Chapter One



Colors symbolize a lot of things.


Red symbolizes a lot of things.


It symbolizes anger. It symbolizes excitement. It symbolizes speed. It symbolizes courage. It symbolizes strength. It symbolizes danger. It symbolizes passion. It symbolizes aggression. It symbolizes sensuality. It symbolizes love. It symbolizes energy.


It symbolizes life.








“Activate acceleration mode.”


The streets of Busan were bare. Not a single soul could be seen roaming. Not a single sound of a human-being could be heard. The wind blew hard.


“We really need to rename our super spy lingo. It’s so basic.”


It was nighttime. Streetlights were out or turning dim. There were only few stars in the night sky, and the sky was masked by a flock of stationary clouds.


“There’s nothing wrong with basic lingo. Better to understand something basic than to not understand anything stupid and complex.”


Rain threatened to fall down mercilessly.


“But just exactly how serious will people take us if we use such simple sayings? Why not branch out a little? Y’know, have a little creativity with our job.”


If you really wanted to bother your eyes and scan the area, you may come across a cactus or two. Little shrubs crowded certain areas but left other areas completely bare. Nothing could be said about the beauty of the landscape because there was no beauty to praise.


“Hwang Miyoung, if you do not activate acceleration mode right now, the moment I can let go of this steering wheel I will ring your neck and leave you stranded in this little place of nowhere.”


Not one living organism could be found crawling around the place.


“Geez, fine Hyo. No need to get your all up in a twist.”


There was only one word to describe the atmosphere. Unsettling.


And just like that, that lone car gliding along the empty road could not be seen by the human eye. It sped along the road at impressive speeds. Not once did the driver ever let the car swerve off the road. If it was able to be viewed by the eye, one would no doubt think to themselves about the sure skills the driver possessed to be able to manage such a difficult looking task.


Not the slightest squeal of tires could be heard.


Then it hit them. It hit them like a wave. A sudden wave. Any other normal person would’ve lost control of the car. They would’ve stopped the car immediately and vomit. They’d vomit and cry. Their eyes would’ve contained tears. They wouldn’t be able to handle it.


But these people. These two girls. They were used to it. The girl in the driver seat, Hwang Miyoung, simply scrunched her nose. Years of working in her line of work and she was just so used to this all. Kim Hyoyeon showed no signs of being disgusted.


The car slowly halted after a few seconds.


“I guess we made it,” Hyoyeon breathed. She put the car in park and began to unload herself out of the car. Miyoung followed her footsteps.


“Wow, they really made a mess this time.”


“No kidding.”


The two girls got to work instantly. One girl checked for survivors while the other took pictures of anything and everything. Sometimes they swapped their jobs. It was really all they could do for entertainment. It’s not like they could talk to pass the time. It seemed like every conversation they tried to have would end up in a meaningless argument.


Bodies littered the floor and blood was everywhere. Houses, or at least the remains of them, could be guessed to go on forever. And yet again, there was complete and total silence.


“I hate night missions,” Miyoung huffed. She daintily rubbed the crusted blood off of her hands and onto her tight pink track pants. She never bothered to go out in proper uniform half of the time. But then again, Hyoyeon was never in proper uniform, so she figured that she wouldn’t be scolded as long as Hyoyeon was never scolded. “Being out so late at night, at the darkest air, just gives me the chills,” she complained again. This time she whined louder so that her partner could here her where she was working yards away.


The blonde flicked her hair out of her face and retracted her camera from wherever it was previously pointed at. “Oh please, half of our jobs are after sundown. This obviously isn’t the line of work for you if you get the creeps so easily and constantly.” But of course, she wasn’t being serious. It was more like she was just replying just for the satisfaction of replying. She knew that although Miyoung loved to constantly take jabs at their line of work, she was good at it. Besides, Miyoung has been faithfully working like this since she was nothing but a fetus. No matter how much she complained, she’d never be able to assure Hyoyeon that she hated it. Sometimes she just figured the overly talkative girl said those kinds of things just to hear herself speak.


“It wouldn’t hurt if they gave us more day-jobs though,” the clattered-in-all-pink-girl retorted in return.


It went silent again.


The job took them a little over an hour to complete. They completely scanned the little town and found nothing that stuck out at them. And no, the countless dead bodies did not stick out at them at all. They expected that. Instead of bodies and blood, they were looking for things that were out of the normal for them. Anything about this would’ve been completely out of the ordinary for a regular person.


“So, do you want to contact the base?”


Hyoyeon sighed and didn’t even bother looking at the other girl. Miyoung didn’t even have to ask. It was always Hyoyeon that contacted the base when they went on missions together.


“Just give me a sec,” she said monotonously.


The clouds overhead began to stir. If you closed your eyes and were completely focused, you’d be able to feel the slight miniscule drops of rain every now and then. It only took a few moments before the little drops turned into fat juicy spheres. The downpour began before either of the two could run for cover. Hyoyeon wasn’t so bothered by it, but Miyoung wasn’t one to like to get her favorite pink booties and her favorite pink sweats and her favorite pink blouse and her favorite pink headband all wet and soaked. Nope. It just didn’t sit well with her.


“Just go wait in the car Miyoung,” the shorter of the two hollered over the pounding. “I’ll be finished here in a minute. Don’t you dare go and complain about getting wet when I’m done because I will not stand for it and I will leave your sorry pink out here all alone.”


Without a second to spare, the pink loving creature ran to the car in the distance. Her hands were thrown up in the air. She was attempting to block herself from getting wet. It wasn’t working out all too nicely.


Hyoyeon rolled her eyes at the pathetic scene. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Miyoung. Oh no, she loved the girl. It was just that after being her unofficial-official partner since they were children, she tended to get a little fed up with her mannerisms. You’d think that after years of spending all their time together that they’d learn to get used to one another’s habits, but that wasn’t the case. Hyoyeon only grew more irritated as time went by. But of course, she’d always forgive the girly-girl by the end of the job. She always will. They’d always be the two inseparable bickering buddies.


Getting back to the task at hand, the blonde lazily took out her cellphone. Her fingers lazily pressed numbers into the pad. She had always been indifferent to the rain.


“Hello,” a voice eventually answered. It was deep yet smooth. Hyoyeon liked to describe it as melting chocolate.


“Ah yes, it’s mission #5014. We’ve successfully found and scanned the area. Nothing out of the ordinary.”


The voice on the other line replied, “good job. You are set to come back now. Clear.”


“Clear,” Hyoyeon confirmed. With a small farewell she hung up the phone and securely dropped it back in her pocket.


She took her time to walk back to the car. It’s not like she would have anything to do once they get back. Maybe shower. Probably sleep a little. Definitely stuff her face with food. But besides that, nothing important racked her schedule. By the time she made it to the vehicle, Miyoung had already successfully stripped into nothing but a white undershirt and underwear.


“Whatever you have planned for me, I don’t want it,” Hyoyeon said. Miyoung gave her a look of pure amusement.


“As if my current attire had anything to do with you. If you must know, I didn’t feel like sitting here in my own dirty water.”


Hyoyeon simply raised her eyebrows as she got the car to begin moving. “Woah there. No need for such in depth depictions of what you were doing in my car while I was away.”


This time it was Miyoung’s turn to raise her eyebrows. “You think about me dirtily so effortlessly. Is there something you’re not telling me Hyo?” She said the last bit of her sentence with a bit of a smirk as she seductively traced the driver’s grip on the steering wheel.


“Don’t mess with me while I’m driving or we’ll crash and die,” was the only response she got out of the blonde.


Miyoung only giggled. “So now what?”


“Now we do what we do every time we finish a mission. We go home.”


And then it happened.


It was too late for either of the two to realize what was occurring. It just happened. A hand stretched out form the back seat. A slimy hand. A bloodied hand. A hand that wanted to kill.


Miyoung shrieked. Hyoyeon lost control of the car. The hand grabbed Miyoung's throat.


And all that could be seen was red.


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