Yoona's Diary

My Ideal Man


Yoona has a diary. She wants that the man that he loved has the personality that is written on her diary.

*inside Yoona’s diary*

My Ideal Man:

1.       Must be smart

2.       Must be rich

3.       Handsome

4.       Good in sports

5.       Have good manners

She wrote it with her best-friend named Lee Dong Hae aka Donghae. They are childhood friends, their parents are close and friends.

They are studying in Dongguk University, majoring theater and music. She treated Donghae as her older brother so she is calling him “oppa”. But she didn’t know that Donghae secretly had a crush on her. But he didn’t told Yoona his feelings.

1 week later,

~Yoona’s pov~

Someone texted me while I’m playing on my cellphone.

*message* Someone will have a crush on you but you won’t believe him. Ahahaha. Joke!

And then I remembered that I must ask Oppa. “Oppa! Can you tell me who’s your crush? Pleeeaasse?”

But he didn’t tell me and he just change the topic.

 Oh! I forgot! I must go early in the school. And also, I have an assignments in Math, English, and Social Studies! Waah! Why didn’t I remember that?! And I look in my watch, it’s 5:30 A.M. (but I must go there in 6:15 a.m with Donghae.) while me and Donghae are in a caffe. Good for now it’s too early, but I must do it faster! “Oppa! We must go now! Hurry!” and me and Donghae went home for 25 minutes.

*After 30 minutes (6:00 a.m)* I ate my breakfast, I took a bath and I’m now wearing a uniform.. “Omma! Donghae and I will leave now! I’ll just lock the gate!”

~End of Yoona’s pov~

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nhinia #1
Chapter 6: keep updated pplease...