

The world isn't as peaceful as it seems to be. It isn't as happy as you may think. Only few select individuals are aware of this. Only those few know. Only they know the true meaning of the constant bloody massacres happening more and more lately. Only they know the true darkness hidden within history's most corrupt stories. Only they know it all. Only they know the true significance behind the color Red


Hello world, 

This is my first fanfic on this site. It's also my first time attempting to write a fic in general. 

This story may seem like a cluster of stupidity, humor, shameless flirting, horror, action, thriller, and angst. Actually let's scratch that. It will seem like a cluster of stupidity, humor, shameless flirting, horror, action, thriller, and angst. That's exactly what it will be. So I apologize in advance for what you may be about to read [that is, if you ever make it to chapter one after reading this poor excuse of a foreword], but please bare with me. English is my first language but I still haven't gotten quite the grasp at forming words and sentences to make pleasing to read. It still doesn't come as easily to me as I hope, but don't worry folks. By the time this fic ends, I will hopefully sound like a much better writer than I am now, starting out this clustered-as-flying--story. 

So if you don't mind a horribly written story. If you don't mind a plot that seems to be confusing as all-that-the-lord-has-ever-known. If you are totally and completely fine with reading my amateur piece of work. Please, by all means: sit back, relax, read, enjoy, and let's all appreciate the color Red

Still don't know what this story will be about? Well how about you chance it and see for yourself?

- Author


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