Arriving in Korea

Our Mission

I now drive the boat:( for me because I hate water and every little thing scares me. I try to hide it so Amber doesn't make fun. She knows how to push my buttons. Still, I am sooo excited to arrive in Korea. More importantly, I'm excited about who we will see. I only been a VIP/blackjack for 6 months but i love them soo much it's unreal. I don't want to die without seeing big bang in person and I always get what I want. Amber knows. You think we're completely crazy huh? Well we know we are. I just love big bang sooo much. My obsession with kpop started with on demand. I found KARA than I went online and soon discovered 2ne1 than big bang<3 I like alot of other groups but none interest me like big bang and 2ne1. Before I know it we arrive. "Finally!" Amber exclaims. I grin as I pull up on shore. We quickly get out and start walking casually, knowing this must be illegal. We soon find a car rental place. With my mom's,um, "borrowed" korean money I buy a black convertible.Amber and I get in and drive off.

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Sandara28Park #1
Chapter 11: Doo dong~~~~
Sandara28Park #2
Chapter 7: UPDATE!!!!
JayChon #3
Chapter 7: Continue sooon. Your funny;)
Sandara28Park #4
Chapter 3: That's the shortest chapter I've ever read in my life. No not really
Sandara28Park #5
Chapter 1: Cool story I thought you'd never start it lol