


Tiffany knew, the moment she looked up, that she shouldn’t have made the decision to finally leave her little sanctuary – the place she had spent her time trying to fix her heart for months.

It took her more than just a few moments to realize the change. A deep breath, and then she stepped out. She allowed herself to get swept by the crowd – her mind had switched off.

3 steps
She steeled herself, her breathing irregular. Even in the massive crowd, she could still see her. She could still feel her.

2 steps
It was suffocating. She tried to look down, to break the intense gaze, but she couldn’t. Her line of vision moved for a second – to the man, then to the bouquet – before it fell back on the girl. Those eyes that she had learnt to read like an open book, she found herself lost in the whirlpool of emotions that existed within them.

1 step
Tiffany could have sworn it was nothing like she had ever felt before. There were a lot of things she didn’t know. She never knew that it would be so painful to be in such close proximity after what had happened, nor did she know that time had the ability to pass so fleetingly yet so painfully slowly at the same time. She knew that she would trade anything to be able to see Taeyeon now, yet she didn’t know it would feel like heartbreak all over again. It was bittersweet, she thought. There were too many things she didn’t know, and she wasn’t too sure if she wanted to.

It was like drowning in fire, or burning in ice. Tiffany felt Taeyeon’s arm brush by hers, and it gave her goosebumps. She could smell the perfume that Taeyeon wore, along with the dull scent of the rose bouquet in her hand. It was intoxicating. It brought back memories, and along with memories came the sting in her eyes. She fought the urge to simply break down and sob – like what she had been doing for the past months after she had left the girl crying in the room – and looked forth. She wouldn’t look at Taeyeon – she couldn’t. She shivered as she was pressed to the older girl in the crowd, completely overwhelmed by the emotions and nostalgia.

As much as Tiffany wanted to, she couldn’t bring herself to look back. She couldn’t bring herself to face the girl that she had hurt so much with her words. She felt the touch fade away slowly as she tried to maintain a straight face. She didn’t know what came over her, but something from the mess of emotions she was experiencing suddenly washed over her, and she found herself hooking her little finger with Taeyeon’s. “The promise is still valid.” Tiffany whispered, just loud enough for herself and Taeyeon to hear. She felt Taeyeon tighten her finger, sealing the childish action, before each got separated in the crowd again.

“If you live to be a hundred, I hope I live to be a hundred minus one day, so that I never have to live without you.”

“You don’t want to live without me?”

“Never in my life.”

“But what if one day we… you know… fight?”

“I’ll still love you. I’ll love you forever.”

“Will you?”

“I will. I promise!”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Fany-ah.”

“Who said I can’t keep it? I promise, I’ll love you forever.”

A sigh, a small smile, and a pinky promise.


[A/N] It's not actually inspired by the song Promise, but I really want them to perform it live again D: Anyways, I didn't really check it in detail so I hope there are no major mistakes :| Thanks for reading! Heh n_n

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yizhenzxc_ #1
Chapter 1: That's nice :) It was sweet... but I'm kinda curious what happened between TaeNy hehe... ^^
Chapter 1: That's pretty good. Short, simple and meaningful, exactly what a one-shot should be. Only my greedy side wants to know more about their relationship and the details of their history together.