Chapter 2 Back Up

An Apparitional Experience


"You're joking!"  I remind Yuri to whisper.
"Yuri, I saw it.  I was in the storage closet and I heard them and saw them making out."
"That hot dancer?!"  
"Yuri!  Seriously, keep it down."
"He seems very animalistic, like a jaguar."  Luhan says almost scared thinking of it.
"Who was the girl?"
"I don't know, if I see her I'd recognize her immediately."
"Well that's a great story Ev.  Now listen to mine.  I made contact."  He mischievously smiles at us.  Baekhyun always talks in codes.  He gives us a hint and then we have to guess it.  Luhan is the worst at this game.  
"Contact?  Like, what do you mean?  Who'd you call?"  He's such a beautiful deer.  His eyes are wide with curiosity.
"A girl, Luhan.  I made contact with a girl."
"She's the top vocalist of this school.  She's petite with milky skin, gorgeous playful eyes, and a voice from heaven."
"That sounds like you, Baek."  
"Luhan, shut up."  He drops his spoon and points.  "It's her!"  Baekhyun points to the skirt!
"No way! Baekhyun, she's the girl that was kissing Kai.  She's was all like using tongue and Kai was like, 'don't use tongue.'  And she was like, 'don't stop.'  And they were like…"  The three stare at me with their eyes as big as ever.  Their mouths are also open as if they caught something or were caught doing something.  "What?  What's wrong?  Too much detail?  What is it?"  Yuri physically turns me around and I'm staring face to face with my ghost.  I laugh awkwardly again because that's somehow become a habit when I'm around him now.
"Dorawa."  He orders me to go and he walks outside of the cafeteria and into the courtyard.  I watch him stand there for a bit while I try to figure out how to react.  Yuri pushes me to get moving and I just nod no.  
"Damn.  There goes my potential wife.  How sad."  Baekhyun sits down and finishes his food.  Luhan pats him on the back and then smiles at me.  He mouths, 'good luck.'  Then nods towards the direction of where Kai is to get me going.  Yuri takes my hand and she leads me to Kai.  Then heads back to the guys and they watch us from the cafeteria.  
The dark ghost's back is facing me.  He doesn't seem to have any intention to face me.  I did agree to not spill the beans about his hook up in the art closet.  Oops.  I attempt to say something but he begins to talk.  
"Taeyeon told you not to tell anyone."  In his deep, almost husky voice.
"Um, my friends in there, um, those are my only friends, so-"
"They can tell their friends."
"Um, no, because the only people they would tell would be us so, they, um, we don't have any other friends but the four of us so the secret is still safe with us, them, me, us."  What the hell am I saying?
He scratches the back of his head.  "You are so annoying.  You're one of the add-ons right?"  His back is still facing me.  I mean, geez.
"Am I really that ugly for you to keep your back facing me?  It's kinda rude."  I didn't realize that I said exactly what's on my mind.  I usually do but given the circumstances of being in a new school and intimidated by everyone here I made a vow to keep my mouth in check.  Oops.  He turns around to face me.  And boy that was a mistake.  His looks immediately sends a shock to my already fast beating heart.  My mind begins to race and my heart begins to get dizzy.  Oh wait, my mind gets dizzy and my heart begins to race.  He tilts his head to the side, looks me up and down, then his 'delicious smirk' draws in the corner of his mouth.  He's dangerous, this ghost is dangerous.  He his lips to break the smirk only to give me a half-smile that is just as killer of a move as the smirk.  
"My name is Kai.  My real name is-" 
"Baby!"  Baby?  No wonder he goes by Kai.  Someone interrupts the sound of his even more delicious deep voice that's resonating through my veins.  I try to memorize it so I can experience this natural high again and again.  Didn't that skirt get enough of him, share girl share!  I expect it's her, but it's a different girl grabbing onto Kai.  Blonde, bubbly, cute, and perfect.  Basically like the other girl, but with more attitude it seems.  She gets on her tip-toes and kisses his lips.  He doesn't kiss back he simply stares at me as if watching my reaction.  And I do react, with my mouth gaped open and eyes darting everywhere but on him as soon as I notice he notices me watching him.
"Jessica.  Annyeong."  He's indifferent.  Kinda like the way he was acting when he got caught doing you know what, after I was almost assassinated with those sports balls. 
"Who is this, Kai?"  She asks him demandingly.  I give her a half bow and then stop to scratch my head confused at who this girl is and who the other girl was, then I bow again and finally look back up.  The two of them are staring at me with an odd look on their faces.  Oh wait, they think I'm the odd one.  The bow, or bows, would look a little weird now that I think about it.  I give them an awkward smile, again.
"She's an art student.  An add-on.  She's drawing me.  I'll be her model for a project she's doing.  Isn't that right, friend?"  He accentuated the friend part, I guess I am supposed to agree.  This trickster.  
"Yeah, sure."  I say, at first confused at what he was getting at.  Then he looks at me with eyes like he'd kill me right there since I didn't make it believable.  "I mean, yes I am, he's.  Just.  Um.  Perfection."  Yikes, what the hell is wrong with me, really?  He laughs, amused at my remark.  Well you are hot, you , don't be all modest now.  
"Aww.  My baby is perfection.  I would get jealous but now that I've seen you up close, you aren't very cute at all."  Gee, thanks.  This ghost definitely needs to change his taste of mean women.  She runs her hands on his chest, grabs his shoulders, and pulls him towards her for a kiss.  Her eyes are closed shut as she draws over his and when they touch her eyes close tighter anticipating the sensation.  The ghost slightly parts his lips as girl number 2 places her top lip between them.  He stares back at me, indifferent again.  This time I monitor my reaction.  I slowly turn my body away from the ensuing make out scene and head towards the door of the cafeteria.  I see Luhan, Baekhyun and Yuri waving at me stupidly.  I take one step only to have the hood pulled back choking me slightly and preventing me from moving forward.  I turn around and I see the dark ghost's hands tugging at my hood and he doesn't want to let go.  
He pulls himself off of blondie and asks, "Why are you wearing a hoodie over your jacket and uniform?  For an art student, you aren't very fashionable."
"Well, I'm not in fashion.  I paint and draw people, animals, scenery, figures."  I say, with my back still facing him and hoodie still being tugged.  "Could you let go, please.  This is harassment.  You're choking me."  I feel my hoodie loosen and I walk forward but he tugs on it again and I am forced to stand still.  I see Luhan and Baekhyun running towards me.  So now they want to act brave.  
"Let her go you goon."  Really Luhan, 'goon'?  We shouldn't have watched The Goonies last night.
"What is this?  Your back up?"  Kai finally let's me go.  
"Yeah, we are." Baekhyun bumps his chest on Kai's trying to act all hard and stuff.  It only takes one strong arm from Yuri to pull the mini-warrior back from embarrassment.  She bows at Kai.  
"Sorry about this.  They forgot to take their medication this morning.  Can we just take our friend here?"
"Did she forget to take her medication too?"  Heol.  
"Maybe you need medication too, huh?"  I have no idea where I was going with that.  "I mean, maybe medicine to suppress your inner needs because you know, you are in high school buddy, and what you did is just, you know, should not be done in high school, it should be saved for marriage."  Kai and his girl look at me astonished.  Blondie, don't judge.  
"Yes.  Yes.  She too forgot her medicine.  Let's go kids."  Yuri drags us all back in the cafeteria.  Once we were clear of Kai and his 'Kaura.'  Yuri sits us all down.  Baekhyun still shocked at the fact that the first girl he liked is already, kinda taken, Luhan is still intimidated by Kai, and my mind is still muddled up from the recent conversation with the paranormal creature.
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Hello all! I have another trailer made for a story called An Apparitional Experience. Find it on its foreword and click on the youtube link. Thanks!


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aerokinesis #2
Chapter 25: Okay, I really love this story but I'm not going to subscribe to it I think. I'll subscribe to you, though, author! You are hilarious!

Also, my excuses for not subscribing, it's just that I like it the way it is now and I can feel more drama coming and ASDFGHJKL; no </3 Maybe.... I'll check it out soon enough again. Though I hope I will not come around when the drama arrives. ;o

Even so, your story is great and you really had me cracked up badly a few times. Well done ;D
Chapter 25: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww
MsTrollolol #4
Chapter 24: She better not take those tutorials srsly -__-
MsTrollolol #5
Chapter 21: Oh my gosh, this is soo good! Definitely double thumbs up
Chapter 21: ..speechless..
Your plot really impressed me! It's so unique and different (in a good way)
iamamonkey124 #7
Woww..... This is sooo different XD
I don't think a fanfic has ever made me feel this way before...
Love it nonetheless :)
Update soon..
Chapter 3: Basically, everyone wants Kai xD
Hey, what was that!? Kai almost caressed her cheek!
! Luhan is a kitty! Well, he certainly has the Puss in boots special aegyo down. 9.9
So I have a question for you, Cristina. Do you mind when Kai pulls up his shirt or appears shirtless in photos? Like, there's people who don't like their idols to be exposed like that.
Chapter 2: HAwkwaaaard. Having to see a makeout session like that is really uncomfortable.
Baekhyun made my night(Oops. Morning. Already 2am here. I should go sleep...) by bumping chests with Kai xD
She has such goofy friends! Very loyal, also.
Chapter 1: Ew ew ew EW.
If that'd been me, I would've immediately yanked my arm back and begin cleaning it with my shirt while making gagging sounds. xD
First chapter and we know:
1) Kai is a player.
2) I love Luhantoo much(because I am already being biased even though this is a Kai fic and Luhan has barely spoken).
3) I'll be back again!