their hotel room and find out for yourself?"
"I can't just go up to him and say, 'Lift up your shirt so I can feel you up and kiss you all over.'"  
"Why not?"  Yuri looks at me.  She is totally serious right now.  "Sometimes when I am feeling affectionate around Luhan, which by the way, is practically all the time, I would ask him to remove his shirt."
"It's true.  Now, when we're alone, I just remove his shirt for him."  She says nonchalantly.  
"His skin is very soft, like a baby.  And his abs under the palms of my hands feel smooth and…"
"And, what?"
"You really should just ask Kai to remove his shirt, or attack him when he is in the shower."
"Yuri-ah!  You've done that before?  You've attacked Luhan in the shower?"
"Of course not, I was joking about the last part.  , .  But the PG-13 kind like I said before.  You have to be flirty and show affection but not to the point of scaring him away.  You have to leave a sense of mystery in order to keep the guy around."
"Kai is more experienced then me."
"Not really.  I mean, I know he probably has kissed more than you have.  But I was speaking to Taeyeon and she said he's a bit of a prude."
"The girl does the heavy kissing.  And he is a very good kisser, but he won't touch you even if you throw yourself at him.  So actually, your Kai is a perfect first boyfriend considering that he's as inexperienced with the whole affection thing between guys and girls."
"But the way he dances.  It just seems like he's so experienced."
"He's a natural then, he just hasn't found the right girl.  That much appeal can only mean that he's naturally y and therefore will satisfy you to the nth degree."  Yuri says in her naughty cat woman voice and begins to laugh at our conversation.  "You better get started on the flirting before Kai gets bored with you."
"What!?  You think he'll get bored with me?  What do I do?  How do I even attempt to flirt when he makes me nervous?  I can't even look at him in the eyes for more than 30 seconds before I begin to blush."
"Oh gosh.  We will need to practice.  Flirting 101.  No wait, How to Touch Your Man, Yuri-style."  
"First you take your left hand and place it on his side, like this."  Yuri places her palm on Luhan's right side, just above his hip.  "Then you caress his side nonchalantly as you move lower to his hips.  Slowly move it to his backside and lean towards him.  Your front should be slightly touching his.  Now take your right hand and lay it on his chest as you lean in.  See, easy."  Luhan grabs Yuri's waist and pulls her closer to him.  She shrieks from surprise and giggles all girly like.  Luhan kisses her slowly then Yuri grabs his shirt and forces him to kiss her with more force.
"Then what do I do!"  I yell out loud to distract them from their kiss.  Yuri coughs and Luhan wipes his lips cooly with his thumb.  He has that same smirk Kai gets when he's thinking of naughty thoughts.
"So let's say that he's sitting on the sofa and you want to cuddle up to him.  The key thing is your hands.  They should be light and airy when around him.  You want to lay them softly on him, but never grab.  As much as you want to attack him you shouldn't.  I am sure your thoughts are to grab every y part of him like say his shoulders…"
"Every part of him is y."  I laugh dryly.
"Exactly.  So, think fairy-like.  You flutter around him, make him want to be near you but not to close 'cause you'll float away."
"You want her to be Tinkerbell?"  Luhan interrupts us and gets a death stare from Yuri.  Through her eyes she says to him, 'Just sit their looking y.  That's your only job right now.'  Luhan understands right away and sits quietly on the couch.
"Now watch me."  Yuri's hands skim over Luhan's shoulders as she leans in from behind.  She caresses her cheek next to Luhan's and a smile emerges from the both of them.  She pulls away but keeps her right hand on his right shoulder.  She brushes his neck and Luhan looks up at her with intense eyes.  Yuri sits next to him on the couch and tucks her legs under her as she leans in.  Luhan's left hand reaches for her hips and pulls her into his arms.  She is sitting on Luhan's lap and leans on him placing her right hand on his cheek while her left arm is wrapped around his neck moving to his head.  Luhan's eyes close for a moment at the slight touch of her fingers through his hair.  As soon as he opens his eyes, Yuri is staring at him with so much passion it's as if I am watching a parental guided Korean melodrama.  
"Are you two going to end up kissing again?"  I say annoyingly.  The two freeze and then Luhan laughs, Yuri looks annoyed.  
"Watch!"  She mounts Luhan and grabs his face to refocus on her.  Luhan's hands are moving from her neck down to the length of her back side then to her waist.  She nibbles on his ear and Luhan closes his eyes again and slightly opens his mouth which has a hint of a smile forming.  She moves to his neck and continues to kiss his shoulder blades and lips and chin and jawline.  She kisses him everywhere.  Luhan moves his hands to just below her hips and pulls her more towards him.  Yuri's hands make way for Luhan's shirt.  She begins to the hoodie and her hands enter as her left hand rubs his chest and moves south.  She completely s his thin sweatshirt and places both hands under his shirt.  I can slightly see Luhan's defined abs and Yuri is having a field day touching them as they make out on the couch.
"This is gross."  I finally say.  They stop, realizing that they have an audience.  
"Alright, we took it a little too far.  I can't help it.  Look at him."  Yuri smiles and Luhan smirks at her honesty.  I know he likes it when Yuri admits he's so good looking that she can't help but attack him.
"So how are these lessons going to help me with Kai?"  I ask them.  Luhan scratches his head and shrugs his shoulders.  He is just happy that he got to make out with Yuri a bunch of times this early in the morning.  The door opens suddenly and Baekhyun storms in with Taeyeon.
"Never fear, Byun Baekhyun is here."  He cries out with an arrogant smile.
"You are going to teach me how to flirt?"  
"Ani, I am going to teach you how to ward off Kim Jongin's advancements."
"Baekhyun!"  Yuri throws a couch pillow at him.  
"He is an animal.  Evey here won't be able to handle him."
"She'll be fine.  Kai isn't like that.  Right, Taeyeon?"
"It's true, baby.  Kai may dance sensually but he isn't like that with girls.  He is rather shy in a way when it comes to showing affection."
"Chongmal?  He won't try to make a move on her."  He points to me.
"Well, I don't know.  Because she is a girl Kai really likes, he may act differently."  
"See, these lessons are needed.  Kai is unpredictable.  Let's start, I will be Kai.  Taeyeonnie you are Evey."  Baekhyun positions Taeyeon to stand by the window looking at the sky and ocean before us.  "Now as Kai, I will come when you least expect it."  
"This isnt some animal documentary of the hunter and the hunted Baekhyun."  Luhan reminds him.
"I will come from behind because it is easy access."  He ignores Luhan.  Baekhyun grabs Taeyeon's waist and she squeaks.  He pulls her towards him and kisses her neck.  Taeyeon turns to push Baekhyun away, but Baek's grabs her wrist and with hungry eyes pulls her towards him again.  "I want you now!  Right here!"  Baekhyun cries out with a deep voice that is supposed to mimic Kai's.
"Andwe, andwe."  Taeyeon pretends to ward off his advancement.
"You are mine.  I will have you whenever I want."  Baekhyun says commandingly with his best Kai impression causing us to laugh at his acting skills.
"Andwe, we can't do this Kai.  Not here." Taeyeon continues with her own acting.  Baekhyun grabs hold of Taeyeon's tiny waist and then sprays his hands all over her back.
"You are so beautiful, Taeyeon-ah.  I can't control myself."  When did this become a TaeBaek scene?
"Oh, Baekhyunnie, I like you so much.  Kiss me."  The two begin to kiss passionately in front of us.  
"Well, that lesson was extremely helpful."  I say sarcastically.  
"The lesson here, young student, is that Kim Jongin is undeniably irresistible."  
"And me?"  Luhan quietly asks.
"The same."  Yuri whispers back.
My friends can sometimes be undeniably certifiable…and I absolutely love them.
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Hello all! I have another trailer made for a story called An Apparitional Experience. Find it on its foreword and click on the youtube link. Thanks!


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aerokinesis #2
Chapter 25: Okay, I really love this story but I'm not going to subscribe to it I think. I'll subscribe to you, though, author! You are hilarious!

Also, my excuses for not subscribing, it's just that I like it the way it is now and I can feel more drama coming and ASDFGHJKL; no </3 Maybe.... I'll check it out soon enough again. Though I hope I will not come around when the drama arrives. ;o

Even so, your story is great and you really had me cracked up badly a few times. Well done ;D
Chapter 25: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww
MsTrollolol #4
Chapter 24: She better not take those tutorials srsly -__-
MsTrollolol #5
Chapter 21: Oh my gosh, this is soo good! Definitely double thumbs up
Chapter 21: ..speechless..
Your plot really impressed me! It's so unique and different (in a good way)
iamamonkey124 #7
Woww..... This is sooo different XD
I don't think a fanfic has ever made me feel this way before...
Love it nonetheless :)
Update soon..
Chapter 3: Basically, everyone wants Kai xD
Hey, what was that!? Kai almost caressed her cheek!
! Luhan is a kitty! Well, he certainly has the Puss in boots special aegyo down. 9.9
So I have a question for you, Cristina. Do you mind when Kai pulls up his shirt or appears shirtless in photos? Like, there's people who don't like their idols to be exposed like that.
Chapter 2: HAwkwaaaard. Having to see a makeout session like that is really uncomfortable.
Baekhyun made my night(Oops. Morning. Already 2am here. I should go sleep...) by bumping chests with Kai xD
She has such goofy friends! Very loyal, also.
Chapter 1: Ew ew ew EW.
If that'd been me, I would've immediately yanked my arm back and begin cleaning it with my shirt while making gagging sounds. xD
First chapter and we know:
1) Kai is a player.
2) I love Luhantoo much(because I am already being biased even though this is a Kai fic and Luhan has barely spoken).
3) I'll be back again!