Meeting Siwon

My Ideal Man


Going to the school in a hurry, Donghae and Yoona went in the school late.

In the classroom..

“Oh, Im Yoon-Ah, why are you late? We are in the middle of the class! Sit down!” the Mr. Kim said angrily.

“Sorry Sir, This will never be repeated” Yoona said then she bowed in front of the class. And the whole class laughed at her and she feel shy while going to her seat.

“Ok, let’s check your homework.” Said Mr. Kim

When she opened her book, good for her that she remembered that she have an assignment because all knew that Mr. Kim was strict in case of assignment. While checking, Mr. Kim is taking a tour, looking if someone has no assignment. In just 5 minutes of tour, Mr. Kim saw Yoona’s classmate named Seo Yoo Jin that has no assignment.

“Go outside and stand ‘till I leave!!” Mr. Kim said angrily.

Yoona took a deep breath and said, “Hoo!”

Then Yoo-Jin went outside and Yoona’s worried for her.

In 1 hour and 40 minutes, Mr. Kim left the classroom and Yoo-Jin came back into class. Then Yoona go to her and said, “Yoo-Jin, are you okay? Are you hurt?”. “Aniyo, I’m okay. Nothing hurts.” Yoo-Jin replied and Yoona smiled.

When the bell rang….

Yoona, Donghae and Yoo-Jin went together in the canteen to eat lunch.

In the canteen, bringing many books, someone accidentally hit Yoona’s shoulder which cause he books to fell on the ground.

“Oh you.. Aish! Are you looking in the right way?” and then she turned around and she saw Siwon in front of her. Siwon is a rich and popular student in that school. “Oh, I’m sorry I think I’m the one who did wrong.” Yoona said shamefully and Donghae and Yoo-Jin was shocked.

~Yoona’s pov~

While eating, I told Donghae that I have feelings for Siwon. But I noticed that he’s shocked.. Is there something happened? Ahh, never mind.

After eating, the bell rang again, I go in my classroom to study while the teacher’s not there.

~End of Yoona’s pov~

~Siwon’s pov~

Is that Im Yoon-Ah from Section B? hhahaha.. I think she have a crush on me. This is my turn to play! I’ll make her life like a playground. Ahahahah!

After my class, I saw again Yoona. I smiled at her and she blushed! I go to her and said, “Hi Yoona! How’s your day? Can we go home together?” “Sorry, But I have already a companion, maybe next time..” She told me.

~End of Siwon’s pov~

In Yoona’s house..

“Omma! I have a crush already! His name is Choi Si Won! He’s my ideal man! And before, he forced-like me to go home together, but I said that maybe next time because I’m speechless in front of him” Yoona said to her omma.

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nhinia #1
Chapter 6: keep updated pplease...